1.Analysis of related factors of recurrence after myomectomy;子宫肌瘤挖除术后复发相关因素分析
2.Characteristics and Related Factors of Recurrence and Metastasis of Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma;晚期子宫内膜癌复发特征与相关因素分析
3.Study on the relationship between leukoareosis and recurrence of cerebral infarction;脑白质疏松症与脑梗死复发的关系

1.a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease.疾病的突然发作或复发
2.138 cases has ben followed up and 5 was found to be recurrence of hyperthyroidism(recur-rence rate 3.6%).随访138例,术后甲亢复发5例,复发率3.6%。
3.The main endpoints were recurrence and death after recurrence.主要终点为(肿瘤)复发复发后死亡。
4.The disease is particularly liable to relapse, in whit case the recurrence may be much worse than the original attack.本病非常容易复发复发例的症状多较初发为重。
5.Temporary numbness of the tongue was noted postoperatively but resolved within1 month.患者术后恢复良好,并无复发迹象。
6.War broke out again, plunging the people into misery and suffering.战祸复发, 生灵涂炭。
7.The malignant tumor does not recur.恶性肿瘤没有复发
8.The pains may return.这种疼痛也许会复发的。
9.chronic intermittent recurrent aphthae慢性间歇性复发性口疮
10.The symptoms tend to recur.这种症状有可能复发.
11.snaky locks [ hair ](复仇女神的)蛇发
12.original invoice, carbon copy发票存根,发票复写联
13.Development and Application of Bamboo-plastics Veneer Board装饰复塑竹材复合板的开发与应用
14.The patient had a setback in her recovery.病在她康复过程中发生了反复。
15.Acoustic Emission Characteristics of C/SiC Composites During Complicated Environments;C/SiC复合材料复杂环境的声发射研究
16.troublesome zone易发生复杂情况的层带
17.recite/pronounce/renew one's `marriage vows念[发出/重复]自己的婚誓
18.tandem gas engine串排复缸瓦斯发动机

1.Serum C-reactive protein in patients with relapse of malignant tumor before and after chemotherapy;肿瘤复发患者化疗前后血清中CRP的变化
2.Effects of mental intervention preventing relapse of generalized anxiety;心理干预对预防广泛性焦虑症复发的效果评价
3.To observe effects of combining Nd:YAG and 532 nm laser in treatment of relapsed pterygium;激光治疗复发性翼状胬肉的临床研究
1.Reconstruction of medial patella femoral ligament(MPFL)for the treatment of recurrent dislocation of the patella in Children;重建髌骨内侧韧带治疗儿童复发性髌骨脱位
2.Observation on Effect of Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy in Treatment of Recurrent Non-small Cell Lung Cancer;立体适形放射治疗非小细胞肺癌复发放射反应
3.Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent primary retroperitoneal tumor;原发性腹膜后肿瘤术后复发的诊治
1.Study on Recrudescence of Bladder Cancer Operation by Combining Hydroxycamptothecine and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Vaccine羟喜树碱与卡介苗预防膀胱癌术后复发的研究
2.Result There were 8 cases of recrudescence (1.结果卒中复发者8例,占1。
3.It is an undoubtedly common fact that most of the cancer sufferers will not only suffer from recrudescence,but also take the risk of metastasis of cancer cells that threaten their lives only because they have not experienced the following steps such as actinotherapy or chemotherapy after operation.从癌肿术后复发的CT诊断分析癌肿术后复发的种种原因,并通过6例癌肿患者术后未作化疗、或未规范全程化疗及必要的放疗,对其进行回顾与前瞻性分析,阐明术前和术后的相互关联的辨证关系,提出了癌肿术后复发的防范措施,论述了癌肿综合治疗方案设计的重要性。
1.Mulfi-factor Analysis on the Cause of Postoperatirte Recurrence of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and to Obserue the Resuct of Re-operation;甲状舌管囊肿术后复发的多因素分析及手术处理
2.Clinical Study on Recurrence and Metastasis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma;口腔鳞癌术后复发及转移的临床研究
3.Objectives : To investigate the effects and principle of Chinese traditional medicine combined with corticosterone in treating infantile frequent recur nephritic syndrome.目的:探讨中药加激素减少小儿频复发性肾病综合征复发的作用机理。
1.Exploration of the case of palindromia in children ani-sometropic amblyopia;儿童屈光参差性弱视复发原因探讨
2.Risk Factors of Palindromia after Antithyroid Drug Treatment in Graves Disease;Graves病患者药物治疗复发的原因分析

复发复发〖HT5”SS〗relapse 已经好转的疾病或已经消失的症状,经过一段时间后再度发生。主要是因为机体内原来的病因尚未完全消除,机体抗病能力再度下降,使体内病原体又复活跃,症状再度出现。因此对疾病应积极进行彻底治疗和加强机体抵抗力。