1.The calendar was an outcome of the development of Chinese commodity economy at the beginning of 20th century and had an practical purpose obviously.月份牌是二十世纪初中国商业经济发展的产物,带有明显的实用目的。
2.As the typical representative of our country contemporary advertisement development initial period s, the images of women in the calendar not only manifested the social populace s esthetic appeal at that time, but also refracted the present situation and the insufficiency.作为我国现代广告发展初期的典型代表,月份牌中的女性形象既体现出当时社会大众的审美情趣,又折射出我国广告发展初期的现状与不足。
3.Fashion on calendar in the past Shanghai reflects the history of clothes tendency in China.老上海月份牌上的时装是中国近代都市服装史的一个缩影,透过她,我们可以遥想当年上海十里洋场的繁荣与兴盛,在那令人迷恋的“东方巴黎”,有过一些特质,今日难再。

1.A Research of the "Calenda" in Shanghai under the View of Urban Folklore都市民俗学视野下的上海月份牌研究
2.Analysis on Cultural Features of Calendar Advertisement in Republic of China民国时期月份牌广告的文化特征探析
3.Earthly Care--the Analysis of Female Images on Calendar Painting in Republic of China;现世的关照——民国月份牌画中的女性形象分析
4.On the Origin of the Calendar-Painters in The Republic of China With HANG Zhi-ying as an Example;以杭穉英为例试析民国月份牌画家的画学渊源
5.On the Influence of Photography in the 1920s and 1930s to Monthly Calendars;论20世纪二三十年代摄影对“月份牌”的影响
6.They Softly Touch the Spring Sorrow in My BosomAnd Gently Stir the Longings in Her Heart--A Study of Calendar-picture in 1930s' Shanghai触我春愁偏婉转,撩他离绪更缠绵——试论30年代上海的月份牌
7.The Compare Research of the Images of Women in Calendar and Contemporary Plane Advertisement;女性形象在月份牌与当代平面广告中的比较研究
8.On the Study of Reference Value of Calendar Pictures for China s Modern Commercial Illustration Design;月份牌对中国现代商业插图设计的可借鉴性研究
9.Setting and Image -- "Modernization" of the Chinese Society and the“Calenda”in the 1920s and 1930s;场景与图像——二十世纪二三十年代中国社会的“现代化”转型与“月份牌
10.Female Images and Their Consumption Culture in the Monthly Pictures of Billboards in the Fisrt Part of the 20th Century;20世纪上半叶月份牌广告画中的女性形象及其消费文化
11.The Research on Calendar Picture of Shanghai and Its Value in the Late 19th Century to the First Half of 20th Century十九世纪末至二十世纪上半叶上海月份牌画及其价值研究
12.Renewing a Sweet Experience of Bygone Days--On Inspiration of Calendar Art of the Old Shanghai to the Design of Commercial Poster Today旧梦重温——谈老上海月份牌对当代商业招贴设计的启示
13.The Inspiration of Form and Idea,Revelation from the Hemstitch in Calendar Advertisement形式与理念的启迪——月份牌广告花边边饰作用浅析
14.And then the almanac lied, and said that spring had come. Spring comes when it comes.月份牌上标着春天来了,可这实在不可靠,春天总是在该来的时候才来。
15.Then came an evening in January when she decided to plant the fatal seed.后来,在一月份的一天傍晚,她决定摊牌。
16.Thanks to the industry buzz of a takeover by China.com, LibertyOne's shares nearly doubled in September.由于市场传言中华网收购,在澳洲挂牌的LibertyOne股价九月份几乎翻倍。
17.and the month? What month is this?月份呢?这是几月?
18.After the founding of the market five months ago, the trading volume of those listed shares has been improved obviously and the stock price is becoming stable.至今板块市场成立仅五个月,已挂牌股份的流通量明显改善,股价亦逐渐稳定下来,

Calendar picture月份牌
1.The Calendar picture, which came into being in the late 1900s, is a kind of commercial painting performed by Chines artists, aiming at promoting commercial products from western enterprises at that time.月份牌源于19世纪末,是西方企业为推销商品而雇用中国画家所绘制的一种商业绘画。
2.In half of the 20th century, Calendar Picture was an important art form of Commercial poster.在20世纪上半叶,月份牌是一种重要的商业招贴艺术形式。
3)calendar posters月份牌
1.This article is intended to make visual culture studies of "schoolgirls" in calendar posters around May Fourth Movement.本文旨在对“五四”前后月份牌中的“女学生”图像进行视觉文化研究。
4)calendar poster月份牌画
1.This essay is going to target on the calendar poster appeared before 1950s.月份牌画是这一时期商家为了更好地宣传产品赠送给消费者的广告画,具备了宣传、日历和装饰的功能。
5)Yuefen brand poster月份牌广告
1.The meaning of the specific case of Shanghai Yuefen brand poster to modern business design was discussed beginning from analyzing its art characteristic and the baffle of modern art development.从论述月份牌广告的艺术特色入手,结合当下艺术设计现状及发展的困惑,讨论研究月份牌的个案特征对于今天的商业设计的现实意义。
6)almanac art月份牌艺术
1.The incorporation of Chinese and western art, traditional and contemporary, utility and aesthetics are the three cultural characteristics of almanac art, which enlightens the modern art design.本文重点分析了月份牌艺术的文化特征:中西文化的结合;传统与现代结合;实用与审美结合,继而研究讨论了月份牌对现代艺术设计的启示,它的中国化风格及贴近大众生活的表现手法为现代设计带来了众多启迪。
