1.Studies on the relation between coagulative property and basicity of polyaluminium chloride;聚合氯化铝的盐基度与混凝性能关系研究
2.The polymerization and basicity of polyferric aqueous solution;聚铁溶液的聚合与盐基度
3.Analysis and discussion of the basicity of polyaluminium chloride;聚合氯化铝盐基度分析探讨
2)alkalization degree盐基度
1.Study on factors effecting alkalization degree of polymerized ferric sulphate;聚合硫酸铁盐基度影响因素研究
2.In the preparation of H_2O_2 direct oxidizing PFS,the major factors effecting alkalization degree of the polymerized ferric sulphate(PFS) were investigated.进行双氧水直接氧化法制备聚合硫酸铁的实验,研究反应温度、反应时间、硫酸根离子浓度与三价铁离子浓度的比、总铁浓度和静置熟化时间等对聚合硫酸铁盐基度的影响。
3.The effects on the product alkalization degree by adding the assistflocculant in the preparation process of polymerized ferric sulphate were studied.考察了助聚剂的种类、用量、反应温度以及存放时间等因素对聚铁溶液制备时产品盐基度的影响 ,得到较佳的条件。
3)Alkalinity degree盐基度
1.The results indicate that the large molecular weight PFS can be synthesized in normal temperature and normal pressure, The alkalinity degree of the novel PFS is 12.结果表明 ,在常温常压条件下能生成高分子量的聚合硫酸铁产品 ,试验表明产品的混凝脱色性能良好 ,盐基度在 1 2 。
4)alkalized degree盐基度
1.The technology of producing poly-ferric sulfate with NOx+O_2 oxidizing catalytically ferrisulfas has been introduced,and the experiment of technological condition has been done,which gained the opti- mal technological condition and the experiment of the interrelationship between alkalized degree and floccu- lation has been made.介绍了NOx+O_2催化氧化二价铁制备聚合硫酸铁的新工艺,对该工艺条件进行了试验,得出最佳工艺条件;并对产品的絮凝性能以及与盐基度的关系进行研究,结果表明本工艺制得聚合硫酸铁絮凝效果好,在一定程度上可与聚丙酰胺相媲美,还得出其盐基度并非是愈高愈好,盐基度以16%左右为宜的结论。
2.The preparation method of a superclean polyalumimum chloride (SPAC) aqueous solution was invented and reported firstly in detail, Then, its pH value, total dissolved aluminum concentration and alkalized degree were theoretically estimated and experimentally analysed.介绍了一种超纯聚合氯化铝的制备方法 ,对其 p H值、铝含量和盐基度进行了定量分析和检测。
3.The pH values and alkalized degrees were analyzed and estimated for polyferric aqueous solution, then the limit pH values and limit alkalified degrees with different total dissolved ferric concentrations were given.对聚铁溶液进行 p H值和盐基度的分析和估算 ,给出了聚铁溶液的极限 p H值和极限盐基度与总溶解铁浓度的关系曲线。
1.The paper introduces the methods of making polydroxy Aluminium chloride from coal gangue, and also studies the optimal process for acid dipping and salinity regulation.介绍了用煤矸石制取聚羟基氯化铝的方法,研究了酸浸、调整盐基度等过程的最佳工艺过程。
6)base saturation盐基饱和度
1.The result s showed that,the islets soil and red earth of Zhejiang were distinct, the main clay minerals were illies,higher base saturation and pH,the main base ion were Ca+{2+} and Mg+{2+},higher ba value, Bt value 0.浙江省海岛尽管处在亚热带红壤基带内 ,但由于海洋环境对海岛的独特影响 ,使海岛土壤成土作用出现与同纬度的大陆红壤有明显的差异性 :即表现出具有盐基饱和度高、pH值较高、盐基离子以钙、镁离子为优势的组合、粘粒矿物以伊利石为主、风化淋溶系数较大等特征 。
2.Latosol was treated with various soil amendments,and one year after the field trial it was determined in terms of soil cation exchange capacity,effective cation exchange capacity,soil exchangeable base-cation concentrations and base saturation to observe the effect of different soil amendments application on the latosol exchangeable property.对砖红壤施用不同的改良剂,进行1a的大田试验后,测定土壤的阳离子交换量、有效阳离子交换量、盐基离子总量以及盐基饱和度来研究不同土壤改良剂对酸性土壤交换性能的影响。

1.effect of degree of base saturatio土壤盐基饱和度效应
2.The central concept of Alfisols is that of soils that have an argillic, a kandic, or a nitric horizon and a base saturation of 35% or greater.淋溶土的主要特性是有粘化层,高岭层或氮化层和盐基饱和度达35%或以上。
3.Water saturated with or containing large amounts of a salt, especially of sodium chloride.浓盐水盐浓度饱和的水或含大量盐的水,尤指氯化钠含量
4.Effects of Unsaturation of Thylakoid Membrane on Salt Tolerance in Tomato Plants;类囊体膜脂不饱和度对番茄耐盐性的影响
5.High Density Saturated Saltwater Drilling Fluid with Oil for Horizontal Well KL2-H1.KL2-H1水平井高密度饱和盐水混油钻井液技术
6.saturation value饱和值,饱和度数值(颜色)
7.Effects of Increase of Unsaturation of Fatty Acids on Salt and Cold Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis Thaliana脂肪酸不饱和度的增加对转基因拟南芥植株生理及抗盐抗低温的影响
8.Construction Technology on Saturated Silt(saliferous) Ground Treatment by Using Dynamic Compaction Gravel Pile强夯碎石桩法处理饱和粉土含盐地基施工技术
