1.An Exploration into Reproduction Rhythm by Means of Taiji Eight Diagrams and Chronoclock(2);从太极八卦时辰钟结合图探析生殖节律(续3)
2.An Exploration into Reproduction Rhythm and Aristogenesis by Means of Taiji Eight Diagrams midnight-moon ebb-flow Diagram (continue1);从太极八卦时辰钟结合图探析生殖节律(续1)

1.Taiji: 48 Forms and Swordplay四十八式太极拳与太极
2.On the Development of Competitive Taijiquan from the Evolution of Taijiquan;从太极拳的演变论竞技太极拳的发展
3.Images and quintessence of Taijiquan;明确太极拳形象 把握太极拳精髓
4.A comparison between the "five-element" theory in Taiji Tu and Taiji Tu Shuo;《太极图》与《太极图说》之“五行说”比较研究
5.Taiji in Four Chapters──A Discussion of Taijiquan and the Spirit of the Supreme Ultimate with Mr. Zhu Jingao and His Students太极四章——兼与朱金高先生及其弟子论太极拳与太极精神
6.On the Value of Tai Ji Exercise太极相谐 动静相宜——论中国古代太极拳“太极”文化的本体及价值义
7.He even learned to do Taiji,他甚至学习打太极了,
8.They play Tai Chi in the park.他们在公园打太极
9.What do you think of shadow-boxing?你觉得太极拳怎样?
10.They're doing taijiquan.他们正在打太极拳。
11.Tom, are you any good at shadowboxing?汤姆,你擅长打太极拳吗?
12.Competition Routines for Four Styles Taijiquan四式太极拳比赛套路
13."Taiji is used to mean the origin .of yin (negative, or female), yang(positive, or male) and of universal changes."太极是表示阴阳太极的哲理和宇宙变化的学说。
14.Difference between Competitive and Traditional Taiji & Their Training Strategies;竞技太极拳与传统太极拳的区别及训练对策
15.The Analysis of an Experiment on Applying Taiji Softball Movement in the Teaching of Taijiquan;太极柔力球运动贯穿太极拳教学的实验与分析
16.Approaches to the Taiji Life Mechanism and the Criteria of Making the Taiji Drawing;太极生命机理及太极图绘制标准之探源
17.Cool! /Fantastic! /Hooray! /Hurrah! /Smashing! /Super!太棒了!/好极了!/好哇!/太棒了!/妙极了!
18.Amazing! /Cool! /Wonderful! /Fabulous!妙极了!/太好了!/太棒了!/好极了!

Tai ji太极
1.Research method studying sum case is analytical by the document, about lacquer skill leave school work "Tai Ji" creation, from every aspect such as subject , form , model , lines appearance , color, have set forth what work needs to emphasize the aesthetics concept showing beautiful simple unique charm in designing that in modern lacquer skill.通过文献研究和案例分析的研究方法,围绕漆艺毕业作品《太极》的创作,从主题、形式、造型、纹样、色彩等各方面,阐述了作品所要着重表现的美学观念——单纯美在现代漆艺设计中的独特魅力。
2.The second chapter mainly elaborates the universe ontology, Luo Lun thought that the Tai Ji is Li .第二章主要阐述了宇宙本体论,罗伦认为太极为理,把太极上升到了本体论的高度,提出了太极能自动静的观点,并且他同时主张天地万物为一本,将此原则作为“仁”的内在要求与准则。
3)Tai chi太极
1.Research of Modern Funiture Design Based on Tai Chi Graphic Symbols基于太极图形符号的现代家具设计的研究
2.On the relation of theory of heart and humanity in Zhu Xi′s Neo-Confucianism with the ideas about Yin and Yang and Tai Chi朱熹理学心性观与太极阴阳说之关系探微
3.Tai chi culture which represents the highest level of eastern philosophy is the survey of Chinese ancestors’wisdom, its specific thinking mode also influence Chinese traditional culture deeply.太极文化博大精深,作为东方哲学的最高范畴,汇集着我国古代先民们的智慧精华,其独特的思维方式也对中国传统文化有着深远的影响,而中国舞蹈文化凭借自身独特的气质成为中国传统文化不可或缺的重要组成部分,充满了有别于其他各国舞蹈文化的精神魅力,这就让我们不由得思考中国舞蹈文化根基的实质是什么,与太极文化有着怎样的渊源,中国古典舞和中国民族民间舞其运动规律和动作形态的理论支点又是什么……太极文化中蕴含了丰富的中国传统哲学思想,阴阳学说为其内在的精髓。
4)the "Infinity" and the "Supreme Ultimate"无极-太极
5)Very good, madam.好极了,太太。
6)wu ji and tai ji无极与太极
