附保护第三人作用合同,Contract with protective effects towards third parties
1)Contract with protective effects towards third parties附保护第三人作用合同
1.In order to strengthen the legal protect of third parties, "Contract with protective effects towards third parties" is created by the judgment in Gennan.为了加强对第三人的法律救济,德国判例创设了附保护第三人作用合同

1.The research of the Contract with Protective Effects Towards Third Parties --A discussion about the legal basis of the Construct Contract with effects towards third parties;附保护第三人作用合同研究——兼论建设工程施工合同对第三人效力的法理依据
2.Modern Development of Contracts' Relativity Principle:the Contract with the Collateral Third Party合同相对性原则的现代发展——论附保护第三人作用的契约
3.Subordinated Obligation and Contract Protecting the Third Party;附随义务与合同对第三人的保护效力
4.A Talk on the “Third Patry”Characters of the Contract with Addifional Protection for the Third Party;试论附保护第三人作用之契约中“第三人”的特性
5.Value and Transplant of "Contract with Tying Effect on Protecting a Third Party";附保护第三人作用契约的制度价值与制度移植
6.A third function of form is to protect the weaker party to the transaction by giving him a written statement of its terms.格式的第三作用,是通过提供合同条款的书面声明来保护交易中弱的一方。
7.Article 3 The present Standards shall apply to the reinsurance contracts issued and held by insurers.第三条本准则适用于保险人签发、持有的再保险合同。
8.Understanding and Application of The Third Party in Article 121 of Contract Law《合同法》第121条中“第三人”的理解与适用
9.Chapter III Copyright Licensing Contracts第三章 著作权许可使用合同
10.On Protection of the Employers'Interests in Labor Contract Law《劳动合同法》中用人单位利益的保护
11.The Third Party in Article 218 of the CMC and Marine Liability Insurance Contract;论《海商法》218条第三人与海上责任保险合同
12.Article 13 Where a work is created jointly by two or more co-authors, the copyright in the work shall be enjoyed jointly by those co-authors.第十三条 两人以上合作创作的作品,著作权由合作作者共同享有。
13.Chapter Three Forest Protection             第三章 森林保护
14.Contract for the Third Party's Benefit为第三人利益的合同
15.A surety agogohip contract in writing.第十三条保证人与债权人应当以书面形式订立保证合同。
16.Probe into the Applicability of the Unfavorable Interpretation Principle in the Insurance Contract--Comments on the 31st Clause of Insurance Law;关于不利解释原则在保险合同中适用的探讨——评《保险法》第三十一条
17.On the Law Application of Work Injury Insurance and Rights Violation of Third Party论工伤保险与第三人侵权竞合的法律适用
18.Article 3 To cherish and give a rational use to the land as well as to give a true protection to the cultivated land are seen as a basic principle of land use in the country.第三条 十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地是我国的基本国策。

auxiliary contract for protecting the right of the third party附保护第三人作用的合同
3)contract with tying effect on protecting a third party附保护第三人作用契约
4)Third Party Incidental Protecting Contracts附保护第三人作用的契约
1.Since its birth in German,the Third Party Incidental Protecting Contracts have been developing and flourished in the cases and theories in German.自德国产生“附保护第三人作用的契约”以来,其在德国的判例与学说中不断发展、繁荣。
5)the protection of contract to the third party契约附带保护第三人作用
6)contract with additional protection for the third party附保护第三人作用之契约
1.Whether the contract with additional protection for the third party in German law or warranty liability of the third party with interest in UCC, they both enlarge protection for the third party, which contributes to new development in the protection for the third party.无论是德国法上的附保护第三人作用之契约还是美国商法典中的利益第三人担保责任,都扩大了契约对第三人的保护效力,从而使契约对第三人的保护问题有了新的发展。
