1.Oxidation Mechanism of Hypophosphite;次磷酸盐氧化反应历程的研究
2.The results of the electrolysis showed that phosphite was transferred,to a certain degree,to hypophosphite with lower transferring rate and couldn't reach the requirements of industrial production,thus the cause of l.本文通过电化学合成(电解)方法将化学镀镍过程中产生的亚磷酸盐转化为次磷酸盐的研究,首先根据理论分析和循环伏安曲线扫描分析,预测上述转化的可能性。
3.By applying the electro-catalystic performance of molybdophosphate chemically modified electrode,the authors investigated the conversion of phosphite into hypophosphite by electrochemic/ synthesis and cyclic voltammery technology based on electrocatalytic chwacteristic of molybdophosphate chemically modified electrode.利用磷钼酸化学修饰电极的电催化性能,研究将亚磷酸盐通过电化学合成转变为次磷酸盐

1.calcium phosphinate (hypophosphite)次磷酸钙(次磷酸盐
2.A salt of hypophosphorous acid.次磷酸盐次磷酸的一种盐
3.With glucose as electron donor, the efficiency of phosphate reduction was twice as high as that of hypophosphite reduction at the same amount of electron donor.以葡萄糖作为电子供体,比较了磷酸盐和次亚磷酸盐的还原情况。
4.International Phosphate Industry Association国际磷酸盐工业协会(磷酸盐协会)
5.An excess of phosphates in the urine.高磷酸盐尿尿中磷酸盐过量
6.Sugar phosphate A phosphate derivative of a MONOSACCHARIDE.糖磷酸盐:单糖被修饰加工成的磷酸盐。
7.Determination of phosphate,pyrophosphate,metaphosphate and total phosphorus in seafoods by ion chromatography离子色谱法测定海产品中磷酸盐、焦磷酸盐、偏磷酸盐和总磷
8.egg-yolk phosphate diluent卵黄磷酸酸盐稀释液
9.hypophosphorous acidph.1. 【化】次磷酸
10.Study on process of decomposition of selected phosphate iron ore for phosphate acid preparation by industrial hydrochloric acid盐酸分解精选磷铁矿制磷酸工艺研究
11.Phosphate Development Corporation, Ltd.磷酸盐开发有限公司
12.Office Cherifien des Phosphates(摩洛哥) 磷酸盐公司
13.equimolal phosphate ph standard solution中性磷酸盐ph标准液
14.ammonium phosphate powder extinguishing agent磷酸铵盐干粉灭火剂
15.Hydrocodone phosphate二氢可待因酮磷酸盐
16.isotopically exchangeable phosphat同位素代换的磷酸盐
17.tripolyphosphates (TPPs)三聚二缩磷酸盐或酯
18.hypophosphatemic osteomalacia低磷酸盐血性骨软化症

1.Using the method of Algal Growth Potential Test, the effects of phosphine and its oxidation products, such as phosphite and hypophosphite, on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa, one of the dominant algae during water bloom seasons, were examined.采用藻类生长潜力试验(AGP)的方法,研究了磷化氢及其氧化产物亚磷酸盐、次亚磷酸盐对水华暴发优势藻类(铜绿微囊藻)的生长的影响,结果表明:磷化氢及其氧化产物对铜绿微囊藻的生长有重要的影响。
2.Electroless gold plating using sodium hypophosphite as reducing and potassium thiocyanateas chelate is studied in this paper .研究了以硫氰化物为络合剂,次亚磷酸盐为还原剂的新型无氰化学镀金工艺,探讨了各因素对化学镀金镀速的影响关系,并得出最佳配方及工艺条件,在最佳条件下,镀速可达到2。
3)Phosphinic acid,potassium salt次磷酸钾盐
4)Phosphinic acid,calcium salt次磷酸钙盐
6)Morphine hypophosphite吗啡次磷酸盐
