粉彩艺术,Famille-rose Decoration Art
1)Famille-rose Decoration Art粉彩艺术
1.Current Jingdezhen Famille-rose Decoration Art is experiencing the process which is from tradition to modern.当代景德镇粉彩艺术正经历从传统迈向现代的过程,现代化的发展和外来文化的冲击,使传统技艺与文化在这一过程中发生了一系列的变化。

1.Comment on the "Eight Friends of Zhu Shan" Soft Colore Enlightenment to Soft Colore Art in the Nowadays;论“珠山八友”粉彩艺术对当今粉彩艺术的启示
2.The Relationships between Yongzheng, Qianlong Fencai Art and Chinese Painting;雍正、乾隆粉彩艺术与中国绘画的关系
3.A Discussion of Pastel Color Applied in Ceramic Decoration;论粉彩艺术在现代陶瓷装饰中的运用
4.On Near Modern Porcelain Famille Rose Portrait Art Development and Its Significance;近现代瓷上粉彩人物画艺术的发展及其意义
6.The artist dabbed at the paint on the picture.艺术家给油画敷彩。
7.Artistic Museum of Painted Sculpture of Shuanglin Temple, Pingyao平遥双林寺彩塑艺术馆
8.The art or process of drawing with pastels.蜡笔绘法,彩色粉笔画法用彩色粉笔绘画的工艺或过程
9.Does the artist paint in water colors or in oils?那位艺术家是画水彩的,还是画油彩的?
10.The art of using watercolors.水彩画法使用水彩的艺术
11.He also experimented with many other artistic forms, such as engraving, lithography, water colors, pastels, and painting over copper.他也做了许多艺术性的实验,例如雕刻,平版印刷,水彩,粉腊笔,以及在铜板上作画。
12.Other Weifen series is Man Hoi Wong Kung to be in production processes Weifen perfect combination of technology and crafts show results.幻彩微粉系列是好粤来在功地将微粉生产工艺与幻彩工艺完美结合的科技成果。
13.Colour and Environment Art──Study on Modern indoor Environment Colour Design色彩与环境艺术──现代室内环境色彩设计初探
14.Fall in Watercolor,Experience life--1949-1976 for the Period of Yang Taiyang’s Watercolor Art;钟爱水彩,感悟人生——阳太阳1949-1976年的水彩艺术
15.Look at Color Sculpture Art in Sui Dynasty from Development of Dunhuang Color Sculpture Art in Sui Dynasty;从敦煌隋代彩塑的发展看隋代彩塑艺术
16.The Rhythm of the Color --Perspectives about the color in Matisse s works;色彩的律动——马蒂斯色彩艺术的多角度透视
17.2. The main expressing of the color characters in the western oil painting art.二、西方油画艺术中色彩艺术特点的主要体现
18.A good artist must have an eye for color.好的艺术家必须要对色彩有眼力。

porcelain on famille rose art瓷上粉彩艺术
3)color art色彩艺术
1.A utilization of subjective tone in the Eton color art to the teaching of fine arts;伊顿色彩艺术中的主观色调在美术教学中的运用
2.This paper studies the color evolvement, color features and color art structure of traditional Chin-ese textiles and summarizes the recognition of color.本文研究了中国传统纺织品的色彩演变、用色特征和色彩艺术结构,并总结了对今天认识色彩的启示,提出在经济全球化的形势下,为了保持中国的文化个性,应当建立东方的色彩学体系。
4)ancient painted pottery art彩陶艺术
5)watercolor art水彩艺术
1.It is possible to infiltrate traditional brush-and-ink into watercolor art, which shall be a breakthrough in watercolor s continuous development, the expansion of watercolor s ontological language, an enrichment of watercolor s painting effect, and which shall help to nationalize the westernized watercolor and endow it with richer Chines.把传统书画笔墨渗透到水彩艺术中具有一定的可行性,它将成为中国水彩不断发展的一个突破口,拓展水彩艺术的本体语言,丰富水彩艺术画面的效果,还能使西化体系的水彩艺术民族化、更具有中国特色。
2.Actually the process of watercolor art creation is the process of the overflow of an artist\'s emotion.水彩艺术创作的过程实质上就是艺术家情感流露的过程,在水彩艺术家身上更明显地表现为一个生活艺术化的情感升华过程。
6)artistic colors艺术色彩

粉彩  中国清代彩瓷。始创于康熙晚期,为景德镇窑所烧制,是在五彩、珐琅彩的影响下产生的。属于釉上彩,即在已烧好的白釉瓷器上画纹饰,后在烘炉中烘彩,因彩料与工艺方法的不同,其效果也不相同。康熙晚期的粉彩瓷器遗存的不多,带有康熙年款的则更为少见,传世品有折枝花卉盘,用彩较厚,花纹凸起。雍正年间,粉彩品种已有很大发展,官窑和民窑都大量烧造,其中瓶、罐、盘、碗等生活日用器皿多饰以粉彩花卉、翎毛、人物和草虫等纹样。粉彩一般在器物的突出部位勾画纹饰轮廓线,后在线内填以玻璃白,再于玻璃白上施彩,用笔蘸水渲染,烘烧后色彩淡雅,并具有深浅变化及层次感。官窑烧制的粉彩瓷器,纹饰极其工整,画稿有的出自如意馆画师之手,瓷器画面具有绢纸绘画的效果。雍正年间官窑和民窑烧制的粉彩瓷器,底部绝大多数均有青花"大清雍正年制" 6字款。乾隆年间仍继续烧制粉彩瓷器,除白地粉彩外,又出现了在黄、绿、粉、紫等色的地子上绘以粉彩纹饰,色地上并印有细细的卷枝纹。在色地上进行装饰,可能是借鉴于画珐琅和景泰蓝工艺。这种色地粉彩以各式尊、瓶等器皿为多,是清宫的陈列用品,纹饰多有吉祥含意,如画面有戟、磬和鱼纹的,其谐音为"吉庆有余";有绶带葫芦和卐字的,谐音为"福禄万代"。色地粉彩器物的底部多为绿地红彩书"大清乾隆年制"6字篆款。