1.Research on the Autoxidation Oscillating Reaction of Aldehydes;醛类自氧化振荡反应动力学的研究
2.The changes of hydroperoxide content with the autoxidation temperature and time were investigated,and the effects of copper on the autoxidation of the fuels at 100,120 and 140 ℃ were also studied.采用加速热氧化的方法,于100~180℃,测定了2种吸热型碳氢燃料(ZH-100和JP-10)自氧化过程中生成氢过氧化物的浓度,考察了氢过氧化物的浓度随温度、氧化时间的变化。
3.The process of autoxidation of rosin from slash pine was studied and compared with that of rosin from masson pine.研究了湿地松松香的自氧化过程,与马尾松松香的自氧化进行比较,并利用气相色谱对二者的自氧化产物进行了分析,阐述它们在自氧化反应前后树脂酸的变化情况。

1.Measurement of the antioxidant activity by pyrogallol autoxidation邻苯三酚自氧化法测定抗氧化活性的方法研究
2.Determination of Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Blood by method of Pyrograllol Autoxidation邻苯三酚自氧化法测定血中超氧化物歧化酶的活性
3.Can be used to assay SOD activity by means of pyrogallol oxidation?邻苯三酚自氧化法适于测定SOD活性吗?
4.The NO oxidation is autocatalytic.NO氧化是自动催化的。
5.Oxidation Susceptibility of Hydroxyl Radical during Ozonation;臭氧氧化过程中羟基自由基的氧化性能的研究
7.Experimental Study on Performance That Carbon Dioxide Inhibits Coal Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion;二氧化碳抑制煤炭氧化自燃性能的实验研究
8.The Application of Free Enthalpy-Oxidation Diagram In Inorganic Chemistry;无机化学中自由焓——氧化态图的应用
9.Chemistry of free radical oxidative damage to DNA;自由基引起DNA氧化性损伤的化学本质
10.A/O Oxidation Ditch Sewage Treatment Process and Automation ControlA/O氧化沟污水处理工艺及自动化控制
11.Diaryl nitroxides are even more stable than the dialkyl nitroxides.二芳基氮氧化物自由基比二烷基氮氧化物自由基还要稳定。
12.Synthesis of Ceria Doped with Nitrogen from Plants and Origin of Oxygen Defects植物自掺杂氮二氧化铈的制备及其氧缺陷成因
13.Anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a one-step,completely autotrophic nitrogen removal system单级自养脱氮污泥的厌氧氨氧化代谢特征
14.Impacting factors of completely autotrophic nitrogen removal by coupling aerobic and anaerobic ammonium oxidation in granular sludge好氧与厌氧氨氧化复合颗粒污泥完全自营养脱氮影响因素
15.But these can be neutralised by antioxidants.而这些氧化化合物或自由基可以被抗氧化剂所中和。
16.Tin free, polishing anifouling composition with cuprous oxide.含氧化亚铜的无锡自抛光防污涂料。
17.self-cooling CO2 laser cosmetic therapeutic machine自冷式二氧化碳激光美容治疗机
18.self aligned gate mos自对准栅金属氧化物半导体

1.The auto-oxidation mechanism of pyrogallol was studied by single-sweep oscil- lopolarography.利用单扫示波极谱法研究了邻苯三酚的自氧化机理,依据多种电化学参数和紫外可见吸收光谱对主要极谱峰和吸收峰的变化规律作出合理解释,指出邻苯三酚自氧化过程中存在多种电子转移历程,单扫示波极谱法可直接监测半醌和醌等中间和最终产物的变化。
2.When the influent bromoamine acid concentration was above 200(mg·L~(-1)),the decolorization products of BAA were easy to undergo auto-oxidation and the yellow intermediate products which were difficult to biodegrade were formed.L-1时,其脱色产物继续曝气时极易发生自氧化而形成难以生物降解的黄色中间产物。
1.Investigation on the effects of quercetin self-oxidation on its super oxygen-anion free radical scavenging ability;槲皮素自氧化作用影响其超氧阴离子自由基清除能力的研究
2.Studies on the Scavenging Effect of Catechin on Superoxide Anion Free Radical and its Self-oxidation;儿茶素对超氧阴离子自由基的清除及其自氧化作用研究
3.In our country,the method of pyrogallol self-oxidation was used.目的 :超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)的测活方法很多 ,目前国内多采用连苯三酚自氧化法 ,本方法有两种 ,一种是经典的Marklund连苯三酚自氧化法 ,简称 42 0nm法 ;另一种是对 42 0nm法作了改进的微量连苯三酚自氧化法 ,简称 32 5nm法。
1.The effects of temperature and time on the autooxidation of hemp seed oil and the effect of antioxidants on antioxidation ability of hemp seed oil were studied by Schaal experiment according to POV of hemp seed oil.采用Schaal烘箱法,以过氧化值(POV)为指标,研究温度、时间对汉麻籽油自氧化过程的影响及添加抗氧化剂对汉麻籽油抗氧化性能的影响。
1.The effects of autoxidation and thermal degradation of lipids leading to the volatile components and the oxidation of lipid with unsaturated fatty acids on the formation of meat flavour were reviewed.综述了脂质自动氧化、热降解产生的挥发性物质及含有不饱和脂肪酸的脂质氧化在肉风味中的重要作用。
2.The autoxidation course is usually divided into four stages,the inducing stage is the mark of lipid oxidation stability.脂类的自动氧化是一个自由基连锁反应,诱导期中启动自由基的诱发剂可能是脂氧酶、光氧化,但多数为过渡金属离子。
3.In the presence of lecithin (+)-catechin autoxidation was slower than in the presence of Tween-20.本文通过高效液相色谱检测,研究了儿茶素在三种不同液相体系(对照系;吐温20-胶束体系;磷脂-脂质体乳化体系)中的自动氧化模式。
6)natural oxidation自然氧化
1.Al/Al2O3 and Cr/Cr2O3 nanofilms and multilayer nanofilms were prepared on glass substrates by way of thermal evaporative deposition followed by natural oxidation.用热蒸发沉积和自然氧化法制备纳米量级的Al/Al2O3及Cr/Cr2O3薄膜和多层膜。
2.Based on former work, Al/Al_2O_3 and Cr/Cr_2O_3 multilayers (4 ~ 7 bi-layer) were fabricated by vacuum thermal evaporation and natural oxidation on glass substrates.本文在本课题组以前工作的基础上,用加热蒸发和自然氧化方法,用纯铝、纯铬在玻璃基底上制备出4、5、6、7对层的金属/氧化物多层膜,纳米多层膜的总厚度从100nm到230nm;用硅制出各种半导体/氧化物(本征硅/氧化硅、P型硅/氧化硅、N型硅/氧化硅)多层膜。
