1.Based on the steelmaking dust treatment in domestic, some new methods as the drum charging, the rolling crusher and mass treatment were applied to solve the problem of the steelmaking dust treatment and mass production.针对马钢炼钢污泥产出量大、处理困难的现状 ,在研究国内污泥处理方法的基础上 ,提出滚筒给料 ,对辊打碎 ,大批量处理的新方法并立项攻关。

1.Break, hack, pull, smash, tear sth to pieces打碎、劈碎、扯碎、砸碎、撕碎某物
2.The act or process of breaking.破碎打碎的动作或过程
3.To beat to a powder or pulp;pulverize or crush.捣碎,碾碎,舂烂打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎
4.The act or process of breaking into fragments.破碎打碎成碎片的动作或过程
5.Liable to break or to be broken.易碎的易于打碎或被打破的
6.A small part broken off or detached.碎片被打碎或拆开的小部分
7.I broke a cup this morning; here are the bits.今早我打碎了一个杯子,这些就是碎片。
8.There was a crash and tinkle of breaking glass.豁浪! 玻璃窗打碎了!
9.They broke the window.他们把玻璃窗打碎了。
10.He inadvertently broke the glass.他不经意把杯子打碎了。
11.I didn't break the cup, honest to goodness!我真的没打碎过杯子!
12.Tells I who has broken the cup.告诉我谁打碎了杯子。
13.The teapot fell and was broken to pieces.茶壶掉在地上打碎了。
14.A heavy harrow for breaking clods of earth.土耙打碎土块的大耙
15.The vase cracked when it dropped.花瓶掉下时打碎了。
16.break glass call point打碎玻璃形火灾报警盒
17.capable of being broken or damaged.能够被打碎或者损坏。
18.Who is responsible for breaking the mirror?谁对打碎镜子负责?

smash[英][sm??][美][sm??]v. 打碎,粉碎
3)break and seat打碎压稳
1.Analysis of covering with asphalt structure after the crack and seat or the break and seat of the cement board;水泥板打裂或打碎压稳后加铺沥青层结构分析
4)break the space打碎空间
5)hogged slabs打碎边条
