1.Study on Methods for Preparing Acellular Matrices of Sheep Carotids;绵羊颈动脉脱细胞基质制备方法的研究
2.A Study of Interaction of Self-hemoglobin in Sheep and in Rats and Its Significance for Evolution of Species;哺乳纲动物绵羊和大白鼠自身血红蛋白相互作用的研究及意义
3.Effect of cardiac output on extravascular lung water in sheep with acute respiratory distress syndrome;心输出量对急性呼吸窘迫综合征绵羊血管外肺水的影响

1.Of, relating to, or characteristic of sheep; sheeplike.绵羊的,与羊有关的或有绵羊特征的;象绵羊
2.Study on Ovine Homogeneity and Goat-Ovine Heterogeneity Cloned Embryos in Vitro绵羊同种及绵羊—山羊异种核移植研究
3.The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep.一次剪下的羊毛,如绵羊
4.confine in a fold, like sheep.把绵羊限制在羊栏内。
5.The bleat of a sheep or goat.绵羊或山羊咩咩的叫声
6.Wintering the sheep in the stable.让绵羊在羊圈里过冬
7.Woolen sweaters are made of wool. Wool comes from sheep.羊毛衫是由羊毛作的。羊毛来源于绵羊
8.Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow .玛丽有只小羊羔,小绵羊,小绵羊。玛丽有只小绵羊,毛儿白如雪。
9.Construction sheep-sheep and goat-sheep somatic cell cloned embryos and their development in vitro绵羊-绵羊和山羊-绵羊体细胞克隆胚的构建及体外发育研究
10.This is to be done for every young ox and for every male sheep or he-lamb or young goat.献公牛,公绵羊绵羊羔,山羊羔,每只都要这样办理。
11.tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats.作为牧羊人照顾绵羊群或山羊群。
12.The characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.羊叫声,咩咩山羊或绵羊的咩咩叫声
13.suspension of fresh sheep red cells绵羊新鲜红细胞悬液
14.washed {Hailar} spring clipped sheep wool水洗海拉尔春剪绵羊
15.sheep suede leather for garments绵羊皮各色反绒服装革
16.sheared & designed sheep skin plate剪绒挖花绵羊皮褥子
17.designed sheared sheep skin plate挖花剪绵羊绒皮褥子
18.washed {Shantung} fine autumn sheep wool水洗山东细秋绵羊

1.An Immunohis to Chemical Study of the Localization of Ghrelin in the Ovine Follicle;绵羊卵泡内Ghrelin的免疫组化定位
2.Effect of different co-culture cell types on the development of ovine parthenogenetic embryos;不同共培养细胞类型对绵羊孤雌生殖胚发育的影响
3.Molecular Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Ovine Regakine-1;绵羊regakine-1基因的克隆与序列分析
1.Dynamic Changes of Three Kinds of Hormones and Cytokines in Pregnant Ewes;三种生殖激素和细胞因子在绵羊妊娠期的变化
2.The Preparation of Ivermectin Liposome and Its Affection on the Distribution of Ivemenctin in Ewes;伊维菌素脂质体的制备及其对药物在绵羊体内分布的影响
3.Five 2-3-year-old non-pregnant Small Tail Han Ewes,(45.2)kg的2~3岁龄空怀小尾寒羊母羊喂含粗料66%的日粮,采用自身对照设计,在试验期喂给磁处理水,以研究磁处理水对绵羊消化代谢的影响。
1.The paper reviewed the use of B mode ultrasound scanning in diagnosis of early pregnancy, foetal numbers and gestational age of ewes.本文仅就 B型超声在绵羊早期妊娠诊断、怀胎数的判断及判断胎龄三方面进行综
2.When genetic improvement for lambing rate is considered,it is suggested that prolificacy be more quickly improved if selection for both rams on test is size and ewes on ovulation rate,or crossing with highly prolific sheep breeds such as Finn and Ro.根据国内外有关提高绵羊繁殖率的大量研究结果,阐述并总结了提高绵羊排卵率与缩短其繁殖周期的综合措施及关键技术。
6)leather of sheep and lambskins绵羊及仔绵羊皮
