1.Discussing on the historical limitations of “inner-party cooperation”——The inner-party cooperation has limited the Chinese Communist Party s struggle for the leadership;试论“党内合作”的历史局限性——党内合作限制了中共对领导权的争取
2.A Study on Leadership of the War of Resistance against Japan from Historic Viewpoints;抗日战争领导权的历史考察
3.They no longer discussed the falsehood of ideology generally,but emphasized "leadership" of the proletariat ideology and its realization strategy.列宁和葛兰西发展了马克思的意识形态理论,不再一般地谈论意识形态虚假性,而是强调无产阶级意识形态"领导权"及其实现战略。

1.As a principal, how do you distribute leadership fairly?身为领导者,如何合理地分配领导权?
2.The battle for the leadership was played out.争夺领导权之战结束了.
3.On "the Authority as a Guider" and "the Authority as a Leader" in Villagers' Self-governance村民自治中“指导权”与“领导权”问题初探
4.It is the bourgeoisie that will contend with us for leadership.同我们争领导权的是资产阶级。
5.Leadership or skill in the conduct of a war.将才指挥战争中的领导权或技术
6.They jockey for the leaderships of the party他们不择手段谋取党的领导权
7.The vice-president took over the leadership of the country.副总统接掌了国家领导权
8.M. K. Gandhi: Gandhism and his Leadership甘地主义的形成和甘地领导权的确立
9.On the British Struggle for the Leadership of Europe 1945-1958;论战后英国对欧洲领导权的争夺1945-1958
10.From Man nationality"aphasia" understand G1axo Ltd"cultural 1eadership";从满族的“失语”看葛兰西的“文化领导权
11.A Contingent Analysis of Transformational and Transactional Leadership;变革型领导与交易型领导的权变分析
12.hold hegemony over...对…握有领导 [统治,支配] 权
13.The Moderating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on the Results of Empowering Leadership Behaviors领导—部属交换对授权赋能领导行为影响
14.Reflections of the Power& Prestige of Leading Cadres;领导干部的权力与威信——对领导者权力与威信的思考
15.The position or office of a head or leader;primacy or command.首领或领导人的地位或职务;首要地位或指挥权
16.It's not as if he was very important in the company hierarchy.他在公司的领导层中似乎无多大权力.
17.A leader's power to do both good and evil.一个领导者的权利既可行善亦可为恶
18.The two leaders are struggling for power.那两个领导人正在争夺权力.

1.Looking from the angle of constitutionalism,party s hegemony is administrative party s politic rights,it has the different quality、 function、 spectrum and transacting way from party s administrative rights.从宪政的角度看,党的领导权是政党的政治权利,它与党的执政权具有不同的性质、作用、范围和行使方式等。
2.Mouffe, is philosophically characteristic of hegemony as a core, articulation as a foundation for action, and anti-fundamentalism as a political ontology.以拉克劳和墨菲为代表的后马克思主义实质上是一种政治哲学思潮,它在哲学上表现为以“领导权”为核心、以“链接”实践为基础、以反本质主义为特征的政治本体论;具体内容体现为以“对抗”为特征的多元激进民主理论;而具体目标和实践则体现为构建“激进民主政治”的“新社会运动”。
3.In the paper, through the contrast research in Hegemony and Radical Democratic Politics, I want further discuss the vital significance of Hegemony theory, and make effort to change to the research of so-called "Post Marxist" theory the brand-new sight.领导权理论是以拉克劳、墨菲为代表的所谓的“后马克思主义”哲学思想的核心,是他们在现代哲学语境下,试图重构马克思主义哲学基石的理论尝试和结果。
3)leadership power领导权力
1.The Party Committee s leadership power quality is the science of politics and philosophy.作为一种存在的事实,高校党委领导权力是政治科学研究的范畴,有着明确的边沿界定和严格的职责划分。
4)leading authority领导权威
1.In the period of constructing harmonious society,the members of CPC must have both ability and political integrity and undertake practice personally to improve leading authority and leading position of keeping social orders and constructing modernization to promote all-round development of human being.随着时代的变化,党的权威有着不同的时代意义,在建设社会主义和谐社会时期,广大党员干部要做到德才兼备,并躬行实践,以提高党的领导权威,提高对于维持社会基本秩序、巩固党在现代化建设中的核心领导地位,促进人的全面自由发展具有很重要的意义。
5)leading tact领导权变
1.The rich thoughts about leading qualities,leading behaviors and leading tact are the leading approaches and arts that modern leading science advocates,which provide active reference for the leading practice of modern leaders.书中蕴涵的关于领导素质、领导行为及领导权变等方面的丰富思想,是现代领导学所倡导的领导方法和领导艺术,为当代领导者的领导实践提供了积极的借鉴和参考。
6)leadership by authorization授权领导
1.The process of the leadership by authorization is made up of several phases of leadership that have organic and continuous links.授权领导过程是领导者授权几个有机环节构成的连续工作。
