垃圾衍生燃料,refuse derived fuel
1)refuse derived fuel垃圾衍生燃料
1.Co-firing technology of coal and refuse derived fuel;煤与垃圾衍生燃料的混烧技术
2.Manufacturing and preparing technology of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from municipal waste and the market demand analysis垃圾衍生燃料RDF制备技术及市场需求分析
3.The co-combustion experiments of semicokes with (RDF) refuse derived fuel were done in an internally circu- lating fluidized bed.在非均匀布风流化床中进行了半焦与垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)的混合燃烧实验,研究了不同半焦混烧率对烟气组分的影响以及二者混烧的可行性与经济性。

1.Manufacturing and preparing technology of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from municipal waste and the market demand analysis垃圾衍生燃料RDF制备技术及市场需求分析
2.Research on Preparation of Railway C-RDF and Pollution Characteristics of Fly Ash Particles from Combustion of C-RDF;铁路复合垃圾衍生燃料制备及燃烧飞灰颗粒物污染特性研究
3.Studies on Co-firing of Coal and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in Fluidized Bed Combustor and on the Removal of Acid Gases;煤与垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)的流化床混烧研究及其酸性气体的脱除
4.Study on the Drying Technology and Moulding Conditions of Railway Refuse Derived Fuel;铁路垃圾制备衍生燃料的干燥与成型试验研究
5.Estimation of Using Reducing Gas from Garbage to Produce Direct Reduced Iron垃圾制燃气生产直接还原铁工艺估算
6.Combustion characteristics of combustible of municipal solid waste analyzed by thermogravimetry城市生活垃圾可燃成分燃烧特性热重分析
7.Study on the Preparation of Late-Model Fuel Utilizing Organic Refuse and Sludge;利用有机垃圾和污泥配制新型燃料的研究
8.Study on enzymatic reaction conditions of fuel ethanol production from kitchen garbage餐厨垃圾制备燃料乙醇酶促反应条件的研究
9.Study of Accessorial Fuel Influence on MSW Incineration Temperature辅助燃料对垃圾熔融炉炉温影响的分析研究
10.dump it, burn it, turn it into something you can use again, attempt to produce less of it.倾倒、焚烧、把垃圾变成再生材料或试图少产生一些垃圾。
11.These gases are produced from organic wastes such as livestock manure, food processing waste, and cellulose fibre.这些气体由有机垃圾生成,例如牲畜肥料、品加工垃圾与纤维素纤维。
12.Biomass-this term refers to a wide variety of crude fuel sourees, including plant and animal waste, wood and garbage.生物量”这个术语指的是广泛多样的天然燃料资源,包括动植物残渣、柴和垃圾。
13.an apparatus for burning fuel (or refuse).燃烧煤炭(垃圾)装置。
14.Experiment Studies on Pyrolysis of Typical Combustible Components of Municipal Solid Wastes;生活垃圾中主要可燃组分热解特性的试验研究
15.Research on Combustion Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste in Circulating Fluidized Bed Incinerator;循环流化床焚烧炉中生活垃圾燃烧特性研究
16.Characteristical Study on Pyrolysis and Combustion of MSW by Thermal Analysis;城市生活垃圾热解和燃烧的综合热分析研究
17.Numerical Study of Combustion in Bed and NO Producing Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste;城市垃圾的床层内燃烧及NO生成特性的数值研究
18.Experimental Study of the Combustion Characteristics of Anthracite Coal Mixed with MSW生活垃圾掺烧无烟煤燃烧特性热重实验分析

1.Brief Iutroduction of Refuse Derived Fuel(RDF)Technology;垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)技术概述
2.It was found that fresh MSW are characterized with high moisture content and low LHV,while combustibles in aged MSW are mainly plastics and of lower moisture content therefore can be made into RDF.分析了新鲜垃圾和陈旧垃圾的组分和热值特性,指出陈旧垃圾中的可燃组分可制成垃圾衍生燃料(RDF)作为新鲜垃圾焚烧的辅助燃料,尤其是在新鲜垃圾中的塑料加以回收后更有必要。
3.The characteristics and exploration developme nt of RDF are reviewed in a coprehensive way and several typical RDF manufacturing units of Japan are also presented.综述垃圾衍生燃料( Refuse Derived Fuel, R D F)的性能、研究开发概况,介绍了日本几个有代表性的垃圾衍生燃料生产利用设
3)compound refuse derived fuel复合垃圾衍生燃料
4)carbonized refuse derived fuel垃圾衍生燃料炭化物
5)refuse-derived fuel(RDF)垃圾产生的燃料
6)Produce of plastic garbage bag生产垃圾塑料袋

核燃料储运(见乏燃料贮存与运输)核燃料储运(见乏燃料贮存与运输)nuclear fuel transport and storage:see spent nuclear fuel trasport and storage  核燃料储运(nuelearfuel transport andstorage)核燃料的储存和运输都有严格的防辐射要求。见乏燃料贮存与运输。