1.Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates by cocultivating of recombinant strains in inorganic medium;工程菌在无机培养基中共培养生产聚羟基烷酸的研究
2.Screening excellent strains which could produce polyhydroxyalkanoates with a high yield and adopting suitable fermentation conditions is one of the important factors in producing biodegradable plastic for industrial use.选育能高产聚羟基烷酸的优良菌株,采用最佳的发酵条件是实现细菌发酵法生产可降解塑料工业化应用的关键因素之一。
3.It is one of most important factors that screening excellent strains that could use cheap carbon sources and accumulate polyhydroxyalkanoates fruitfully,to produce biodegradable plastic for industrial utilization.为选育能利用廉价碳源并且高产聚羟基烷酸的优良菌株,对分离自活性污泥中的菌株Zoogloeasp。

1.Production of PHAs from Waste Materials by Fermentation利用废弃物发酵法生产聚羟基烷酸PHAs
2.Studies on Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and Exopolysaccharide (EPS) by Rhizobium sp. 1201;根瘤菌1201菌株合成多聚羟基烷酸和多糖的研究
3.Experimental Research on Optimum Condition for Polyhydroxyalkanoates Synthesis by Activated Sludge混合菌群合成聚羟基烷酸最佳工艺条件研究
4.Studies on Metabolic Regulation for Polyhydroxyalkanoate and Downstream Process by Sinorhizobium Fredii;多聚羟基烷酸异聚体的代谢调控及其下游加工过程研究
5.Studies of Graft Polymerization of Maleic Anhydride and Isoprene onto Polyhydroxyalkanoates by ~(60)C_(Oγ) of Radiation;聚羟基烷酸酯辐照接枝顺丁烯二酸酐、异戊二烯的研究
6.Polyhydroxyalkanoate(PHA) Synthesis by Activated Sludge Microbes Using Acetic Acid as Carbon Source活性污泥微生物以乙酸为碳源合成聚羟基烷酸酯的研究
7.Studies on Fermentation Conditions for the Production of Polyhydroxyalkonates by Azotobacter Chroococcum G-3;圆褐固氮菌G—3菌株生产聚羟基烷酸发酵条件的研究
8.The Studies on the Extract Process of the Polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHA) from Halobacterium sp XMQ19 Fermentation Broth;极端嗜盐菌XMQ19菌株发酵生产聚羟基烷酸酯(PHA)的提取工艺研究
9.Polyalkanoates Synthesis from Real Waste by Microorganisms in Excess Sludge剩余活性污泥中的微生物利用实际废液合成聚羟基烷酸
10.Biocompatibility of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate and canine bone marrow stem cells in vitro聚羟基烷酸酯与犬骨髓间充质干细胞的体外相容性(英文)
11.Key-elements Affecting the Growth and Metabolism of Glycogen Accumulating Organisms and the Preliminary Studies on Polyhydroxyalkanoates Synthesis;影响聚糖菌生长和代谢的关键因素及聚糖菌合成聚羟基烷酸的初步研究
12.Study on Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene and Phage λ Lysis Genes in Recombinant Escherichia Coli Strain Producing Polyhydroxyalkanoates;透明颤菌血红蛋白基因和λ噬菌体裂解基因在产聚羟基烷酸重组大肠杆菌中作用的研究
13.Progress in the Research and Development of Biosynthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates生物合成聚羟基烷基酸酯的研究与开发进展
14.polyalkoxylated derivatives-determination of hydroxyl value-phthalic anhydride method聚烷氧基化衍生物-羟值的测定-邻苯二甲酸酐法
15.2-hydroxy-2-propane-sulfonic acid sodium salt2-羟基-2-丙烷磺酸钠盐
16.15-hydroxypentadecanoic acid lactone15-羟基十五烷酸内酯
17.alkylaryl oxyethyl sulfonate烷芳羟乙基磺酸盐#憎
18.Acrylic Acid Modification Trimethylopropane Polyether Emulsion Breaker Synthesis and Its Using Research丙烯酸改性三羟甲基丙烷聚醚破乳剂合成及应用研究

1.The Isolation and Identification of PHA Producing Strains;产聚羟基烷酸菌株的分离与鉴定
1.Process regulation for monomer composition of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced by activated sludge;活性污泥合成聚羟基烷酸酯中单体组分的调控
2.Structure Characterization of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Produced from Activated Sludge in Waste Water Treatment Process;用活性污泥生物合成聚羟基烷酸酯的结构表征
3.Metabolic mechanisms of polyhydroxyalkanoates synthesis in activated sludge bacteria;活性污泥合成聚羟基烷酸酯代谢机制研究进展
6)polyhydroxybutyric acid(PHB)聚羟基链烷酸
1.With 25 references, this review discussed a kind of degradable plastics synthesized by microorganisms, polyhydroxyalkanoic acids(PHA), representatively polyhydroxybutyric acid(PHB), mainly about its existing states in the cells, accumulation kinetics, and its extraction from the cells.综述了以聚β羟基丁酸(PHB)为代表的可用作可降解塑料的聚羟基链烷酸(PHA)在细胞内积聚的形态、动力学及其提取技术。

2-羟基丙酸均聚物十二烷酸酯CAS:58856-63-6中文名称:2-羟基丙酸均聚物十二烷酸酯英文名称:Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, homopolymer, dodecanoate Propanoic acid,2-hydroxy-,homopolymer,dodecanoate