1.Research of integrating wet sludge drying with combustion in circulating fluidized bed;湿污泥循环流化床干化焚烧一体化研究
2.The feasibility of two technologies of making haydite by sintering municipal sewage sludge("wet processing sintering" and "drying-sintering") was studied.通过试验比较了“湿法造粒-烧结”和“干化-烧结”两种利用城市生活污泥烧结制陶粒的工艺流程可行性,分析了工艺流程和原料配比对污泥陶粒的产品强度、吸水率和表观密度等性能指标的影响,实验结果表明:“湿法造粒-烧结”工艺产品不能达到陶粒产品的强度和吸水率要求,污泥“干化-烧结”工艺能够得到合格的产品,且不会造成二次污染,综合考虑产品性能与经济性,“干化-烧结”工艺适宜的物料配比:干污泥50%,添加剂A30%~40%,添加剂B10%~20%。
3.The feasibility of using two technologies "wet processing sintering" and "drying-sintering" to sinter municipal sewage sludge for manufacturing haydite was investigated experimentally.通过试验考察了利用城市污水厂污泥采用“湿法造粒—烧结”和“干化—烧结”两种工艺,烧结制陶粒的可行性,并分析了工艺路线和原料配比对产品强度、吸水率和密度等性能指标的影响。

1.Impact of Climate Warming and Drying on Hot-arid Wind in Northern China气候暖干化对中国北方干热风的影响
2.chemical dehydrator化学干燥剂化学干燥器
3.noncoking coal非焦化煤, 干烧煤
4.make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化
5.A streambed, often dry according to the season.干河谷随季节变化通常干涸的河谷
6.New Methods for Purification and Freeze-drying of Recombinant Human Interferon α2b;重组人干扰素α2b的纯化和冻干新方法
7.orange chocolate wafer桔子巧克力威化饼干
8.chocolate wafer cream奶油七克力威化饼干
9.carboloy dioxide ice干冰、固态二氧化碳
10.At high pressure dry ice will melt.高压下干冰会溶化。
11.Dry Ice (carbon dioxide)干冰(固体二氧化碳)
12.dry-matter digestibility of a feed饲料干物质表观消化率
13.dry chemical automatic type extinguisher化学干粉(自动式)灭火器
14.computerized spraying and drying machine计算机化喷浆干燥机
15.vibrating fluidized bed dryer振动式流化床干燥器
16.spray dried microspheroidal catalyst喷雾干燥微球催化剂
17.The granules are sized, dried.硝化棉球过筛,干燥。
18.CO^2 laser interferometer二氧化碳激光干涉仪

1.The effect of desiccation on embryoid preversation of grape (Vitis vinifera) cv ‘Sinsaut’ was studied.研究干化对酿酒葡萄品种‘神索’体细胞胚保存效应的结果表明,葡萄体细胞胚失水量在40%~50%之间的萌发率较高,达58%左右,比未经干化的萌发率高9。
2.It was showed that supplementation 50 g/L PEG (Polyethylene glycol) to the differential medium could produce great effects on somatic embryogenesis and the germination frequency of somatic embryos was also improved a lot by desiccation treatment.为建立白木千体细胞胚胎发生及其植株再生的高频率实验系统 ,对聚乙二醇及干化处理的影响进行了系统研究。
3.The effects of desiccation on the preservation of the somatic embryo from wine grapevine Sinsaut were studied.以酿酒葡萄品种"神索"的体细胞胚为试验材料,研究了干化对体细胞胚的保存效应。
1.Two technologies of sintering municipal sewage sludge for manufacturing haydite ("wet process granulation-sintering" and "anhydration-sintering") were studied.通过试验比较了“湿法造粒-烧结”和“干化-烧结”2种利用城市生活污泥烧结制陶粒的工艺路线。
4)explosion puffing drying膨化干燥
1.Review on explosion puffing drying by modified temperature and pressure for Hami-melon;哈密瓜变温压差膨化干燥技术研究进展
2.Review on explosion puffing drying for fruits and vegetables at variable temperature and pressure difference;果蔬变温压差膨化干燥技术研究进展
3.Using the technology of explosion puffing drying for Hami-melon at modified temperature and pressure, the effect of water content after pre-drying, puffing temperature, vacuum drying temperature and time, residence time and preesure difference on degree of water content after puffing, crispness, bulk density and color were analyzed.采用变温压差膨化干燥技术,探讨预干燥后水分含量、膨化温度、抽空温度、抽空时间、停滞时间和压力差等因素对哈密瓜脆片产品的水分含量、脆度、膨化度和色泽的影响。
5)sludge drying污泥干化
1.General research about how to chose the coagulations and decolorants of printing and dyeing wastewater and the sludge drying;印染废水混凝脱色药剂的选择与污泥干化的综合研究
2.The research progress of sludge drying equipment,common drying process types and their working principle at home and abroad were introduced.介绍了国内外污泥干化设备的研究进展、常用工艺类型及其工作原理,分析了各种工艺设备的优、缺点及技术难点,归纳总结了污泥干燥设备选型和开发过程中的关键技术点。
3.The sludge drying device with rotor drum which uses coal powders as fuel is the main technique in the new design, and the dried sludge can be used as substituted fuel in cement plant.介绍了对天津市东部污水处理厂脱水污泥进行干化、资源化的处理处置措施,设计采用以煤粉为燃料的转鼓污泥干化设备进行污泥干化,并以干化污泥作为水泥厂的替代燃料,力求因地制宜地解决天津市日益严重的污泥出路问题。
6)dry ashing干法灰化
1.In the present experiment,most plant samples ashed by conventional dry ashing were solved completely when ascorbic was added.在常规的干法灰化中,采用Vc助溶,大多数植物样品都能获得清亮的待测溶液。
2.A method has been studied for the determination of cadmium in arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr flour by dry ashing-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry(GFAAS) method, and the optimum condition of determination by GFAAS was studied.研究建立干法灰化消化样品,石墨炉原子吸收光谱法检测桄榔粉中痕量镉的方法;并对石墨炉原子吸收光谱法的测定条件进行优化。
3.By dry ashing instead of wet digestion,the interference of pH and perchlorate were resolved.182-2003中样品处理方法做了改进,用干法灰化代替湿法消解,解决了国标方法中由于pH值和高氯酸对显色反应的影响造成检测结果不准确的问题。
