1.The molecular biological methods which more rapid,easier,less expensive and high-throughput for dioxins and dioxins similar compounds testing and the future development of these rapid bio-analytical approach for dioxins were descried.本文着重介绍了能快速、简便、低廉及高通量检测二口恶英类化合物的分子生物学检测方法,为发展新的二口恶英生物检测法提供了依据。
2.The source of the representatives of POP(polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxin)in water and the contaminative status are summarized.以典型的POPs——多氯联苯及二口恶英为代表,综述了水体中POPs的来源及其造成的水污染状况,指出传统的污水处理技术难以去除水中的POPs,重点介绍了国内外利用外场(声、光、电等)辅助氧化技术降解水中低浓度POPs的研究进展,并分析了各种外场技术的优缺点,指出单膜微波降解技术是一种极具发展前景的新型水处理技术。
3.By comparison of products from pyrolysis and catalysis on chlorophenol, it is found that the pyrolysis will produce high toxic material, such as dioxins, but.以过渡金属钒和钼的氧化物制得蜂窝型催化剂,采用扫描电子显微镜对催化剂表面组成进行了分析,并研究了其对一氯苯酚、二氯苯酚、三氯苯酚氧化分解的催化活性,考察了反应温度、空间速度对氧化过程的影响,通过比较氯苯酚类物质热解和催化氧化分解的产物,表明热解会产生二口恶英等剧毒物质,而采用该种催化剂氧化时未检出二口恶英等剧毒有害物质。

1.Mechanism of PCDD/Fs formation from PAHs catalyzed by metal compounds金属化合物催化多环芳烃合成二口恶英的机理
2.In this paper, the properties, environmental behaviors, separation and analysis methods of some new types of dioxin-like aromatic halides are reviewed in detail.作者对部分新型二口恶英类卤代芳烃化合物的性质、境行为、离分析方法等进行了详细评述。
3.TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin)四氯二苯并-p-二恶英
4.dichloroquinoxaline dye二氯喹口恶啉染料(含二氯喹口恶啉活性基团的活性染料)
5.1999 Belgian dioxin chicken pollution affair1999年比利时二恶英鸡污染事件
6.Experimental Study on Removal of Dioxin-like Chemicals in Flue Gas烟气中二恶英类物质脱除的实验研究
7.Seasonal Variation、Loading and Sources of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the West River,South China西江二恶英的季节变化、通量及来源
8.Study on the Synthesis of 1, 3-Benzodioxoles and Dimethoxypropane;1,3-苯并二(口恶)茂及二甲氧基丙烷的合成研究
9.Preliminary Exploration on the Correlation of the Emission of Dioxin with that of Carbon Dioxide and GDP二恶英和二氧化碳排放量与GDP关系初探
10.Oral English Teaching in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges Based on a Discussion about PETS2 Oral Test;从PETS二级口试看高职英语口语教学
11.Experimental Study on the Effect of Pyrite on the Formation of Dioxins and the Emission of Dioxins in Medical Waste Incineration;硫铁矿影响二恶英生成的试验研究及医疗垃圾焚烧炉灰渣中二恶英分布特性
12.Treatment of Dioxin-contaminated Soils in Hong Kong Disneyland Infrastructure Construction Project香港迪士尼基建工程二恶英污染土处理技术
13.Study on the Reaction Performances and On-line Detecting of Dioxin Indicator;二恶英指示物的反应特性及其在线检测研究
14.Solid Phase Extraction-Binding Protection Mediated PCRassay for Detecting the Dioxin-like Chemicals in Environmental Samples;固相萃取—保护PCR法检测环境中二恶英类化合物
15.Evaluating Toxic Effects of PCDD/F by Using Fish Primary Cell Culture;利用草鱼原代肝细胞培养研究二恶英毒性效应
16.Prokaryotic Expression of Proteins Involved in the Dioxins Bioassay System;二恶英生物检测体系相关蛋白质的表达
17.The Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) Incineration and Dioxin Generation and Control;城市生活垃圾焚烧与二恶英的产生及控制
18.Research Progress of Dioxins Emission from Sintering Process and Its Formation Mechanism烧结过程中二恶英的排放和生成机理研究进展

1.The treatment situation of medical wastes in China is introduced,the mechanism of dioxins production and control measures in procedure of waste thermal treatment are analyzed,and the principle and advantages for treating medical wastes by pyrolysis and gasification,especially its inhibitory effect on the synthesis of dioxins are discussed.介绍了国内医疗垃圾的处理现状,分析了在垃圾的热处理过程中,二口恶英的产生机理和控制措施,论述了热解气化法处理医疗垃圾的原理、优点特别是对二口恶英的合成的抑制作用。
2.Sources and toxicity of dioxins were reviewed.综述二口恶英的来源、成因和危害 ,讨论前人在治理二口恶英方面所采用的热技术和非热技术及其存在的局限性。
3.In order to understand the effect of different metal compounds on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) formation from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),a series of experiments were conducted with different metal compounds as catalysts and acenaphthylene (AcPy) on a fixed-bed reactor.为研究飞灰中金属化合物催化多环芳烃合成二口恶英的机理,进行了不同催化剂和苊的燃烧试验,同时进行了X射线衍射试验(XRD)和热重试验(TGA)。
5)polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioins氯代二苯并二(口恶)(口英)
6)dioxin-like aromatic halides二口恶英类卤代芳烃
1.In this paper,the properties,environmental behaviors,separation and analysis methods of some new types of dioxin-like aromatic halides are reviewed in detail.作者对部分新型二口恶英类卤代芳烃化合物的性质、环境行为、分离分析方法等进行了详细评述。

触恶触恶 触恶   病名。即霍乱之俗名。《证治要诀》卷一:“霍乱之病,挥霍变乱,起于仓卒,与中恶相似,俗呼为触恶。”参见霍乱条。