1.Effect of Pore Size Distribution on Air Electrode Performance of Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Concentrator;孔径分布对电化学CO_2浓缩器空气电极性能的影响
2.The application, abrasion especially material of concentrator vane for direct-flow bias burner of 670t/h boiler are analyzed, the forms of failure are determined to improve abrasion property of concentrator.对670t/h锅炉直流浓淡燃烧器浓缩器的使用情况及磨损,尤其是浓缩器叶片的材质进行了分析,研究确定了浓缩器叶片的失效形式,为提高浓缩器耐磨性提供了理论依据。
3.In this paper, the performances of louver concentrator were deeply studied by means of experiments.本文在以往试验基础上对百叶窗浓缩器进行了更加深入的试验研究,分析了百叶窗结构、气流等因素对浓缩器性能,即浓淡风比、阻力系数、浓缩率三个参数的影响,从而得到了优化的百叶窗结构。

1.ultra-short time film evaporotor离心式瞬时薄膜浓缩器
2.You can select the series comcentrator in technical parameters according to your concentration degree.贵厂可根据浓缩量大小,来选用系列浓缩器
3.The client can choose the various concentrator in accordance with the concentration content.贵厂可根据浓缩量大小,来选用技术参数中系列浓缩器
4.This concentrator was chosen as an example to illustrate the general methodology involved in Virus concentration.这种浓缩器被选作说明涉及浓缩病毒一般方法学的例子。
5.The concentrating ability of two types (i.e., brent and shutter) of pulverized coal concentrators was investigated and tested.对两种煤粉浓缩器丘体和百叶窗的浓缩能力进行了试验研究。
6.An increased oil content ensures t hat the electrostatic-induced viscosity perk occurs at a higher moisture level a nd at a grater distance from the dryer outlet in a vertical scraped surface evap orator.在水化油脚进入浓缩器前,添加油脂,可以使由静电引起的粘度高峰提前出现,并远离浓缩器出口。
7."Some evaporators are used to concentrate a solution by vaporizing and eliminating water (e.g., in a concentration plant for sugar and syrup)."有些蒸发器在食糖和糖浆等浓缩设备中,用于蒸除水分,浓缩溶液。
8.The concentrated solution withdrawn from the evaporator is known as the thick liquor.从蒸发器中排出的浓缩溶液,称为“稠液”。
9.laser based enrichment plants以激光器为基础的浓缩工厂
10.Study on Integrated Sludge Thickening and Digestion Reactor污泥浓缩消化一体化反应器试验研究
11.evaporating column【化】浓缩柱, 蒸浓柱
12.HEWC (Highly Enriched Waste Concentrates )高浓缩度废物浓缩物
13.To make(a solution or mixture) less dilute.浓缩浓缩(溶液或混合物)
14.glass jar (e.g., filtering, graduating, precipitating), for laboratory use玻璃容器(例如过滤的,浓缩的、沉淀的),实验室用
15.Study on the Three Phase Circulating Fluidized Bed Evaporator during Concentrating Rhubarb Liquid Extract;三相循环流化床蒸发器浓缩大黄浸提液的研究
16.Study on Sludge Thickening and Digestion Reactor (STDR) with Internal Circulation;新型内循环污泥浓缩消化反应器(STDR)研究
17.Research on integrated reactors for sludge thickening and digestion污泥同时浓缩消化新型反应器的开发研究
18.Study on integration of sludge thickening and digestion reactor浓缩消化一体化反应器处理污泥的试验研究

1.Air and airparticle experiments about louver enricher characteristics have been done on a 670t/h, cornerfired, pulverizedcoal fired boiler burning the bituminous coal.在1台采用中速磨正压直吹式制粉系统燃烟煤的670t/h直流煤粉锅炉上,对百叶窗浓缩器分离特性进行了单相及气固两相试验,得出了可动叶片倾角、弯管对浓缩器阻力、浓一次风份额、分离效率、浓缩率等参数的影响规律,为燃烟煤锅炉采用水平浓淡燃烧技术实现低NOx燃烧奠定了基础。
3)acid concentrator酸浓缩器
5)oxygen concentrator氧浓缩器
1.Design of Miniature Explosives Preconcentrator微型爆炸物预浓缩器设计

稀土浓缩蒸发器(甘肃稀土公司)稀土浓缩蒸发器(甘肃稀土公司) 稀土浓缩蒸发器(甘肃稀土公司)