1.Correct scientific approaches are one of essential factors of the implementation of a scientific outlook on development.正确的科学方法是贯彻落实科学发展观的必不可少的要素,也是使科学发展观成为推进我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设必须长期坚持的指导方针的重要保证。

1.Enforcing the Working Idea of the Three Firmly Grasped Objects and the One Establishment Combining with Practice;结合实际贯彻落实“三抓一创”工作思路
2.It is their duties to carry out this programme .其职责就是贯彻落实这一计划。
3.A correct organizational line guarantees that a political line will be put into effect.组织路线是保证政治路线贯彻落实的。
4.Carrying out of Red Tourism and Implement of Scientific Development Concept;开展红色旅游与贯彻落实科学发展观
5.Implementation Realization Science Development View to Impetus Institute Big Development;贯彻落实科学发展观,推动学院大发展
6.On the adoption of the scientific development and the construction of the harmonious enterprises;贯彻落实科学发展 努力构建企业和谐
7.Insisting on the People-based Concept to Implement the Scientific Outlook on Development;坚持以人为本 贯彻落实科学发展观
8.Some Thinking on How to Well Carry Forward the Scientific Concept of Development;关于贯彻落实科学发展观的几点认识
9.Implementing the Guiding Principles of "Decision" and Promoting Development of Geological Prospecting Industry;贯彻落实《决定》 促进地勘经济发展
10.To Carry out Scientific Development Concept for Construction of Harmonious Campus;贯彻落实科学发展观 构建和谐校园
11.Reflections on the Scientific Development Ideal at China s Higher Education Institutions;关于高校贯彻落实科学发展观的思考
12.Security Mechanism in Carrying out the View of Scientific Development;简论贯彻落实科学发展观的保障机制
13.Implementing the Guidelines of "Decision"to Accelerate the Development of Geological Prospecting Units;贯彻落实《决定》精神 加快地勘单位发展
14.How to Follow Bidding Principles;规范招标行为 贯彻落实招投标原则
15.Enhancing morality education in the process of implementing the outline;贯彻落实《纲要》,构建学校德育“立交桥”
16.Implementing to Govern with Morality and Enhancing Civism Construction;贯彻落实以德治国 加强公民道德建设
17.Carrying out "Running the State with Morals" andStrengthening the Construction of Moral Education;贯彻落实“以德治国” 加强高校德育工作
18.Implementing "the Thought of Three Representations" Is Premised on Strengthening "Five Awareness;贯彻落实“三个代表”必须强化“五种意识”

1.The paper puts an emphasis on how the society will play its role in implementing the "Decision" from the following aspects: energetically publicize investigate and study the key contents and major issues involving in " Decision";sum up the experience of the reform and development of geological institutions;and the situation about carrying out the .能否贯彻落实好《国务院关于加强地质工作的决定》是地质工作能否得以加强的首要任务,中国地质矿产经济学会一定要在加大宣传,开展《决定》重点内容、重大问题的调查与研究,总结地勘单位改革与发展经验以及贯彻落实《决定》措施执行情况等方面充分发挥桥梁纽带作用。
2.In order to implement scientific development outlook we should change ulteriouly mode of economic growth to develop circle economy;change ulteriouly economic system to assure balanceable development of economy and society;chang government function to handle correctly the relation of government and market;establish proper outlook of achievement.要认真贯彻落实科学发展观,必须进一步转变经济增长方式,发展循环经济;进一步转变经济体制,保证经济社会协调发展;必须转变政府职能,正确处理好政府和市场的关系;树立正确的政绩观。
3.Colleges and Universities,aiming to developing senior professionals with innovative spirits and practical abilities,must give first priority to ideological education,take specific measures and implement the gist of the 16th National Congress of the CPC in institutional construction,"TWO Courses" education and campus culture construction.肩负“培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才”[1] 的高等学校 ,必须把人才培养的思想政治教育工作摆在首位 ,制定具体措施 ,在制度建设、“两课”教育和校园文化建设诸方面全面贯彻落实党的十六大精
3)carry out贯彻落实
1.The essential thought of "Three Represents" is the outcome keeping the pace with the Third Leading Group of CPC,whose anchoring point is the practice of the modern construction of socialism; we must perceive and grasp the essence of "Three Represents" from the practice,and carry out it thoroughly in the practice.“三个代表”重要思想是中国共产党第三代领导集体与时俱进的产物 ;“三个代表”重要思想的落脚点是社会主义现代化建设的实践 ;我们必须从实践的高度深刻领会和理解“三个代表” ,在实践中全面贯彻落实“三个代表”。
4)carrying out and putting into practice学习贯彻落实
5)carry out完成;落实;贯彻;实现;执行
1.The popularization of regional national autonomy law, the construction of the counter rules and regulations, and the monitoring of the implementation should be intensified, which can ensure the implementation of all items of the law and accelerate the economic and social development in .要加强民族区域自治法的宣传教育,加强配套法规建设,加强对贯彻实施的监督,保证民族区域自治法的各项规定落到实处,加快民族自治地方经济社会发展。
2.The work idea,path,requirementand policy of standard implementation were discussed in products of manufacturing industry.对应用标准信息化,在制造业型号产品上贯彻实施标准的工作思路、途径、要求和对策进行了探讨。
