1.Research of antiseepage slurry based on clay used in waste landfill sites;城市垃圾填埋场粘土基防渗浆材的实验研究
2.Experiment research on slurry based on clay used in Anti-seepage;粘土基防渗浆材的实验研究
3.In order to prevent and stop seepage of leachate in waste landfill site,a bentonite-flyash cement(BFC) slurry based on cement has been researched.针对垃圾填埋场防治沥出液渗漏的要求,研制了一种水泥基膨润土-粉煤灰-水泥(BFS)防渗浆材,该浆材具有渗透系数低、吸附阻滞性能好的特点。

1.Investigation about Composite Filling and Pre-grouting Material and Spreading Theory;复合充填注浆材料与扩散充填注浆理论的研究
2.Analysis on the Difference between Pulping Performances of Pinus massoniana Paper Wood of Different Provenances不同种源马尾松纸浆材制浆性能的差异分析
3.A Model Tester for Grouting Simulation under High Pressure in Rock Fissure and Model Exper-imental Research on Plastic and Early-strength Grout by Grouting Simulation高压裂隙注浆试验台研制及塑性早强浆材注浆试验研究
4.Variation of Wood Properties in Pulp Wood for Loblolly Pine Planting in Henan Province of China;河南引种火炬松人工林纸浆材木材性质的变异
5.Research on the Growth and Pulpwood Properties of Different Provenances of Larix Olgensis Henry不同种源长白落叶松生长与纸浆材材性研究
6.A New Poplar Variety ‘Lulin-3’ for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林3号杨’
7.Geographic variation and provenance selection for bamboo wood properties in Bambusa chungii粉单竹纸浆材材性的地理变异及产地选择
8.A New Poplar Variety 'Lulin-2' for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林2号杨’
9.A New Poplar Variety 'Lulin-1' for Plywood and Pulpwood杨树胶合板材纸浆材新品种‘鲁林1号杨’
10.14.4 We also supplies additives for drilling.我们也为钻井提供泥浆材料。
11.13.6 The mud materials consumption of this interval were listed in here.本井段的泥浆材料消耗情况列在这里。
12.Experimental Study on High Early Strength Cementing Material for Prestressed Anchorage高早强预应力锚固灌浆材料试验研究
13.Seedling Measurement of New Clones of European-American Poplar for Pulp Wood欧美杨纸浆材新无性系苗期测定报告
14.Study on Alkali-Activated-Carbonatites Cementitious-Grouting Material;碱激发碳酸盐矿胶凝-灌浆材料的研究
15.Study Engineering Experiment of Cement-clay-fly Ash;水泥—粘土—粉煤灰浆材的工程性质研究
16.Wood pulp: Pulp made from weed.木浆:用木材制服的造纸用浆。
17.Characterization of 3 Acacia Wood Species and Pulping Property Evaluation Using a P-RC APMP Process;相思木材材性及其制漂白化机浆性能的研究
18.Wood Properties and Pulping & Bleaching Process of Okoume奥古曼木材材性及制浆漂白工艺的研究

pulpwood properties纸浆材材性
1.Development of water-soluble one component polyurethane grout;水性单组分聚氨酯灌浆材料的研制
2.Properties of ground limestone-water glass grout material and their affecting factors;磨细石灰岩-水玻璃系统灌浆材料的性能及其影响因素
3.Research progress on accelerated corrosion test method which can evaluate the corrosion protecveness of the post tensioning grouts is reviewed.综述了近期国内外在后张预应力结构灌浆材料加速腐蚀实验方面的研究进展。
1.The present status and thoughts on the hereditary breeding of special pulpwood;专用纸浆材遗传育种现状及思考
2.The fertilization experiment on pulpwood young growth of Alnus cremastogyne;桤木纸浆材幼林施肥试验初报
3.A Study on Management Model System for Masson Pine Pulpwood(MPPMMS1.0);马尾松纸浆材林经营模型系统(MPPMMS1.0)
5)grouting materials注浆材料
1.Polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites were prepared using the appropriate organic polymermaterials that are selected from the existing chemical grouting materials.在已有的几种化学注浆材料中选择合适的有机高分子材料,运用纳米技术和现代复合技术制备聚合物基/蒙脱土纳米复合复合材料;确定一系列反应的工艺条件,如蒙脱土的最佳添加量、最佳反应温度及反应时间等;利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和透射电镜(TEM)等对其进行表征。
2.Successful experiences,which deals with selection of grouting process,grouting materials and grouting parameter,of using block up water grouting process in Dongshenmiao Mining Co.从注浆方案的选取、注浆材料及配比、参数的确定、注浆工艺、注浆效果等五个方面介绍了东升庙矿区注浆堵水技术的成功经验,对同类矿山具有一定的指导作用。
3.Two series of grouting materials including soluble glass–activated industrial residue slag (SAS) and soluble glass–cement (SC) were pre- pared.针对水玻璃-水泥(soluble glass-cement,SC)注浆材料在地层加固过程中抗水溶蚀性能差和工业废渣得不到有效利用等问题,用工业废渣完全取代SC注浆材料中的水泥制备出水玻璃-工业废渣(矿渣、钢渣、粉煤灰)(soluble glass-activated industrial residue slag,SAS)注浆材料。
6)grouting material灌浆材料
1.Preparation of high strength and water-soluble epoxy ester resin grouting material;高强度水溶性环氧灌浆材料的制备
2.Preparation of environmental protection and high strength itaconic epoxy ester resin grouting material;高强度环保型衣康酸环氧酯树脂灌浆材料的制备
3.Study on preparing grouting material by water glass-activated fine slag powder;水玻璃激发矿渣超细粉制备灌浆材料的研究

《士材三书》《士材三书》 《士材三书》   丛书名。明·李中梓(士材)撰。清·尤乘增辑。刊于1667年。本丛书计有《诊家正眼》三卷、《本草通玄》二卷、《病机沙篆》二卷。《诊家正眼》系中医诊断学专著,主要论述脉学理论和临床运用,以四言歌括分述了28脉之“体象”、“主病”、“兼脉”等内容。其次也简述了望闻问三诊之一般内容和规律。《本草通玄》将300多种常用药品分成草木谷菜果虫等14类论述性味功治。其中不乏历代各家之论。《病机沙篆》对50多种常见内科杂病之病因脉证诊断和治疗加以论述。尤乘乃李士材学生,深得李氏精髓,知此三书可代表李氏之学术思想,故予以汇刻。并将自己所著《寿世青编》二卷附后,以托不朽。现存20余种清刻本和多种近代石印本。