1.On the Genesis of Yanlingshi Gold deposit in Liling;醴陵市雁林寺金矿床成因探讨
2.Anahysis of the Sensory Effect of Liling Five colors under Glaze醴陵釉下五彩的感官效果成因分析

1.A resolution passed in Liling County prohibited the drumming of New Year greetings or the chanting of praises to the local deities or the singing of lotus rhymes.如打春、赞土地、打莲花落,醴陵议决禁止。
2.They are the best Lilin chinaware.售货员 : 这是最好的醴陵瓷器。
3.Evaluation of Land Suitability Based on GIS in Liling City, Hunan Province;基于GIS的醴陵市土地适宜性评价研究
5.Studies on Construction and Running of Fine Seed Multiplication Farm for Xenocyprinae in Liling City醴陵市鲴鱼良种场的建设与运行研究
6.Li Duo, is a famous calligrapher who was born in Liling city, Hunan province in1930.李铎,著名书法家,一九三0年生,湖南醴陵人。
7.Cultural Orientation and Brand Spread of Liling Five Color Painting Porcelain in the Glaze当代醴陵釉下五彩瓷的文化定位与品牌拓展
8.At present the political situation in such counties as Hsianghsiang, Hsiangtan, Liling and Hengshan is as follows:现在像湘乡、湘潭、醴陵、衡山等县的县政治状况是:
9.Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Its Driving Force in Liling City;醴陵市土地利用/土地覆被变化及其驱动力研究
10.Analyzing Spatial Pattern of Land Use in Liling City based on DEM;基于DEM的醴陵市土地利用空间格局分析
11.The SOWT Analysis of Hunan Liling Electronic Appliance and Porcelain Torch Co.Ltd;湖南醴陵火炬电瓷电器有限公司的SWOT分析
12.Preliminary Study on Land-use and Ecological Environmental Building in Liling County;醴陵市土地利用与生态环境建设问题研究
13.Driving Forces of Land Use Changing in the City Region--A Case Study of Liling City;市(县)级土地利用变化驱动力分析——以醴陵市为例
14.The process choice for city wastewater treatment in Liling City醴陵市城市污水处理厂处理工艺选择探讨
15.Studies on the Protection of the Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Hilly Areas of Central and Southern China中南丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究——以湖南醴陵市为例
16.Pattern and spatio-temporal changes of land use in the hilly and mountainous,south central China:A case study of Liling,Hunan中南丘陵区土地利用格局时空变化分析——以湖南省醴陵市为例
17.CSN3375, HUANGHUA tower, LIG1 D, Climb and maintain4500 meters on Standard.黄花塔台,醴陵一号离场,上升到标准气压高度4500米保持。
18.CBF6283, HUANGHUA tower, LIG2 D, climb and maintain4500 meters on standard.黄花塔台,醴陵2号离场,上升到标准气压高度4500米保持。

Liling city醴陵市
1.Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Its Driving Force in Liling City;醴陵市土地利用/土地覆被变化及其驱动力研究
2.Effects of County-level Landuse Changes on Ecosystem Service Value in the Hilly Region of Central-Southern China——A Case Study of Liling City of Hu’nan Province中南丘陵县域土地利用变化对生态服务价值的影响——以湖南省醴陵市为例
3.The specific works done by author are presented as follows:By inquiries and studies, it was confirmed that there were prominent advantages for Liling city to construct the first provincial-level fine seed multiplication farm for Xenocyprinae.针对醴陵市鲴鱼繁育中存在的规模小、经营分散、近亲繁殖、种质退化和生产不规范等问题,作者提出了筹建鲴鱼良种场的构想,并全程主持和参与了良种场的筹建、运行和良种推广工作。
3)Liling County醴陵县
1.Power Construction and Flux of Rural Society of CCP during 1949-1957——A Case study in Liling County,Hunan Province;1949-1957年中国共产党政权建设与农村社会变迁——以湖南省醴陵县为个案的研究
2.Unified Purchase and Sale and the Rural Social Reconstruction——A Case Study of Liling County in Hunan Province from 1953 to 1957统购统销与农村社会重构——以1953~1957年湖南省醴陵县为研究个案
4)poets from Liling醴陵诗人
5)Liling procelain醴陵瓷
6)Liling ceramic醴陵陶瓷

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