UASB反应器,UASB reactor
1)UASB reactorUASB反应器
1.Practice of Modifying the Hydrolysis & Acidification Tank to UASB Reactor;将水解酸化池改造为UASB反应器的工艺实践
2.The settling characteristics and terminal velocity of granular sludge in UASB reactor;UASB反应器中颗粒污泥的沉降性能与终端沉降速度
3.Treatment of wastewater from starch production by UASB reactor;UASB反应器处理淀粉废水试验研究

1.The Study on Sludge Granulation in the Full-scale UASB Reactor;工业化UASB反应器污泥颗粒化技术研究
2.Characteristics of Start-up Period in UASB Reactor for Treating CMC WastewaterUASB反应器处理CMC废水的启动特性研究
3.Starting Characteristic of UASB Reactor by Adding Oyster Shell Powder牡蛎壳粉末投加UASB反应器的启动特性
4.Experimental study on high SO_4~(2-) and high COD_(Cr) pharmaceutical wastewater with UASBUASB反应器处理制药废水的研究
5.Study on the Reactive Black 5 Wastewater Treated with UASB ReactorUASB反应器处理活性黑KN-B废水的研究
6.Experimental Study on the Treatment of Potato Processing Wastewater by Using UASB ReactorUASB反应器处理马铃薯加工废水的研究
7.Experiment Research on Refined Cotton Wastewater Treatment by UASB ReactorUASB反应器处理精制棉废水的试验研究
8.Effluent recirculation control of VC wastewater treatment by UASB reactorUASB反应器处理VC废水的出水回流调控
9.The Study on Startup of Pilot-Scale UASB Reactors Treating Wastewater from Natural Gas Purification;UASB反应器处理天然气净化废水启动试验研究
10.Study on the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed for Juice Produts on Wastewater;UASB反应器处理果汁生产废水的试验研究
11.Degradation of Phenol with UASB Reactor at Ambient Temperature;常温条件下UASB反应器对苯酚的降解研究
12.Degradation of Phenol with UASB Reactor at Thermophilic Temperature;高温条件下UASB反应器对苯酚的降解研究
13.Investigation on Start Up Quickly of Full-scale UASB Reactor for Treating Starch Starch Wastewater;生产性UASB反应器处理淀粉废水的快速启动研究
14.Start-Ups of UASB Reactors and Characters of Anaerobic Granular Sludge;UASB反应器的启动及厌氧颗粒污泥的特性研究
15.Study of Acceleration of Sludge Granulation Process in the UASB Reactor;UASB反应器内污泥颗粒化过程加速的研究
16.Study on the High COD Concentration Organic Wastewater treatment by the Machinery Stirring UASB Reactor;机械搅拌UASB反应器处理高浓度有机废水的研究
17.Study on Treatment of Distillery Wastewater from Sweet Potato by Improved UASB Reactor改良型UASB反应器处理甘薯酒精废液研究
18.Research Progresses in Treatment of Dye-production Wastewater and Dyeing Wastewater by UASBUASB反应器处理染料及印染废水的研究进展

1.Start-up Method of UASB for Landfill Leachate Treatment;UASB反应器处理垃圾渗滤液的启动研究
2.Study on the Performance of Up Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactor Treatinglow Sthength Organic Wastewater at Ambient Temperatures;常温条件下UASB反应器处理低浓度有机废水运行特性研究
3.The UASB reactor was for the livestock wastewater treatment, the results showed that: it is possible to turn on the UASB reactor by the livestock wastewater directly.利用UASB反应器处理畜禽废水的试验运行。
3)upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactorUASB反应器
4)UASB reactorUASB 反应器
1.This paper presents experimental studies on mixed anaerobic fermentation of lime straw pulp yellow liquor(70%)and low alkaline straw pulp black liquor(30%)by using UASB reactor.本文介绍了用 UASB 反应器对经过自然酸化的石灰法草浆黄液(70%)和低碱法草浆黑液 (30%)进行混合厌氧发酵的试验过程与结果及对其分析。
6)UASB-AF reactorUASB-AF反应器
1.Aiming at serious pollution and no good biochemical quality in r ef inery basic sewage, the results showed that the biochemical quality was improve d and the sewage's overload to the wastewater treatment system followed was lowe red using UASB-AF reactor.针对炼油厂罐洗碱水污染严重和难生化降解的问题,采用UASB-AF反应器进行预处理,在微曝气条件下,污染物的去除率提高,且可生化降解性明显改善,BOD5/COD由进水的0。

upflow anaerobic sludge blanket UASB分子式:CAS号:性质:系利用反应器底部的高浓度污泥床,对上升流废水进行厌氧生物处理的过程。其反应器底部是一个由活性高、沉降性能好的颗粒状厌氧污泥组成的污泥床(污泥浓度高达60~100g/L),反应器上部设有一个气、固、液三相分离器,分离器的下部是反应区,上部为沉淀区。污水在无氧条件下自下而上通过污泥床,有机物被厌氧微生物降解转化为甲烷和二氧化碳等气体,由于气体的搅动作用,在污泥床上部形成悬浮污泥层。气、水、泥经三相分离器分离,沼气被导出利用,水经沉淀后排出,泥回流至反应室。该反应器结构紧凑、处理效率高,容积负荷可达COD10~20KG/(m3·d),COD去除率可达75%~80%。该法已广泛应用于高浓度有机废水的处理,尤其是食品加工和屠宰废水的处理。