1.Poly Aluminum Ferric Sulfate(PAFS) was synthesized using ferrous sulfate,concentrated sulfuric acid and aluminium hydroxide as raw materials and hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant.以硫酸亚铁、H2SO4,Al(OH)3等为原料,在氧化剂H2O2存在下合成聚合硫酸铝铁(PAFS),以n(Fe):n(Al)为影响因素,调整FeSO4。
2.Present the investigation of the optimal parameters of coagulant paper making wastewater treatment with PAFS as coagulant and PAM as coagulant aid by orthogonal process.通过聚合硫酸铝铁PAFS和助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺PAM对造纸废水处理效果的研究,表明在溶液pH值为5,PFS投加量为1000mg/L,PAM的用量为2。
3.Then a Na_2CO_3 solution was slowly added to the acid solution to prepare the poly aluminum ferric sulfate(PAFS).本文以火电厂排放的固体废弃物——粉煤灰为原料,利用酸溶和碱溶提取其中有用的Al、Fe、Si元素,并将得到的Al、Fe盐溶液通过慢速滴碱法研制出了聚合硫酸铝铁(PAFS)。
2)poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate聚合硫酸铁铝硅
1.A new composite poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate (PFASS) coagulant is prepared by using pyrite residual, calcium aluminates, water glass, and sulphuric acid as raw materials and through acidic leachig, neutralization, and polymerization.研究以硫铁矿烧渣、铝酸钙粉、水玻璃、硫酸为原料,通过酸溶、中和、聚合过程,制备新型复合混凝剂———聚合硫酸铁铝硅(PFASS)的方法。
2.A new type of inorganic polymer coagulant,poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate(PFASS),was prepared by using fly ash,crap iron and waste sulfuric acid as raw materials under the conditions of reaction temperature 95—90℃,reaction time 3h,liquid solid ratio 3.10的条件下,制备出了新型无机高分子混凝剂-聚合硫酸铁铝硅(PFASS),并对其混凝性能、晶形貌像和形态分布进行了研究。
1.For solving the question about PFASS production using gangue, the best conditions for withdrawing the alkali and the silicon from the gangue during producing PFASS were obtained by using orthogonal experimental method.针对煤矸石制备无机混凝剂的问题,采用正交实验法得出了在煤矸石制备聚合硅酸硫酸铁铝(PFASS)过程中用酸浸取铝和用碱提取硅的最佳反应条件,即最佳酸浸条件为:酸浸时间(A)为1。

1.Producing PFASS Study by Gangue and Application in Waste Water Remoring;用煤矸石制备聚合硅酸硫酸铁铝的研究及在处理废水中的应用
2.Preparation of the new type of flocculant:poly-silicate aluminum ferric chloride sulfate新型复合聚硅酸硫氯化铝铁絮凝剂的制备
3.Synthesis of Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate and its Stability Study聚合硅酸硫酸铝的合成及稳定性研究
4.Study on Preparation and Flocculating Mechanism of the Poly Aluminum Ferric Silicate-Sulfate Complex Flocculant;聚合硅酸硫酸铝铁絮凝剂的制备与性能机理研究
5.Preparation of Ploysilicate Aluminium Ferric Sulphate and Its Influencing Factors聚硅酸硫酸铝铁(PSAFS)的制备及影响因素研究
6.Preparation of Poly-silicate Aluminum Ferric Chloride Sulfate Flocculant and Its Performance聚硅酸硫酸氯化铝铁絮凝剂的制备及絮凝性能
7.Study on synthesis of PASS and it’s decolorization and flocculation properties聚硅硫酸铝的合成及其絮凝脱色性能
8.A Study on Synthesis and Modification of Polyaluminium Silicate Sulfate Flocculants;聚合硅酸硫酸铝絮凝剂的合成与改性研究
9.Comparison Study on Coagulating to Remove Algae by Poly Aluminum Ferric Silicate Chloride and Polymeric Aluminum Chlorid聚合硅酸铝铁与聚合氯化铝混凝除藻比较研究
10.Utilizing Fly Ash to Prepare Polysilicon Acid and Compounded PFS and the Study of Its Properties粉煤灰制备聚硅酸复合聚合硫酸铁及性能研究
11.Polyaluminium Silicate Sulfate and Its Application in Papermaking Industry;聚合硅酸硫酸铝及其在造纸工业中的应用
12.Study on production of polymeric silicate-aluminum sulfate by aluminum sulfate and its waste residue利用硫酸铝及其废渣生产聚硅酸硫酸铝的研究
13.Preparation and Properties of Polysilicate Aluminum Ferric Sulfate聚硅硫酸铝铁的制备及其絮凝性能研究
15.Study on synthesis of poly-silicic-boracic-magnesic-ferric sulfate by perpendicular experiment合成聚硅酸硼镁硫酸铁的正交实验研究
16.Preparation and Application of PSAF+CTS Compound Flocculant聚硅酸铝铁+壳聚糖复合絮凝剂的制备与应用
17.The Preparation Of Poly-silicate-aluminum-sulfate and Their Application in Oily Wastewater Treatment聚硅硫酸铝的合成及在含油废水中的应用
18.Preparation of Poly-aluminum Silicate Sulfate Chloride by Changeable Frequency Alternating Current Pulse Electrolysis;聚合氯化硅酸硫酸铝的交变脉冲电解合成及应用

poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate聚合硫酸铁铝硅
1.A new composite poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate (PFASS) coagulant is prepared by using pyrite residual, calcium aluminates, water glass, and sulphuric acid as raw materials and through acidic leachig, neutralization, and polymerization.研究以硫铁矿烧渣、铝酸钙粉、水玻璃、硫酸为原料,通过酸溶、中和、聚合过程,制备新型复合混凝剂———聚合硫酸铁铝硅(PFASS)的方法。
2.A new type of inorganic polymer coagulant,poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate(PFASS),was prepared by using fly ash,crap iron and waste sulfuric acid as raw materials under the conditions of reaction temperature 95—90℃,reaction time 3h,liquid solid ratio 3.10的条件下,制备出了新型无机高分子混凝剂-聚合硫酸铁铝硅(PFASS),并对其混凝性能、晶形貌像和形态分布进行了研究。
1.For solving the question about PFASS production using gangue, the best conditions for withdrawing the alkali and the silicon from the gangue during producing PFASS were obtained by using orthogonal experimental method.针对煤矸石制备无机混凝剂的问题,采用正交实验法得出了在煤矸石制备聚合硅酸硫酸铁铝(PFASS)过程中用酸浸取铝和用碱提取硅的最佳反应条件,即最佳酸浸条件为:酸浸时间(A)为1。
4)polymeric ferric aluminum silicate sulfate聚合硫酸硅酸铁铝
1.Through lots of tests, the new technology of preparing the polymeric ferric aluminum silicate sulfate (PFASS) by using the waste-acid of Ti02-industriy and the coal fly ash has been designed.本论文通过大量的试验,研究开发出了用粉煤灰及钛白废酸制取聚合硫酸硅酸铁铝(PFASS)的新工艺,其最佳工艺条件为:于沸点温度,以NaCl为助溶剂(NaCl与粉煤灰质量比为0。
5)Poly aluminum ferric silicate-sulfate聚合硅酸硫酸铝铁
6)polymeric aluminum-ferric chloride sulfate(PAFCS)聚合氯化硫酸铁铝
1.NaClO3 oxidation method was adopted to prepare polymeric aluminum-ferric chloride sulfate(PAFCS) coagulant by using pyrite cinder,whose particle size was around 200 μm as the raw material and using sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid as the leaching liquid.采用氯酸钠氧化法以200μm左右粒度的硫铁矿烧渣为原料,硫酸和盐酸作浸取液,制备聚合氯化硫酸铁铝(PAFCS)絮凝剂,通过正交试验优化了最佳工艺条件:浸取温度为120℃,浸取时间为1。

硫酸低铁 ,硫酸亚铁,绿矾,铁矾药物名称:硫酸亚铁英文名:Ferrous Sulfate别名: 硫酸低铁 ,硫酸亚铁,绿矾,铁矾外文名:Ferrous Sulfate ,Irosul, Green Vitriol,Iron Vitriol适应症: 本品是治疗缺铁性贫血的特效药。临床上主要用于慢性失血(月经过多、痔疮出血、子宫肌瘤出血、勾虫病失血等)、营养不良、妊娠、儿童发育期等引起的缺铁性贫血。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.3~0.6g,1日3次,饭后服用。小儿每次0.1~0.3g,1日3次。 注意事项: 1.对胃肠道粘膜有刺激性,可致恶心、呕吐、上腹痛等,饭后服可减少胃肠道反应。 2.铁与肠道内硫化氢结合,生成硫化铁,使硫化氢减少,减少了对肠蠕动的刺激作用,可致便秘,并排黑便。需预先告诉病人,以免顾虑。 3.大量口服可致急性中毒,出现胃肠道出血、坏死,严重时可引起休克。 4.消化性溃疡病、溃疡性结肠炎、肠炎、溶血性贫血等禁用。 5.含钙、磷酸盐类、含鞣酸药物、抗酸药和浓茶均可使铁盐沉淀,妨碍其吸收;铁剂与四环素类可形成络合物,互相妨碍吸收。 规格: 硫酸亚铁片:每片0.3g。 类别:抗贫血药