1.Study on Mental Health States and the Relation with Personality of Private College Students民办医学院校学生心理健康特点及其与人格的关系研究
2.However,there still exist some problems in private vocational colleges teaching,which exerts a negative effect on talent-training purpose in higher vocational education.民办高职院校作为一种特殊的高等教育办学类型,在我国高等教育大众化的进程中扮演着十分重要的角色。
3.This paper analyzes the weaknesses restricting the private colleges (those vocational colleges in Fu-jian Province),on the basis of it,the paper proposes the student management mode of trinity composed of"family,college and society".分析了制约民办高校(民办高校特指本福建省的高职院校)学生管理的弱势,在此基础上,提出了"家庭、学校、社会"三位一体的学生管理模式,提出了"以人为本"的学生管理工作理念和管理育人、服务育人的创新观念。

1.Persisting in the Feature of Civilian-run Schools and Running Well Regular Universities;坚持民办特色 办好民办本科院校
2.Office for Assistance to Refugees and Victims of Disaster协助难民灾民办事处
3.The Development of Privately-run Colleges with Governmental Support;从民办高校的发展现状看“民办公助”
4.A reflection on the trying out of higher education run by government shifted to non-government or share-holding system;高等教育试行公办转民办或股份制办学的思考
6.The Case Research about Non-Government Schools in Shuyang County;沭阳县民办中小学办学现状分析研究
7.Analysis of Private University s Profit-orientation and Its Countermeasures;民办高校办学的趋利性分析及其对策
8.Government Responsibility in Administering the Credit Loss of School-running in Private Colleges;民办高校办学失信治理中的政府责任
9.A Research on Educational Quality and Characteristics of Civilian-run Universities;民办高校的教育质量和办学特色探究
10.Guarding against the risks of running schools: the responsibility of the government and private higher learning institutions;防范办学风险:政府和民办高校的责任
11.Thinking on Some Problems of Non-state Colleges;关于民办高校办学中几个问题的思考
12.Investment in Schooling: Essentials of Our Non-governmental Education;投资办学:我国民办教育的本质特征
13.Cognition and practice of senior vocational education run by private universities;民办院校举办高职教育的认识与实践
14.A Tentative Discussion on Establishing Non- state-run Colleges Subordinate to State-run Universities;公办高校设立附属民办二级学院浅探
15.The school is run by the local people.这所学校是民办的。
16.Privately-run schools developed rapidly.民办教育迅速发展。
17.Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights民主制度和人权办公室(民主人权办)
18.Managing China Aluminum Corporation well to make for a powerful enterprise to push along national aluminum industry;办好办强中铝公司 推进民族铝业发展

1.The paper analyses the environment and problems of the development of non-governmental education,and proposes ideas for the pattern of joint development of governmental and non-governmental schools with the former as the main body.分析了民办教育发展的环境和问题,就如何形成公办学校为主体、公办学校和民办学校共同发展的格局问题提出了自己的见解。
2.To research the problem, this paper takes the non-governmental kindergartens for the example, to find out the deep reason for this safety problem.我国民办幼儿园发生安全事故存在着制度缺失的原因,需要通过制度改进,强化政府在民办幼儿园中的责任,突出均衡的幼儿教育发展观,构建绩效评价为基础的公共财政制度,加强有限政府的宏观管理职能。
1.Using questionnaire research and data statistic method ,the author makes a research on the interesting of PE class of the students in some civilian-run colleges ,and he finds that the shape of their interesting and six most important effect elements.采用问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对部分民办高校大学生有关体育课兴趣进行调查,结果显示:民办学院学生对体育课的兴趣总体上呈正态分布,男生兴趣明显浓于女生;影响民办高校大学生体育课兴趣的原因可归为6类,按照其影响程度,分别为:教学内容的可选择性;教学组织形式;体育场地、设施;体育教师的教学亲和力;自身运动能力及其他。
2.Developing civilian-run education can mend the insufficiency of the government s investment and relieve the contradiction between the number of graduates and their employment.发展民办高等教育,可以缓解政府资金投入不足和高校毕业生就业困难的矛盾。
3.From the Spring and Autumn Period to the early post-liberation period, the Chinese civilian-run higher education had a long history and a distance source and long stream.中国民办高等教育的历史源远流长,从春秋战国到解放初期。
5)government subsidy and run by private民办公助
1.Promoting water development in rural areas by government subsidy and run by private ;创新民办公助机制 促进农田水利发展
6)private college民办高校
1.The Way of Management and Educating Intellectual of Private College;民办高校管理与育才之道
2.Choice and construction of account system for Chinese private colleges;我国民办高校会计制度的选择与建设
3.Sports Private Colleges survey of teaching and research;民办高校体育教学现状的调查与研究

“民办”信用合作社“民办”信用合作社  【“民办”信用合作社】由城乡居民、中小企业自愿集资联合组成,以互助为主要宗旨的合作金融组织。其基本的经营目标是以简便的手续和较低的利率,向社员提供信贷服务,帮助社员解决资金困难,以免遭高利贷剥削。“民办”信用社的特点在于其坚持组织上的群众性,管理上的民主性,经营上的灵活性的“三性”原则,“取之于民,用之于民,服务于民”。它不仅弱化了“官办”信用社的负面影响,有助于信用社健康发展,而且也能弥补银行信用之不足,促进社会经济的发展。