1.The Great Importance and Signficance of Qiyun in Chinese Treditional Picture;论气韵在中国传统绘画鉴赏中的价值及意义
2.Study at the charactersitics of poetic thinking in Chinese ancient oriental aesthetic from“Qiyun”;从“气韵”看中国古典美学的诗性思维特点
3.“Qiyun”is originated from the object,the painter must grasp it by heart not by eyes,in which the painter should use his or her comprehension and wisdom.绘画作品有无“气韵”是艺术作品有无生命的关键,也是品评绘画作品优劣的依据。

1.An Argument Concerning the Aesthetic Category of “Character(Qiyun)” --And Comment on the Zhang Xikun s Category of “Character (Qiyun)”;“气韵”审美范畴辨——兼评张锡坤的“气韵”范畴观
2.Words Masculine and Feminine Elements Tone Vivid,Huang Binhong's Landscape Painting"Tone"Evaluation笔墨阴阳 气韵生动——黄宾虹的山水画“气韵”评析
3.Taiji "Qi and Rhyme": Its Connections with Korean Dance Culture and "Rhyme"(Ⅱ)太极“气韵”与朝鲜(韩)民族舞蹈文化及“韵律”之关联
4.The vivid artistic conception is a traditional topic of Chinese drawing.气韵生动是中国画论一个传统话题。
5.On the Cultural Characteristics of Gen Niao Inherited from Xi You;论《根鸟》对“西游”文脉气韵的承续
6.Simple feeling,lofty and unyielding character,fragrance of sprit and char mreserving forever--Discussion on poems written by Lin Sheng in own painting;素心傲骨气韵流香——谈《林声自题画诗》
7.The Evolution of the Concept of "Spirit-resonance Life-movement" In the Ancient Chinese Painting;论中国古代绘画"气韵生动"的演变
8."Qiyun" and Poetic Thinking of Chinese Classical Aesthetics;“气韵”与中国古典美学的诗性思维
9.Coloring and Likeness to Vivid Character-the Fine Art and Viewing a Painting;赋彩象形 气韵生动——绘画艺术与鉴赏
10.On the Idea of Vigor Appeal of the Chinese Ink and Wash Landscape Paintings;关于中国水墨山水画艺术的“气韵”说
11.A Review of the Studies on"Spirit Resonance"Research From the 20th Century Mid-80s20世纪80年代中期前后“气韵”研究综述
12.Vivid Charm and "Six Approaches" in Xie He's Painting谢赫的绘画“六法”与“气韵生动”
13.The Role of the Theory of Vivid Charm in the Design Arts of Books“气韵生动”论在书籍装帧艺术中的地位
14.Rhythm of the Universe" Has its Root in "the Movement of Energy" ──A Query about the Contemporary Study of Xiehe s Aesthetic Thought;气韵源于“气运”──当代谢赫美学思想研究质疑
15.Breathing in Pace with Emotion Perfects the Spirit-resonance--on the Teaching and Learning of Application of Breath in Singing;气随情动才能气韵贯通——歌唱气息运用中的教与学
16.Function and Studying of Spirit-resonace in Chinese Landscape Painting;谈气韵对中国山水画绘画上的意义及研究
17.New Understanding of "Vivid Rhythm" and the "Bone-liked Style of Drawing",Two of Xie He s Six Principles in Painting;谢赫六法中的“气韵生动”与“骨法用笔”新解
18.“A Painting still Depends on The Spirit of The Painter”--The Analysis of the Education Concept in the Viewpoint of “The Charming In Painting Without Teacher”;“精神还仗精神觅”——论“气韵非师”的绘画教育思想

1.This paper discusses the line drawing art in traditional Chinese painting from two aspects: lively spirit and personality training, so as to reunderstand the essence of traditional aesthetic perspective.本文从中国画线描艺术美学观的核心命题———气韵生动和中国画线描艺术美学观的实质———人格修养来解析中国画线描艺术,让我们重新认识传统美学观之精髓,并借古开今,推陈出新。
2.It advises that mountains - and - waters painting should express Tao and the lifelike spirit of nature.“画见大象,不为斩刻之形”是郭熙对山水画创作提出的一个美学命题,它要求山水画“体道”,表现自然对象全幅生动的气韵,强调形神兼备,创造意境,技法上要求笔墨浑融,虚实结合,从而表现大自然的生命精神,创造山水画的美。
3.In drawing theories of all previous dynasties,traditional Chinese painting concerning spirit has drawn a considerable discussion.在历代绘画理论中,对中国画"气韵"的论述颇多。
1.His classic elegance and detached character pushes Chinese painting in the late Ming Dynasty to "brush and ink" and ever after.董其昌作为中国古代文人画的代表,在绘画实践上以推重笔墨形式之美而独树一帜,其“古雅娟秀、气韵超然”的艺术风格,影响了明末及以后的中国绘画朝笔墨形式发展。
2.The creation and images in calligraphy is often expressed by the words and expressions, such as "momentum" or "character".在书法创作与形象中常以"气势"、"气韵"等词进行表述,"气势"是书法家对自然抽象摹写与内心世界传达结合的一种书法表现的特殊形式。
3.He laid emphasis on "a true-to-life depiction", which consists in answering the source of artistic creation correctly, laying stress on "character", rising to the lifelike level; setting off the objects described intentionally in his poems.他强调"写真论",重要意义在于正确回答了艺术创作的源泉问题;注重"气韵",达到"传神"的艺术境界;在诗中着意运用"烘托"来表现抒写对象。
4)artistic conception气韵
1.Tentatively on QIAN Zhongshu s Theory of Re-arranging the Tone Clusters in "Six Techniques for Painting"——Concurrently on the theory of "lively artistic conception;试论钱钟书“六法”失读说——兼与“气韵生动”说商榷
2.As a result, she often employed some painting devices and techniques such as imagery, artistic conception, hue, and brush wielding, in her ci writing so that her ci is full of painting elements.李清照是以词名世的 ,同时由于社会风气的陶冶和家庭环境的影响 ,她在绘画方面也有很高的艺术修养 ,于是有意无意地将绘画的手法、技巧包括形象、气韵、色调及运笔运用到填词当中 ,故使得她的词具有浓厚的画意。
1.The disposition of heart and soul mentioned in Zhouyi constantly accommodates with Chinese Calligraphy which possesses a natural homomorphism,namely,going all lengths at full length with circumference and coherence in a unified entity which embodies the beauty of style in circulating veins of interlocks.中国书法用笔的无垂不缩、无往不收 ,笔势的一笔环转、血脉相属 ,结字的上皆覆下、下以承上等 ,无不体现出气韵流转、血脉相连的圆通之美。
6)breath tone气息气韵
1.With exploring the sbills、breath tone and stage shape required in the dulcimer performance,this paper states that the combination and setting of performance laws and charcuteristies forms the unique glamour of the dulcimer.文章通过对扬琴演奏中所应具备的技术技巧、气息气韵以及舞台形态等方面的分析后,指出扬琴演奏中动作要协调。
