1.New Data of Phosphatized Microfossils from the Doushantuo Formation in Baizhu,Baokang County,Hubei Province,and Their Stratigraphic Implications湖北保康白竹陡山沱组磷酸盐化微化石新资料及其地层意义
2.The Sinian(Ediacaran) Doushantuo Formation at Baokang, Hubei Province, was deposited in shallow-water environments to the north of the Western Hubei Platform.继在贵州瓮安、陕西勉县茶店和江西上饶朝阳之后 ,湖北保康白竹磷矿陡山沱组磷块岩中也发现了类似的磷酸盐化化石生物群。
3.This paper expounds mainly the geological characteristics and their influence on natural tourism resources of Baokang County in Hubei Province,and analyses the stratigraphic development,lithological features , geological structure and resources value in the four scenic spots of northern Baokang, and discusses the development initiall着重阐述了湖北省保康县的地质特征及其对资源景观的影响,分析了保康县北部4 个风景区的地层发育特征、岩性特征、地质构造,并对其旅游资源进行了定性、定量分析,提出了今后开发的方向。

1.The Research of Marketing Strategy for Chinalife-CMG Insurance Co., LTD中保康联人寿保险有限公司市场营销战略研究
2.On the Health Investment and the Security System of Rural Basic Health;论健康投资与农村基本健康保障制度
3.God send you better health!愿上帝保佑你更健康。
4.centrally managed health insurance scheme中央管理健康保险计划
5.Congaree Swamp National Monument康加里沼泽国家保护区
6.II. Children's Health and Care二、儿童的健康与保健
7.Swimming would keep you fit游泳会使你保持健康。
8.Green: environmental, health, life and sustainable development.绿色:环保、康、命、持续发展。
9.Take green grocery, and your health is ensured.绿色食品,健康保证。
10.He runs to keep fit.他跑步为了保持健康。
11.Safety, Health, Environmental Responsibility.安全、健康、环保责任。
12.on the National Health Service依照国民健康保险制度
13.The quality-guaranteed health-care products safeguard your health.本保健产品以品质保证维护您的健康。
14.Keep the balance of yin and yang, keep the good health.保持身体阴阳平衡,就能保持身体健康。
15.The heater warms the water to the proper temperature to keep the fish healthy.保暖机控制水温以保持鱼儿健康成长。
16.Employment Injury Insurance:A Good Way to Protect Miners' Right of Life and Health工伤保险:矿工生命健康权的基本保障
17.protection of human health or safety, animal or plant life or health, or the environment.保护人类健康或安全、保护动物或植物的生命或健康及保护环境。
18.the preservation of food, one's health, works of art食物的保鲜、 健康的保持、 艺术作品的保存

1.Zircon UˉPb Ages of Paleoproterozoic Granite and the Age of the Huade Group in Kangbao Area, North Hebei Province;冀北康保花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄及化德群时代探讨
2.The environmental element step-up method was used to estimate land potential productivity and its response to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration of Kangbao in resent 30 years.运用环境因子逐步订正法对河北省康保县在1985~2007年CO2浓度增加和气候变化情况下的土地生产潜力进行了估算。
1.The Application of Lotensin and Baoshenkang in Diabetic Nephropathy;洛汀新与保肾康在糖尿病肾病中的应用
2.Effect of Baoshenkang in treatments of nephritic syndrome with high coagulation state;保肾康治疗肾病综合征高凝状态32例报告
4)Rehabilitation care康复保健
5)health care健康保健
1.During visiting to American, we know that comparatively perfect health care service system for senile people have been set up in American hospitals to suit to both the development trend of society aging and health care demand of people.在美国参观访问中,了解到美国医院适应社会老龄化发展趋势和人们健康保健需求,建立了较完善的老年保健服务体系,实施综合全面的医疗服务,服务环节细致周到,质量管理不断改进,都较好地实践了以病人为中心的服务理念。
2.Investigation on birth and health care situation of 1973 examples transient populations newborn.;【结论】流动人口中新生儿产前产时情况和出生后健康保健不容乐观,应加强对流动人口进行健康教育尤为重要,同时要加强围产期保健和儿童保健的意识,提高人口整体质量,得到有力保障。
1.Observation of LEEP and Baofukang in Treating Uterus Cervix Disease;高频电波刀联合保妇康栓治疗宫颈病变疗效观察
2.Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Baofukang in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.目的评价保妇康栓治疗细菌性阴道病的疗效和安全性。

康与之  南宋词人。字伯可,号顺庵。滑州(今河南滑县)人。生卒年不详。建炎年间,高宗驻维扬,康与之曾上《中兴十策》,劝谏高宗"移跸关中,号召两河","选天下英才,日侍以讲利病"。主张组织河北人民自相择帅,团结抗金,加强对江淮漕运的管理等。他的建议虽未被采纳,但在当时名声甚著。后来秦桧当国,他趋附求进,为"秦十客"之一,被擢为台郎。每当两宫宴集,专写应制的谀颂歌词,从此声名扫地。秦桧死后,他被除名,解送钦州,接着移至雷州,不久又解往新州牢城收管。    康与之的词多为记宫廷游赏和以闺情为题的应制之作,如〔瑞鹤仙〕《上元应制》、〔汉宫春〕《慈宁殿元夕被旨作》等,竟把南宋的偏安说成是"喜皇都旧日风光,太平再见",完全是对现实的粉饰。他有一部分怀古词,如〔诉衷情令〕《长安怀古》、〔菩萨蛮令〕《金陵怀古》等,流露了一些时代丧乱、国家败亡的感慨。还有被贬岭海后的作品,如〔丑奴儿令〕《自岭表还临安作》、〔满江红〕《杜鹃》等,表现了天涯羁旅、思乡念旧的情怀。    宋代人鄙夷他的为人,可是对其作品却有过较高的评价。如黄昇《中兴以来绝妙词选》认为他的词"篇篇精妙",竟选入23首之多。词人沈义父、张炎等都把他和柳永并称为"康、柳",说明他在艺术风格上与柳永词有相近之处。清人陈廷焯的《白雨斋词话》中也说:"其词哀感顽艳,尽有佳者。"两人都从音律的和协、句法的精美方面赞扬了他的成就。    著有《顺庵乐府》5卷,已佚。今人赵万里《校辑宋金元人词》辑得30余首。