1.Electrictitration Analysis for Concentration of Bromonium Ion in Developer;显影液中溴离子浓度的电位滴定分析
2.Design about the Equipment of Mixing Developer;显影液原液配制设计方案
3.Un-contamined waste developer can be used as nourishment liquid by a simple process.采用还原性混合液回收废定影液中的银,通过高温灼烧、硝酸溶解、除杂等一系列步骤制备试剂级硝酸银;同时,进行了废显影液作为花卉营养液利用的研究。

1.metol-hydroquinone developer米吐尔-对苯二酚显影液
2.developer for electrostatic document reproductio显影液,供复制静电文件用
3.Method for Testing Huaguang Positive PS Plate Developer Processing Capacity华光阳图PS版显影液耐冲性检验方法
4.Development of latent fingerprint on papers by DFO-Nin-PD;纸张上手印的DFO-茚三酮-物理显影液系列显现方法研究
5.Sliver physical developer for the development of latent blood fingerprints on porous surfaces;物理显影液显现渗透客体表面血潜手印方法研究
6.There is an additional advantage in using iodide ion in the developer; namely, increased stability of the process.在显影液中采用碘离子可增加本方法的标定性。
7.Investigaton on the Photographic Developing Composition Containing Ascorbic Acid and Phenidone;抗坏血酸—菲尼酮显影液配方设计和研究
8.Application of Ordinary Developer in the Experiment of Holographic Photographic Technique普通显影液在全息照相技术实验中的应用
9.To process(a photographic plate or film)too long or in too concentrated a solution.使显影过度处理(摄影用感光板或胶卷)所用时间太长或所用显影液浓度太高
10.Chemical fog: Overall density produced by an excessive degree of development, due to unexposed silver halides being attacked by the developing solution.化学灰雾:显影过度造成全面性增加的密度.是由于未曝光的卤化银被显影液感染所引致.
11.developer ,photographic, mixed or compounded, in bulk or in small quantities, whether or not put up for retail sale显影液,照相用,混合或化合,大包装或小包六,不信纸是否为零售包装
12.The exposed silver halide is then converted to metallic silver by an agent in the developer.在显影液中某种试剂的作用下,已感光的卤化银可转变成金属银。
13.an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer.用于停止显影剂反应的酸性溶液。
14.Influence of TFT-LCD Liquid Crystal Mixture on the Image StickingTFT-LCD液晶材料对显示残像的影响
15.Thin-film polarizing beam splitters used in liquid crystal projection display用于液晶投影显示的薄膜偏振分束器
16.Activator: Alkaline liquid to intimate image development in stabilization processing.活化剂:在稳定冲洗中引起显影作用的碱性液体。
17.^Effect of Ingredients of Coomassie Brilliant Blue Color-developing Reagent on Protein Assay.考马斯亮蓝显色液组分对蛋白质测定的影响
18.Effects of Liquid Film on Interactions between AFM Tip and Surface样品表面液膜对原子力显微镜测量影响的研究

developing solution显影液
1.Determination of amount of metol and p-hydroquinone in developing solution by UV-spectrophotometry;萃取-紫外分光光度法测定显影液中的米吐尔和对苯二酚
2.The developing solution containing hydroquinone as major ingredient has been used for quite a long time.不含对苯二酚的无公害、环保型显影液正日渐盛行。
3.To solve the issue,the film processing plant is working hard to recycle color developing solution and stop bath and recover CD2 developing agent from waste solution,which is beneficial economically as well as in environmental protection.为了解决这个问题,洗印厂将彩色显影液和停显液经过回收处理再循环使用,从废液中提取CD2的含量,这对环保和经济上都是有益的。
1.Manage the adjust of developering by database mode;采用数据库方式对显影液的调整进行有效管理
2.Study on the control of virtue in Yn-2 developering;Yn-2显影液药效性能控制研究
4)developing solution显影溶液;显影液
5)Waste fixer废显影液
6)developer H显影液H