9.Coupled Modeling and Controlling of Water and Salt Transport in the Unsaturated-saturated Zone in an Arid Salinization Region干旱盐渍区非饱和—饱和带水盐耦合模拟与调控
11.Development of Blood Oxygen Saturation Measure Instrument Based on ARM Technology;基于ARM的血氧饱和度测量仪研制
12.Research and Development Oxygen Saturation Detecting Apparatus Based on ARM Processor;基于ARM的血氧饱和度检测仪的研究
13.Irreducible water saturation determination based on centrifugal test data基于离心试验数据确定束缚水饱和度
14.Two-dimensional Model Based on Region Saturation for Application Layer Multicast基于域饱和度的二维应用层多播模型
15."AB,PaO2,SatO2, X-ray film of the chest showed discrete, scattered, patchy shadows all over Both lungs.""实际碳酸氢盐,氧分压,氧饱和度. 胸片示:两肺满布散在片状阴影"
16.Effect of the Imidazoline Concentration on the Inhibitor Film in Salt Solution with Saturated CO_2缓蚀剂浓度对饱和CO_2盐溶液中咪唑啉缓蚀剂膜的影响
17.Solubility and Corrosion Rates of Solid Electrolyte in Cryolite Molten Salt固体电解质在冰晶石熔盐中饱和溶解度及电解腐蚀率测定
18.Galvanic Corrosion Behaviors of Inconel 718-P110SS Couple in Brine Saturated with CO_2饱和CO_2盐溶液中镍基合金和碳钢的电偶腐蚀行为

alkalization degree盐基度
1.Study on factors effecting alkalization degree of polymerized ferric sulphate;聚合硫酸铁盐基度影响因素研究
2.In the preparation of H_2O_2 direct oxidizing PFS,the major factors effecting alkalization degree of the polymerized ferric sulphate(PFS) were investigated.进行双氧水直接氧化法制备聚合硫酸铁的实验,研究反应温度、反应时间、硫酸根离子浓度与三价铁离子浓度的比、总铁浓度和静置熟化时间等对聚合硫酸铁盐基度的影响。
3.The effects on the product alkalization degree by adding the assistflocculant in the preparation process of polymerized ferric sulphate were studied.考察了助聚剂的种类、用量、反应温度以及存放时间等因素对聚铁溶液制备时产品盐基度的影响 ,得到较佳的条件。
3)Alkalinity degree盐基度
1.The results indicate that the large molecular weight PFS can be synthesized in normal temperature and normal pressure, The alkalinity degree of the novel PFS is 12.结果表明 ,在常温常压条件下能生成高分子量的聚合硫酸铁产品 ,试验表明产品的混凝脱色性能良好 ,盐基度在 1 2 。
4)alkalized degree盐基度
1.The technology of producing poly-ferric sulfate with NOx+O_2 oxidizing catalytically ferrisulfas has been introduced,and the experiment of technological condition has been done,which gained the opti- mal technological condition and the experiment of the interrelationship between alkalized degree and floccu- lation has been made.介绍了NOx+O_2催化氧化二价铁制备聚合硫酸铁的新工艺,对该工艺条件进行了试验,得出最佳工艺条件;并对产品的絮凝性能以及与盐基度的关系进行研究,结果表明本工艺制得聚合硫酸铁絮凝效果好,在一定程度上可与聚丙酰胺相媲美,还得出其盐基度并非是愈高愈好,盐基度以16%左右为宜的结论。
2.The preparation method of a superclean polyalumimum chloride (SPAC) aqueous solution was invented and reported firstly in detail, Then, its pH value, total dissolved aluminum concentration and alkalized degree were theoretically estimated and experimentally analysed.介绍了一种超纯聚合氯化铝的制备方法 ,对其 p H值、铝含量和盐基度进行了定量分析和检测。
3.The pH values and alkalized degrees were analyzed and estimated for polyferric aqueous solution, then the limit pH values and limit alkalified degrees with different total dissolved ferric concentrations were given.对聚铁溶液进行 p H值和盐基度的分析和估算 ,给出了聚铁溶液的极限 p H值和极限盐基度与总溶解铁浓度的关系曲线。
1.The paper introduces the methods of making polydroxy Aluminium chloride from coal gangue, and also studies the optimal process for acid dipping and salinity regulation.介绍了用煤矸石制取聚羟基氯化铝的方法,研究了酸浸、调整盐基度等过程的最佳工艺过程。
6)base saturation盐基饱和度
1.The result s showed that,the islets soil and red earth of Zhejiang were distinct, the main clay minerals were illies,higher base saturation and pH,the main base ion were Ca+{2+} and Mg+{2+},higher ba value, Bt value 0.浙江省海岛尽管处在亚热带红壤基带内 ,但由于海洋环境对海岛的独特影响 ,使海岛土壤成土作用出现与同纬度的大陆红壤有明显的差异性 :即表现出具有盐基饱和度高、pH值较高、盐基离子以钙、镁离子为优势的组合、粘粒矿物以伊利石为主、风化淋溶系数较大等特征 。
2.Latosol was treated with various soil amendments,and one year after the field trial it was determined in terms of soil cation exchange capacity,effective cation exchange capacity,soil exchangeable base-cation concentrations and base saturation to observe the effect of different soil amendments application on the latosol exchangeable property.对砖红壤施用不同的改良剂,进行1a的大田试验后,测定土壤的阳离子交换量、有效阳离子交换量、盐基离子总量以及盐基饱和度来研究不同土壤改良剂对酸性土壤交换性能的影响。
