1.Discussion of the additionality of DSM emission reductions based on CDM;基于清洁发展机制的需求侧管理减排量的额外性探讨
2.The application of baseline methodology to project design is recommended,as well as the emission reduction calculation and additionality issues.结合江苏国电泰州超超临界发电工程CDM项目开发的实践,论述了超超临界发电工程CDM项目识别的要求,论证了项目设计中基准线方法学的应用、减排量的计算以及额外性问题。
3.This paper reviews the development of CDM, including the win-win characteristic of CDM,the CDM project cycles, and the state-of-the-art of the baseline and the additionality of the CDM The review is helpful for us to compre.介绍了清洁发展机制的发展形成、清洁发展机制的双赢性、清洁发展机制的项目周期以及清洁发展机制的基准线和额外性的研究现状,有助于我们对于清洁发展机制的进一步了解。
2)extra magnetism额外磁性
3)Extra magnetic coupling额外磁性耦合
1.This large TCR should result from lattice distortions and extra magnetic coupling induced by Dy~(3+) ions.体系出现大的TCR,来源于Dy掺杂引起的晶格畸变和额外磁性耦合。

1.extra pay for extra work额外工作的额外报酬
2.additional amount for unexpired risk未过期风险的额外款额
3.additional dependent parent allowance供养父母额外免税额
4.additional expenses;additional cost;charge extra额外费用(会计学)
5.additional dependent grandparent allowance供养祖父母或外祖父母额外免税额
6.To add(an extra thing or amount)with no additional charge.外加,额外奉送无偿地加入(额外的东西或数量)
7.To give a discount for or to add an extra sum to cover something作为对某事补偿,给折或额外增加数额
8.The extra premium Incur be to be pay by the buyer .额外保险应由买方负担。
9.additional expense-strike罢工险额外费用保险
10.pieces damaged from extra work额外工作的损坏工件
11.We do not ask for extra pay.我们不要求额外报酬。
12.You have to pay extra for an express train.你搭快车必须额外付钱。
13.extraneous duties allowance (supplementary duties)额外职务津贴(附加职务)
14.Is there an extra nighttime charge?要额外付夜间费用吗?
15.contingency fund and additional expenditures应急基金和额外开支
16.How much extra do I have to pay?我必须额外多付多少?
17.The latter will, of course, involve extra expense.后者当然要付额外开支.
18.extraneous duties allowance (responsibility)额外职务津贴(责任)

extra magnetism额外磁性
3)Extra magnetic coupling额外磁性耦合
1.This large TCR should result from lattice distortions and extra magnetic coupling induced by Dy~(3+) ions.体系出现大的TCR,来源于Dy掺杂引起的晶格畸变和额外磁性耦合。
6)additional allowance额外免税额
