1.This article has scientific research on brand extensions and multi-brand in the different angle of consumer brand faith, and built model of brand faith and choice matrix of brand strategy, moreover analyzed by it.从不同类型消费者品牌忠诚度的角度对品牌延伸策略和多品牌策略进行研究,建立了品牌忠诚度--利润模型和品牌策略选择矩阵。
2.Meanwhile,multi-brand marketing strategy asks the enterprise to have the strength,because developing a brand requires an investment.中国企业在进入直销业时面临的第一个问题就是:如何规划自己的品牌之路?多品牌营销战略首先要求企业的产品具有差异化,只有差异化的产品才能定位于不同的细分市场,满足不同消费者的需求;同时,多品牌营销战略要求企业具有一定的实力,因为培育一个品牌需要一定的投入;多品牌营销战略还要求企业的分销渠道能够支撑多品牌,因为分销渠道是营销传播的主题。

1.Research on the Measuring Model of the Customer Equity of Multi-brand Enterprises Based on the Brand Utility基于品牌效用的多品牌企业顾客资产测量模型研究
2.The Study of Multi-brands Strategy Patterns of Native Apparel Corporation;国内服装企业多品牌战略模式的研究
3.An Analysis to the Game of the Multiple Brands of Creative Products in the Context of Habitual Purchase;惯性购买行为下创新产品多品牌竞争博弈分析
4.Diffusion model of the multi-brand strategy based new products in the context of habitual purchase;惯性购买行为下多品牌竞争的新产品扩散模型
5.They are diffusely used in hotel, bar, swimming pool.并承担国内诸多品牌的墙地砖配套业务。
6.The Strategy of the Marketing Channel Flattening and Multi-brand for IT Distributior;IT分销企业营销渠道扁平化及多品牌战略
7.Minute Maid is a well-established fruit juice brand in the US, owned by Coca-Cola for more than40 years.美汁源是成熟的美国果汁品牌,可口可乐拥有该品牌长达40多年。
8.Marlboro is the world's most valuable brand and remains one of the most in demand in the contraband sector.Marlboro是世界上最有价值的品牌,也是在非法交易中需求量最多的品牌。
9.2008 is the simple design branding, we will strive to create more good local brand!2008年是简约设计品牌提升年,我们将力争打造更多优秀本土品牌!
10.Recalls have now spread to more than100 brands.召回范围已经过大到了100多个品牌。
11.School brand has various values and effects.学校品牌具有多方面的价值和效应。
12.Now more and more people like to use brand name products.现在有愈来愈多人喜欢使用名牌商品。
13.The Stretch Analysis of Chinese Brand Based on Diversified Strategy基于多元化战略的我国品牌延伸研究
14.On the Brand Positioning of CMMB论移动多媒体广播(CMMB)的品牌定位
15.The Influence of Product Variety on Brand Perception and Choice论产品多样性对消费者品牌感知与选择的影响
16.Most major companies, like P& C, have been better known for their product brands than for their corporate brands.众多大公司,像宝洁这样的公司,他们的产品品牌名气往往大于其公司品牌。
17.Turning "Wushan" into a Strong Economic County;把“巫山”作为品牌 把品牌做成名牌
18.could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.可能是一对李宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。

multi brand多品牌
1.We should make use of Western academic research achievements, discuss the theoretical frame of extending brand, sub brand and multi brand.运用西方学术研究成果,讨论品牌延伸、子品牌和多品牌战略的理 论框架,应用、比较和选择的依据。
2.Multi brand Strategy is one of the brand management strategies.多品牌战略是企业品牌管理的战略选择之一。
3)multi-brand strategy多品牌战略
1.On Internal Coordination Mechanisms of Multi-brand Strategy Enterprises;浅议多品牌战略企业内部协同机制
2.Research on the Decision Mode of Multi-brand Strategy;企业多品牌战略决策模式研究
3.This paper analyzes on the multi-brand strategy of Swiss watch producer,Swatch Group,from aspects of the strategic motivation,strategic feasibility,and strategic contents,etc.从战略动机、战略可行性和战略内容等方面,分析了瑞士手表制造商斯沃琪集团实行的多品牌战略。
4)multi-brand strategy多品牌策略
1.By applying the theories of consuming behavior studies and probability process,and with a rational estimate of the transference probability of customers expectation,the diffusion model of the multi-brand strategy based new products in the context of habitual purchase is constructed.在Bass扩散模型中添加阻滞系数以使其能够反映各品牌子市场惯性购买行为对更新换代产品扩散影响的基础上,综合运用消费行为学和随机过程理论,通过对顾客期望状态转移概率进行合理估计,建立了惯性购买消费行为下率先创新产品与模仿创新产品均以多品牌策略进入市场的品牌竞争扩散模型。
5)multiple brands品牌多元化
6)multi-media brand marketing多介质品牌

CPU品牌 笔记本电脑专用的CPU英文称Mobile CPU(移动CPU),它除了追求性能,也追求低热量和低耗电,最早的笔记本电脑直接使用台式机的CPU,但是随CPU主频的提高, 笔记本电脑狭窄的空间不能迅速散发CPU产生的热量,还有笔记本电脑的电池也无法负担台式CPU庞大的耗电量, 所以开始出现专门为笔记本设计的Mobile CPU,它的制造工艺往往比同时代的台式机CPU更加先进,因为Mobile CPU中会集成台式机CPU中不具备的电源管理技术,而且会先采用更高的微米精度。主要生产厂家有Intel、AMD、全美达等。 点击查看所有CPU详细技术资料