1.Display Realization of USB Descriptors Based on VC~(++);基于VC~(++)的USB描述符显示实现
2.Each R-group is based on several descriptors, such as electronegativity, hydrogen-bond acceptor, hydrogen-bond donor etc.每个R 基团主要依赖一些对反应影响较为明显 ,同时又便于计算的结构描述符来进行描述 ,例如电负性、氢键受体、氢键给体等参数 。
3.The paper analyses descriptors of USB mass storage device,proposes a concept of USB mass storage device identity key,performs authentication of the mass storage device identity key in database and accomplishes the method of control USB mass storage device to access to host computer.分析了USB海量存储设备的描述符,提出了USB海量存储设备身份字的概念,对USB海量存储设备采用设备身份字认证,实现了控制USB海量存储设备接入主机的方法。

1.topological descriptor拓扑描绘字, 拓扑描述符
2.index file descriptor record索引文件描述符记录
3.data file descriptor record数据文件描述符记录
4.instruction segment descriptor register指令段描述符寄存器
5.descriptor generator working segment描述符生成程序工作段
6.exception process entry descriptor异常处理入口描述符
7.The security descriptor structure is invalid.安全描述符结构无效。
8.data stack descriptor register数据栈描述符寄存器
9.alphanumeric field descriptor字母数字字段描述符
10.Security desriptor of the deployed application. This descriptor is in self-relative format部署程序的安全描述符描述符为自相关联格式
11.The descriptor is filled with the specified number of characters. The descriptor's length is changed to reflect this.描述符将被指定个数的字符填充。描述符的长度不被改变。
12.A null field descriptor is the descriptor that forms the blank division in export.一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符
13.Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data. The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.格式化并追加数据到描述符末尾。描述符的长度将根据描述数据的增加而重新设置。
14.The Security Descriptor attribute could not be read.未能读取安全描述符属性。
15.basic filed descriptor基本栏说明字, 基本栏描述符
16.Cannot initialize security descriptor initialized.无法初始化已初始化的安全描述符
17.The description checks with the photograph这一描述与照片相符。
18.He answers the description you gave.他跟你的描述相符。

descriptor table描述符表
3)hole descriptor洞描述符
4)chain descriptor链描述符
5)tree descriptor树描述符
1.,tree descriptor,was used to represent a skeleton tree.该方法用一种新的物体特征—树描述符来表示一个骨架树,用搜索树描述符中最长公共子串的方法获得最大同构子树;用新的模型度量骨架枝的形状相似性,并把形状特征和拓扑特征的有机的结合起来。
6)group descriptors组描述符
1.By the analysis of the source code of Linux s file system, not only the layout of the hard disk in the EXT2 file system but also the data structures related to EXT2 file system such as supper block, group descriptors, inode and directory structure detailed are described.通过分析Linux文件系统源代码,给出了EXT2文件系统的硬盘布局,详细论述了超级块、组描述符、I节点、目录结构等与EXT2文件系统相关的数据结构,着重分析这些结构中的核心数据项以及它们之间的关系,并从编程的角度归纳了这些结构在文件系统中的作用。
