2)ethnic cultural traits民族文化特质

1.Traits of Dali Minority Culture Vs.Shaping of University Spirit;大理民族文化特质与大学精神构建研究
2.On the Culture Feature of Yi Nationdity’s Traditional Folk Color in Liang Mountain论凉山彝族传统民俗色彩的文化特质
3.The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Traditional Chinese Clothing Culture论中华民族传统服饰文化的审美特质
4.The Non-substantial Cultural Characgter of the Cultural Relic in Museum of Ethnic Groups;民族博物馆馆藏文物的非物质文化特点
5.Style Patterns and Characteristics of the Chinese Ethnic Groups Intangible Cultural Heritages;我国少数民族非物质文化遗产的类型与特点
6.Discussion on the Nature,Characteristics,Protection,and Development of the National Traditional Culture;试谈民族传统文化的本质、特点及其保护与发展
7.On the nature and features of modern German cultural nationalism;论近代德国文化民族主义的性质与特征
8.Diversified Complex of Ethnic and Cultural Features and Formation of Thai-Dai Ethnic Groups;傣泰民族多元复合的民族文化特征与民族形成
9.Islamic Cultural Characteristics and their Structure within Folk Culture of Hui Ethnic Group in Bafang Community of Lin Xia Region;临夏八坊回族民俗文化中的伊斯兰文化特质及建构
10.Discussions on cultural specialities of Yao minority raiment will help us understand the glorious minority civilization of Yao.对瑶族古代服饰的文化特质进行探讨,有助于我们进一步了解瑶族灿烂的民族文化。
11.National culture and national psychology are mutually affected. National competence and national psychology are dialectically connected.民族文化与民族心理互为因果 ,民族心理素质与国民素质辩证统一。
12.On the Characteristics of National History and National Culture in Qinghai;青海民族历史的特点与民族文化的特性
13."Tibetan Patterns" and the Unique Features of Tibetan Culture“藏族图案”中所反映的民族文化特色
14.On the Special Phenomenon between Russian and Han Race--Number Culture谈俄汉民族特殊的文化现象——数字文化
15.Ethnic Township and National Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection民族乡建设与民族非物质文化遗产保护
16.About agriculture and national characters of Chinese classical literature;简论农业文化与古代文学的民族特征
17.Classification and Characteristics of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Nanling National Passageway Minorities南岭走廊少数民族非物质文化遗产的分类及特征
18.The Categories of the Existing Folk Songs and Their Cultural Traits in Tujia Villages along Qingjiang Vallley清江流域土家族村寨现存民歌类型及其文化特质

ethnic cultural traits民族文化特质
3)National Cultural Qualities国民文化特质
4)feature of relocating culture移民文化特质
5)civilian temperament平民气质
1.The declining aristocrat clan and luxurious social background in Shanghai brought up both Zhang Ailing s aristocrat temperament and civilian temperament.没落贵族家世与大上海洋场社会的生活背景造就了张爱玲的贵族气质和平民气质。
6)the commonalty平民本质
