1.Application of Complete Countercurrent Mixer-settler in Plants;全逆流混合澄清器在工厂中的应用
2.In order to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional mixer-settlers, a new mixer-settler was designed by applying the membrane dispersion technique into solvent extraction.针对传统的混合澄清器存在的问题,将膜分散技术应用于萃取分离过程中,设计了新型的膜分散式混合澄清器,并选择正丁醇/丁二酸/水和正丁醇/磷酸/水两种研究体系,考察了该设备的传质及澄清性能。
3.The structures of different types of mixer-settler were analyzed and their performances were compared.本文分析和比较了几种类型的混合澄清器的结构和性能 ,同时根据稀土分离生产的实际情况 ,提出了一种新的结构设计 ,在实际生产中应用效果良

1.screw lift mixer settler螺旋升液混合澄清器
2.Abstract: The constraction features, principles of operation, main advantages and disadvantages and general situation of application in plants for complete counter-current mixer-settler were briefly reviewed.文摘:简要介绍了全逆流混合澄清器的结构特征、工作原理、主要优缺点和应用概况。
3.air lift mixer settler空气升液式混合澄清槽
4.Some Measures About Enhancing Efficiency of Mixed-settling Extractor提高混合澄清萃取槽效率的一些措施
5.centrifugal clarifier离心澄清器离心净化器
6.Study on Magnetic Seeds and Flocculation - High Gradient Magnetic Separation and Ultrafiltration Lustration in Cane Mixed Juice磁种絮凝-高梯度磁分离澄清超滤膜清净甘蔗混合汁的研究
7.Such an instrument can also measure the clarity or cloudiness of a liquid depending on the amount of light the liquid lets pass.根据光线的穿透量,这类仪器还可以检测液体的澄清度或混浊度。
8.Separation and Purification of Flavonoids from the Mixed Juice Scum from Sugarcane Mill;甘蔗糖厂混合汁上浮澄清法浮渣黄酮类化合物的分离与纯化
9.The cloudy solution-fies on standing.混浊的溶液经静置后澄清。
10.You should straighten out your confused thinking.你应该澄清你的混乱思想。
11.Clarifying the Confusing Concept in the Process of Psychology Locality;心理学本土化进程中易混观念的澄清
12.Milk is put through a clarifier to remove any foreign matter.牛奶要经过一个澄清器来除去杂质。
13.Clarifier:Its Structure and Application苛化单层澄清器的结构设计及其应用
14.Study on Extration and Antioxidant Activity on Water-Solubility Polyphenol Substances of Mixed Juice Float Clarify Scum in Sugar Mill;糖厂混合汁上浮澄清法浮渣水溶性多酚物质提取及抗氧化特性研究
15.Both views are incorrect, and all such confused thinking must be clarified.这两种看法都是不对的。 必须澄清这些混乱思想。
16.Social-affective Learning Strategies: e.g., cooperation, question for clarification.社会-情意学习策略:例如,同侪合作、澄清疑问。
17.Study on Clear Jujube Juice and Comprehensive Utilization of Byproducts红枣澄清汁的研制及其副产物综合利用
18.Studied on Effect of Rare Earth Composite Refiner agent in Production of the Floating Glasses稀土复合玻璃澄清剂对浮法玻璃的影响研究

L mixture settlerL型混合澄清器
3)box style mixer settler箱式混合澄清器
1.The structure and application of an improved box style mixer settler in vanadium extraction are introduced.介绍了一种改进型箱式混合澄清器的结构特点及其在提钒新工艺萃取过程中的应用情况。
4)mixer-settler contactor混合澄清接触器
5)mixer-settler bank混合澄清器<槽>组
6)pulsed mixer-settler脉冲混合澄清器
