
1.Research on Genetic Variation of UCP2 and UCP3 in Pigs;猪解耦联蛋白基因(UCP2和UCP3)遗传变异研究
2.Research on Sequence and Polymorphism of Porcine Uncoupling Protein Gene 3;猪解耦联蛋白基因3(UCP3)的序列及多态性研究
3.Research Progress on Physiological Function of Uncoupling Protein 2解耦联蛋白2的主要生理功能及研究进展
4.Uncoupling protein-2 and apoptosis in pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats解耦联蛋白-2与压力超负荷大鼠心肌肥厚中的细胞凋亡
5.Influence of astragalin on expression of UCP2 in liver tissue of experimental type 2 diabetic rat黄芪多糖对实验性2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏组织中解耦联蛋白2表达的影响
6.Parametric analysis for a soil-structure interaction system with lateral-torsional coupling based on forced decoupling method基于强解耦方法的土-结构平扭耦联参数分析
7.Series decoupling control based on D-STATCOM基于D-STATCOM的串联解耦控制
8.The Study of a Novel Fully Decoupled Spherical 2-DOF Parallel Manipulator;一种新型2-DOF并联解耦球面机构的研究
9.Analysis of a Decoupled 2-D of Spherical Parallel Mechanism;一种两自由度球面并联解耦机构的性能分析
11.Research on Kinematics Behaviors of 2-DOF Decoupled Spherical Parallel Mechanisms二自由度解耦球面并联机构运动学行为研究
12.Kinematic analysis and verification on the decoupled spherical rotating parallel mechanism解耦球面转动并联机构的运动分析与验证
13.Structure and kinematics decoupled analysis of an original 3-CRC parallel mechanism新型3-CRC并联机构结构及运动解耦分析
14.This paper suggests to use decoupling control method to control boiler? turbine? generator co? generation unit, and gives out decoupling calculation and setting methods for this system.文章提出了热电联产单元机组用解耦控制方法进行控制,给出了解耦运算和整定的方法。
15.A Model Coupling Large Scale System Decomposition-Coordination Theory and GM(1,1) Model in River and Multi-reservoirs Flood Control System;大系统分解协调法与GM(1,1)模型在流域防洪联合调度中的耦合应用
16.A Study on the Key Technology of Decoupled Kinematics 6-DOF Parallel Micromanipulator;运动解耦六自由度并联微动机器人关键技术研究
17.Research on Digital Design of Strap-down Flexible Gyroscope North Seeker and Decoupling;捷联式挠性陀螺寻北仪数字化设计及解耦方法研究
18.Study on solving problems from in-house economical operation of cascade hydropower stations in river basin with bi-level coupling genetic algorithm双层耦联遗传算法求解流域梯级水电站厂内经济运行问题研究

1.Reduction of excess sludge production by chemical uncoupler in activated sludge process;化学解耦联剂对活性污泥工艺中剩余污泥的减量作用
2.The recent progress in sludge decrement technology was introduced, including the uncoupler addition process based on the theory of uncoupling the metabolism of bacteria, the oxic-settling-anaerobic process, and the returning lysis process based on the theory of cryptic growth.介绍了污泥减量工艺的新进展,如基于代谢解耦联理论的投加解耦联剂工艺、好氧—沉淀—厌氧工艺以及基于隐性生长理论的回流溶胞工艺,这些工艺可以实现污泥的源减量,将来可能会得到广泛应用。
3.To determine whether chemical additions can be used to reduce sludge production in biological wastewater treatment, 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), served as a metabolic uncoupler was added to activated sludge cultures.采用 3,3′,4′,5 四氯水杨酰苯胺 (TCS)作为代谢解耦联剂添加到活性污泥工艺中 ,连续曝气分批培养实验结果表明 ,TCS在浓度高于 1 0mg/L时是一种有效的化学解耦联剂 ,能显著地降低污泥产率 。
3)strapdown decouple捷联解耦
4)series decoupling串联解耦
1.As there exists coupling among the dq currents of D-STATCOM,decoupling control is normally needed,of which,series decoupling and state feedback decoupling are commonly used.串联解耦和状态反馈解耦是目前常用的解耦控制方法。
5)Uncoupling protein解耦联蛋白
1.With the development and application of Moleccular biological technology,importantadvances have been made in ob genes,leptins,leptin receptors and their functions,in uncoupling protein genes,uncoupling protein molecules and functions of uncouples,and resistin genes,resistin molecules and biological effects of resistins.随着细胞与分子生物学技术的发展和应用,ob基因、瘦素、瘦素受体及瘦素作用机制,解耦联蛋白分子及其解耦联作用机理,抵抗素基因、抵抗素分子及抵抗素的生物学效应等方面取得了重要进展,为运动减肥提供了新的科学理论依据。
2.The article reviews the uncoupling protein gene, distribution and regulation, the roles in periph.解耦联蛋白是线粒体内膜上参与质子转运的蛋白质,具有调节机体产热、维持体温、调节能量平衡、调节ATP产生速度、控制活性氧产生、抗细胞凋亡等生理功能,参与许多疾病的病理生理学过程。
6)uncoupling proteins解耦联蛋白
1.The paper analyses the homology in nucleotide sequence of uncoupling proteins of eleven different species and gives a review of the mechanism of thermogenesis and gene expression of uncoupling proteins in adipose and muscle tissues,which provides a foundation for further study on UCPs energy metabolism and regulation.文中分析比较11种物种解耦联蛋白(UCPs)基因核苷酸序列同源性,综述了UCPs产热机制和UCPs基因在脂肪和肌肉组织中的表达调控。

耦中有耦  中国北宋王安石提出的重要哲学命题。出自其《洪范传》。"耦"即"对",王安石用以表述对立的概念。他认为,宇宙万物是由水、火、木、金、土五种物质元素构成的。五行具有"时"、"位"、"材"、"气"、"性"、"形"、"事"、"情"、"色"、"声"、"臭"、"味"等属性。不同元素的同一属性是两两相对的。如就"位"言,火上而水下;就"性"言,水润而火熯;就"形"言,水平而火锐;就"材"言,火革而金从革。他把这种对立,叫作"五行之为物,其时、其位、其材、其气、其性、其形、其事、其情、其色、其声、其臭、其味,皆各有耦"。他又认为,每一元素的不同性质,如"气"与"味"之间也存在着对立:"生物者,气也;成之者,味也。以奇生则成而耦,以耦生则成而奇。寒之气坚,故其味可用以耎;热之气耎,故其味可用以坚。风之气散,故其味可用以收;燥之气收,故其味可用以散。"由于这种对立处于各元素的对立之中,故王安石称之为"耦之中又有耦"。他认为,由于五行"皆各有耦"、"耦之中又有耦"、"万物之变遂至于无穷"。    王安石"耦中有耦"的命题,揭示了世界处于无穷无尽矛盾之中的状况,猜测到宇宙万物发展的根本原因。