1.Application of visual process in poster design;论视觉流程在招贴设计中的应用
2.Discussion about Graphic Rhetoric of Japanese Poster Design;论日本招贴设计中的图形修辞

1.display(a notice,placard,etc)in a public place公布(告示、招贴等)
2.Deconstructionism in Posters--Poster Design by Shen Haopeng;招贴中的解构主义——沈浩鹏的招贴设计
3.a cardboard suitable for making posters.适合做招贴画的纸板。
4.announce sth about sb/sth by means of a poster,list,etc displayed publicly(以张贴招贴、名单等形式)公开宣布某事
5.We used paste to attach our designs to the poster.我们用浆糊把我们设计的图案贴在招贴牌上。
6.Picasso's Collage Style Impact on Modern Poster Design浅谈毕加索拼贴画风格对现代招贴设计的影响
7.Rooms to let, eg on a sign outside a house房间出租(如房屋外的招贴
8.His attention was engaged by the new posters on the wall.他的注意力被墙上的新招贴吸引住了。
9.The poster powerfully attracted his attention.招贴广告深深地吸引了他的注意力。
10.A public notice, such as an advertising poster.广告,海报公共布告,如广告招贴
11.I recall seeing a poster on his wall.我记得曾在他墙上见过一张招贴画。
12.The mirror is level with the poster on the wall.镜子与墙壁上的招贴画处于同一高度。
13.World Gratitude Day - International Children's Poster Exhibit世界感恩日-国际儿童招贴画展
14.Bright posters decorate the streets.鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道.
15.Optical Illusion Sketch is Recruit to Stick the Application Study in the Design;视错觉图形在招贴设计中的应用研究
16.Representation of Appropriately Simple Image in Poster Design;招贴设计中图形简约合宜的方法表现
17.Research on Visual Semantics in Contemporary Japanese Poster Design;当代日本招贴设计中的视觉语义研究
18.Discuss the Analysis Method of Graphical Language by Mendell s Poster;由门德尔招贴谈图形语言的分析方法

3)poster design招贴设计
1.The Creative Logo in Poster Design;图形创意在招贴设计中的作用
2.The method to construct Chinese elements full of modern style was put forward to fuse these elements into the poster design of 2008 Olympic Games.通过对民族传统文化中与其他民族不同的思维方式和独特风格的分析,并根据这些特点构建了富有现代风格的中国元素,使这些元素融入2008年奥运招贴设计中。
3.This paper analyzed three kinds of poster design methods and their meaning.通过分析当前招贴设计的三种设计方式及其所能传达的意义,再结合时代的美感要求,得出招贴设计需要将“少”作为其主要的设计思想。
4)poster figure招贴图形
1.The embodiment of metaphor in poster figures design was discussed in the aspects of substitute,comparison,interaction theories,from the angle of cognition metaphor.从认知隐喻学的角度,探讨了隐喻的替代、比较、互动理论在招贴图形设计中的体现,预期能为招贴图形设计的隐喻表现提供理论和实践的参考。
1.Question should be concerned in pre-press design of the posters;招贴广告印前设计应注意的问题
6)commonweal posters公益招贴
1.Today,the practical value of the commonweal posters has been ignored,so people are more and more concerned about it.公益招贴的实用性价值遭到忽略已成为一个越来越受关注的问题,同时也给设计师们敲响了警钟。

招贴1.亦作"招帖"。 2.写印在纸上供张贴宣传用的文字﹑图画。