1.Solving order problems with genetic algorithms based on stochastic simulation;基于随机模拟的订货问题遗传算法求解
2.Based on the economic lot in traditional order mode,the coordinative order mode,a two echelon supply chain is proposed,in which the supplier makes up the increased cost of inventory of the seller by reducing the whole price.分析服装业不同于其它行业的需求特性,在传统订货的经济批量模式基础上,提出供应链协调订货两级供应链模式,供应商通过降低批发价弥补销售商由于协调订货产生的库存成本增加,兼顾销售商的库存成本合理化,建立销售商需求确定下的供应商成本优化模型。
3.The batch method for returns recovery is applied in order to have an effective way for reverse logistics management.研究结果表明,销售商对退回产品处理方式的不同导致其订货决策明显不同,但平均订货成本的差异却很小。

1.To order(goods)by purchase order or official requisition.定货用官方订货单或购买单订(货)
2.Thank you for you order .谢谢您的订货或订单。
3.To accept an order; to take ( up ) an order接受订单,接受订货
4.To repeat an order继续订货、再次订购
5.To cancel ( countermand ) an order取消订货、撤销订单
6.Additional order追加订货,补充订购
7.To modify ( change ) an order; to make alterrations in an order变更订单,改变订货
8.Must place dr earliest psbl as take 90 days for delivery.因发货需90天,请忙订货
9.Is it possible to make a change in our order? It 's number 0018 .我们的订货单可不可以更改? 订货货单编号是0018。
10.Thank you for your order for ...感谢贵方对... ...的订货
11.C. O., C/O [cash order]现金汇票、现金订货
12.We is in a position to accept a special order.我们可以接受特殊订货
13.We have been able to put the business to book.我们已接受贵方的订货
14.Do you take special order?你们接受特殊订货吗?
15.acceptance of an order at below-cost price接受低于成本的订货
16.Our shopping centre accepts phone orders.本商场承接电话订货
17.We await with pleasure your further valued order .我们恭候贵公司的订货
18.We deliberated whether we should cancel the order.我们商议是否取消订货

1.Game analysis of cooperative advertising and ordering strategies in a supply chain under demand uncertainty;不确定需求下供应链合作广告与订货策略的博弈
2.The author points out that,in recent years,reform in coal ordering plays basis role in market resources distribution,accelerates government function transformation,forms a new mechanism,and lays a foundation for guaranteeing coal supply stabilization and promoting quick,stable development of economy.本文认为,近年来推行的煤炭订货改革有效发挥了市场配置资源的基础性作用,加快了政府职能转变,初步形成了国家宏观调控指导下供需双方企业自主衔接资源、协商定价的新机制,为保障煤炭稳定供应、促进经济平稳较快发展奠定了重要基础。
3.In the supply chain, a single distributor supplies single product to multi-customer, according to the minimum-replenishment period-coordination mechanism in Stackelberg game of ordering, the cost optimization model for distributor was established for the cost rationality of each customer.给出了一个一般Stackelberg对策问题模型及其解计算的遗传算法求解步骤·在一类单分销商、多顾客单产品供应链中 ,针对订货的Stackelberg对策中分销商的最小补充期协调问题 ,建立顾客成本合理性约束下的分销商成本优化模型 ,并以辽化石油分销系统为对象进行了Stackelberg对策的仿真实验·结果表明 ,通过供应链中最小补充期协调 ,整个供应链及其成员都可从中受益 ,供应链订货的Stackelberg对策的分散协调机制有效地实现了供应链协调
3)Book; Booking订货;订购
4)purchase order进货订货单
5)ordering meeting订货会
1.The analysis and research on ordering meeting of apparel companies;服装企业订货会分析与研究
1.WLC is a hierarchical production planning and control approach for job shop manufacturing,and suitable for make-to-order industry.生产负荷控制是一种面向订货生产方式的生产计划与控制技术。
2.To meet the individualized and diverse demand, companies have to change their production mode from make-to-stock to make-to-order, meanwhile under the pressure of lowering costs and improving delivery performance.为了满足消费需求的个性化和多样化,制造企业不得不从以往的备货生产方式转向订货生产方式,同时还承受着降低生产成本、提高交货速度和交货可靠性的压力。
3.Aiming at the rush order inserting problem in a make-to-order manufacturing system adopting Load Oriented Manufacturing Control(LOMC) and LOMC-based Due Date Assignment(LDDA) technique,an order inserting method called "order rearrangement" was proposed.面向负荷的生产控制及与其相应的交货期设置方法的订货生产系统中,存在紧急订单的插单问题。
