汉代瓦当,eaves tile of the Han Dynasty
1)eaves tile of the Han Dynasty汉代瓦当
1.As the wheels of history go on,the eaves tile of the Han Dynasty entails much more and profounder Chinese culture.汉代瓦当文字随着历史的迁延承载着厚重精深的中华文化,"千秋万岁"文字瓦当是文字瓦当中出现时间最早的瓦当之一,其数量多,流行时间长,分布范围广,考察汉代"千秋万岁"瓦当文字的源流对于探究秦汉以来中国民俗文化的发展演化有着不可或缺的重要意义。

1.Decipher the Plastic Arts of Qin and Han Dynasties as Judging by"Four Deities"Figures Carved on Eaves Tiles;从汉代瓦当“四神”图形解读秦汉的造型艺术
2.The Influence of Qin and Han Dynasty Eaves Tile Grain Type on the Modern Plane Design Graph Grain Type.;秦汉瓦当纹样对现代图形设计的影响
3.Decoration in Han Dynasty Eaves Tiles and Brick Inscription and Its Cultural Explanation;汉代文字瓦当与砖文的装饰意味及其文化阐释
4.Analasis in Artistic Features of Cloud Patterns on Tiles in the Warring Period and the Dynasties of Qin and Han;浅析战国、秦汉云纹瓦当之艺术特色
5.A Study on Beauvoir s Feminism and the Contemporary Significance;波伏瓦女性主义思想及当代意义探讨
6.Research on the Kiln Location of Wudang Mountains Ancient Buildings Glazed Tiles of the Ming Dynasty明代武当山古建筑琉璃瓦件窑址初探
7.On the Issue of the Segmentation Between Modern Chinese and Contemporary Chinese;关于“现代汉语”和“当代汉语”分期问题之思考
8.The Porcelain and Tile-end Unearthed in Pilu Temple of Six Dynasties;南京毗卢寺东出土的六朝时代瓷器和瓦当
9.The Studies on Eave Tile in the Modern Environmental Design瓦当艺术在现代环境艺术中设计中的应用研究
10.Historical experience and contemporary inspirations of Vaganova pedagogy瓦冈诺娃教学法的历史经验及当代启示
11.Walden Lake and Freedom,Equality and Independence in Contemporary "American Spirits"《瓦尔登湖》与当代“美国精神”中的自由、平等及独立
12.Ancient-Chinese Teaching in Practical Background of Contemporary当代现实背景中的高校“古代汉语”教学
13.The Collapse of the Han Army in the Eight Banners in Qing Dynasty and Its Social Effects;清代八旗汉军的瓦解及其社会影响——兼论清代满汉融合过程的复杂性
14.New Research Achievement on Studying the Contemporary Chinese Vocdbulary--Reading the Study of Contemporary Chinese Vocabulary written by Zhang Xiaoping当代汉语词汇研究的新成果——读张小平《当代汉语词汇发展变化研究》
15.A Contrastive Study of English & Chinese Sentence Structure in Contemporary Legislation and E-C Translation;当代英汉立法语言句子结构对比与英汉翻译
16.The Assimilation of the Chinese Language in the History and the Internationalization of Contemporary Chinese;历史上的汉语化进程和当代汉语的国际化传播
17.Influence of quasi-affixes on contemporary Chinese vocabulary system;汉语类词缀对当代汉语词汇系统的影响
18.REWAKA, Denis DANGUE德尼·当格-雷瓦卡

the ancient eaves tiles of Han Dynasty汉瓦当
3)The Qin and Han Dynasty eaves tile秦汉瓦当
4)Brief Analysis on the Tile-end with Four Gods of the Han Dynasty浅析汉代四神瓦当
5)contemporary Chinese当代汉语
1.On the Issue of the Segmentation Between Modern Chinese and Contemporary Chinese;关于“现代汉语”和“当代汉语”分期问题之思考
6)modern Chinese当代汉语
1.Classifiers in Modern Chinese:Restoration and Up-to-date Phonomena;当代汉语量词使用中的复旧与趋新现象
2.The shortened expressions in modern Chinese are defined as phrases condensed,clipped or summarized from strings of characters containing many syllables.概略语的深入探讨对于当代汉语的研究具有重要理论价值。
3.In modern Chinese, the number of new words is increasing greatly.当代汉语中,新词语的数量大增,由此就造成了许多新的同义词。
