1.Pilot study on HABR for municipal sewage treatment;复合式折流板厌氧反应器处理城市污水
2.Pilot Study on HUSB-HABR for Municipal Sewage Treatment;水解—复合式折流板厌氧反应器处理城市污水试验研究

1.Pilot Study on HUSB-HABR for Municipal Sewage Treatment;水解—复合式折流板厌氧反应器处理城市污水试验研究
2.Experimental Research on Brewer Wastewater Treatment by Hybrid Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;复合式折流板厌氧反应器处理啤酒废水的实验研究
3.Experimental Research on the Treatment of High Concerntration Photosensitive Wastewater by Anaerobic Baffled Reactor复合式折流板厌氧反应器处理高浓度感光洗印废水的实验研究
4.Start-up of hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor with anaerobic granular sludge厌氧颗粒污泥启动复合式厌氧折流板反应器的研究
5.The Peculiarity Study of HABR Treating Domestic Wastewater;复合式厌氧折流板反应器(HABR)处理生活污水特性研究
6.A Study on the Technolgy and Mechanism of Domestic Sewage Treatment with Hybrid Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;复合式厌氧折流板反应器处理城市生活污水试验研究
7.Hydrodynamic Mixing Characteristics of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor(ABR);厌氧折流板反应器水力混合特性研究
8.Study on Kinetic Models of Opposite Folded Plate Hybrid Anaerobic Reactor;异波折板复合厌氧反应器动力学模型研究
9.Study on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;厌氧折流板反应器脱氮除磷性能研究
10.A Study on the Fundamental Characteristics of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR);厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)的基本特性研究
11.Study on Coupling Anaerobic Baffled Reactor and Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor;厌氧折流板反应器与膜曝气生物膜反应器的耦合作用研究
12.Study on performance characteristic of anaerobic baffled reactor under microaerobic conditions微氧条件下厌氧折流板反应器运行特性研究
14.Operating Manner and Performance of a Periodic Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Treating Chinese Traditional Medicine Wastewater;周期厌氧折流板反应器处理中药废水的运行模式及效能
15.Characteristics and Application of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;厌氧折流板反应器的工艺特性及其应用
16.The Study of Peculiarity and Controlling Technology of ABR Performance;厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)系统的特性及调控研究
17.Study on Characteristics of Anaerobic Baffeled Reactor at Ambient Temperature;环境温度下厌氧折流板反应器运行特性的研究
18.Experimental Research on Treatment of Slaughter-House Wastewater by Anaerobic Baffled Reactor;厌氧折流板反应器处理屠宰废水的实验研究

hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor(HABR)复合式厌氧折流板反应器
1.Start-up of hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor(HABR) inoculated with anaerobic granular sludge has been studied.研究以厌氧颗粒污泥接种的复合式厌氧折流板反应器(HABR)启动:在HABR中直接接种厌氧颗粒污泥,以退浆废水为试验进水,在系统水力停留时间为168 h,中温(32±1)℃,进水pH值6。
1.Study on CABR for municipal sewage treatment;组合式厌氧折流板反应器处理城市污水的研究
4)anaerobic baffled reactor异波折流板厌氧反应器
1.Effluent of primary sedimentation tank of WWTP was treated by anaerobic baffled reactor,and the effect of fly ash on accelerating startup of the reactor was investigated using anaerobic sludge added by fly ash as seeding sludge.采用异波折流板厌氧反应器处理污水处理厂初沉池出水,以加入粉煤灰的厌氧污泥为接种污泥,考察了粉煤灰对该厌氧反应装置的加速启动效果。
2.Pilot-scale study on treatment of domestic sewage for 12 months was performed in hybrid anaerobic baffled reactor(HABR).采用复合式异波折流板厌氧反应器进行了为期12个月的生活污水处理中试研究。
5)anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR)厌氧折流板反应器
1.The performance of anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR) for treatment of synthetic high-strength sulfate wastewater was investigated.以人工配制的高浓度硫酸盐有机废水作为原水,研究了厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理高浓度硫酸盐有机废水的性能。
2.The anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR) was used to treat the mixed wastewater from production of synthetical medicine,pesticide intermediates and light solidified initiators.采用厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理生产合成医药及农药中间体、光固化引发剂等精细化学品过程中产生的混合废水,结果表明,在ABR反应器的上流室中悬挂纤维填料可以防止污泥流失并提高ABR反应器的处理效率;当混合废水的COD<7 600 mg/L时其具有良好的厌氧生化处理活性,在ABR反应器中能形成分级厌氧菌落。
3.An anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR) with an effective volume of 32 L and 4 compartments was used to treat night soil wastewater.在有效容积为32 L的四格室厌氧折流板反应器中,进行了处理粪便污水的研究。
6)anaerobic baffled reactor厌氧折流板反应器
1.Study on the operation characteristics of anaerobic baffled reactor treating low strength wastewater;厌氧折流板反应器处理低浓度废水的运行特性研究
2.A study on nitrobenzene wastewater treatment with anaerobic baffled reactor;厌氧折流板反应器处理硝基苯废水的研究
3.Study on performance of anaerobic baffled reactor for treating wastewater from penicillin production;厌氧折流板反应器降解青霉素废水的特性研究

可厌1.令人厌恶;令人生厌。 2.厌恶,不喜欢。