1.Snyder(1974)developed self-monitoring to interpret the individual differences in self-presentation.Snyder(1974)提出自我监控来解释自我呈现中的个体差异。
2.As more and more attention on self-presentation in the field of sport psychology,the shortage of the measure implement be- comes the obstacle in the process of researches.随着自我呈现问题在运动心理学领域日益受到关注,相关测量工具的缺乏阻碍着研究工作的进展。
3.Snyder(1974)developed the self-monitoring to intergrate the individual difference in self-presentation, and developed a 25 items scale to measure the difference.Snyder(1974)提出自我监督概念来解释在自我呈现中的个体差异,并编制出一个25项目的自我监督量表来测量这种差异。

1.The Self-presentation in Cyberspace--Online Name as A Sample网络空间的自我呈现——以网名为例
2.Others-attention And Self-Expression Of Married Women in "Three Words" and "Two Amazing Tales";“三言”“二拍”中女性婚恋的他者关怀及自我呈现
3.Do Chinese self-enhance? It s due to situation.;一项从自我呈现角度针对中国人自我增强的研究
4.Reflection on Selfness--A supplementary methodology to sharpen our understanding on organizational management自我呈现及反思——组织管理研究的一种补缺性方法论
5.Literary Presentation of Self-problem--New Unde rstanding of Self-narration Novels自我问题的文学呈现——自叙传小说新论
6.Brittle and the space between the beetle and the block, a kind of self-violence being naturally show itself.脆弱的,岌岌可危的空间中,一种自我暴力被自然地呈现出来。
7.I persuade myself that nothing has ever existed of all that my fallacious memory represents to me.我使自己相信我那靠不住的记忆所呈现的东西都是不存在的。
8.(3)preschool children self-control increases with age;(4)幼儿自我控制能力随年龄的增长而迅速发展,呈现上升趋势;
9.Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.与恶习作战 与邻居和平相处 新年里呈现一个全新的自我。
10.A Study of the Presentation Strategy of the Instructional Objectives Affecting Perceived Academic Self-efficacy of the Students of the College of Public Security;目标呈现教学对公安院校学生学习自我效能感的影响研究
11.The Demonstration of the Beauty of Documentary Films--How to Demonstrate the Self-view of the Object Being Shot in Documentary Films;彰显纪录片之美——在纪录片中如何呈现被摄对象的自我观点
12.Constructing Ego of Female: The Presentation of Subject in Contemporary Feminist Literary Works;女性自我的建构:当代女性书写的主体呈现及其内涵
14.(5) the factor of "self-esteem" has an obvious relationship with the Neuroticism scale of EPQ;(5)自我认识的“自尊因素”与EPQ量表的情绪稳定性(N量表)呈现显著性负相关;
15.To assume a spiral or curved shape.呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状
16.Unique History Of Heart--On Gong Zizhen Personality And Poems;心史纵横自一家——论龚自珍心路历程的诗性呈现
17.After all it is perfectly normal indeed deeply human to be moved when nature presents us with a vision of great beauty.毕竟,深为自然界呈现给我们的伟大美景而感动完全是正常的、具有深刻人性的事。
18.(psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people.(心理学)不正常的内向及自我中心;呈现不能和人交流,精神不集中和不当其他人存在。

1.In the first part, introduce the background, the main question and the goal of this research, and make out the correlation research systematically in the domestic and foreign, and expound the basic ideas and the main method, and make an limit to the core concepts such as blog,blog writing by women and self-expression.那么,这些女性博客书写者在舞台之上表现出来的是什么样的自我形象呢?她们在网络空间塑造的这些形象与其在现实生活中的形象是否一致?她们在网络空间塑造自我形象的原因和动机何在?这种塑造对女性博客书写者又具有什么样的心理功能和现实功能?本研究试图从女性经验出发,结合戈夫曼自我呈现观点与社会网络理论的分析,对以上问题做一个初步的探析。
2.For many of juvenile net users,cyberspace is not only a medium for interaction but also a medium for self-expression which is made more open,diversified and flexible.研究发现,网络空间已经成为青少年网民进行日常社会交往的一个新场域,网络交往不仅有助于青少年维系已有的社会关系,而且还进一步扩展了青少年网民的社会关系网络;主导青少年网民网络互动的基本原则,主要是追求互动本身的快乐,网络在相当程度上改变了青少年网民的社会交往规则;对许多青少年网民而言,网络不仅是一个互动媒介,而且是一个自我呈现的媒介,网络交往使青少年更加开放、多元、弹性地呈现自我;青少年网民在网络空间的社会交往,以个人兴趣、感受和情感表达为主要内容,是一个陌生人之间个人兴趣、感受和情感分享的过程。
3)reflection on selfness自我呈现及反思
1.By adopting the pluralist views concerning the study of the international social sciences and introducing reflexivity and auto-ethnography is proposed a study methodology taking the individual organizational experience as the objective of study-reflection on selfness(ROS).以国际社会科学研究的多元化主张为背景,通过引入反身性(reflexivity)、自我民族志(auto-eth-nography),提出了一种把个人组织经验当作研究对象的研究方法论——自我呈现及反思,指出这一方法能比传统方法更好地揭示、解释特定组织情境中人与人互动的精细关系,加深我们对组织真实动态的理解,丰富我们探索组织真实结构和机制的认识途径。
4)Inauthentic Self-presentation不真实的自我呈现
5)free presentation自由呈现
1.On the comparison of vocabulary presentation methods in traditional vocabulary teaching and vocabulary teaching assisted with multimedia overhead projector;传统教学模式下与多媒体教学模式下词汇呈现方式之比较
2.The Presentation of Aesthetic Feeling in the Advertising Art;美感在广告艺术中的呈现
3.On Presentations of L2 Content Words and Their Conceptual Representations;二语实义词呈现方式及概念表征的考察——个案研究分析
