1.The View of Elegance on Wenxindiaolong《文心雕龙》之“典雅”论
2.According to the prescriptive significance of "elegance" doctrine,the study of ancient books is "basis" for literary creation and a link between the past and the present,because creators have to go through "imitating classics" and "accumulating learning",absorb the prime of the forerunners,and thus enter the state of "elegance" in aesthetic and creative activities.按照"典雅"说的规定意义,对古代典籍的学习是文艺创作的"根柢",是联系古今的纽带,创作者必须通过"模经"、"积学",汲取前人思想精华,纳其精粹,从而才能进入"典雅之懿",即在审美创构活动中进入"典雅"之境。
3.There are six kinds of historical and cultural cities Such basic aesthetic feathures are elegance,nobility,grandeur,and profoundness Among these four, elegance and nobility are more important historical and cultural cities possess great mental wealth It is our duty to protect these great citie它的美学基本品格为典雅、崇高、凝重、深厚。

1.This kind of mink coat is noBle and elegant.这种貂皮大衣,高贵典雅
2.Gold-inlaid lacquer ware is elegant and magnificent.金漆镶嵌制品,绚丽典雅
3.NoBility and elegance presents diamond air.高贵典雅,钻石气派。
4.The design is classic and elegant.图案设计典雅优美。
5.sophisticated coloring and elegant tailoring精致的色彩,典雅的裁剪
6.of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times.属于或关于雅典、雅典居民、古雅典方言的。
7.The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens.雅典的卫城高耸於雅典全城之上.
8.NMIA (National Meteorological Institute of Athens)雅典国家气象研究所
9.The Athenians prevailed militarily.雅典人在军事上获胜。
10.The capital of Greece is Athens.希腊的首都是雅典.
11.Pallas Athena [goddess of wisdom]巴拉斯雅典娜[智慧女神
12.That ship was sailing for Athens.那只船正驶向雅典。
13.He disputed Athens with Minerva.他和密涅瓦争夺雅典。
14.a tribe of ancient Athenians.古代雅典的一个部落。
15.Of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Attica, Athens, or the Athenians.阿提卡的属于、关于古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人的或以古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人为特征的
16.A typical Piaget dialogue:典型的皮雅杰式的谈话:
17.Of, relating to, or characteristic of Athena.雅典娜的雅典娜的,与其有关的,有其特点的
18.A characteristic feature of Attic Greek.雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格

1.Zhu Ziqing highlighted the simple and elegant prose financial situation into the landscape.朱自清、俞平伯、郁达夫作为现代散文的重要作家,以山水散文为载体,突出了朱自清散文的素朴与典雅,俞平伯的中国古典情致式的感伤,文人士大夫式的凄艳,郁达夫的浪漫率真与忧郁感伤。
1.Current situation of sports media and its development strategies for 2008 Olympic Games in China as seen from Athens Olympics;从雅典奥运会看我国体育媒介传播的现状及北京奥运会的对策
2.Consulting a Wild-Water Canoe Coach before and during Olympic Games in Athens;雅典奥运会之前和期间与一名急流回旋划艇教练合作
3.The Development of Democracy in Athens;论古代民主政治在雅典城邦的兴衰
5)a classical elegance典雅.
6)purity and elegance纯净典雅
