山羊寨动物群,Shanyangzhai fanua
1)Shanyangzhai fanua山羊寨动物群

1.Research on Shanyangzhai Fauna and Their Living Environment of Qinhuangdao秦皇岛山羊寨动物群及其生存环境的研究
2.The ruminats are a group of herbivorous mammals that includes cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and giraffes.反刍动物是一群食草动物,包括牛、绵羊、山羊、骆驼和鹿等。
3.An animal, such as an ox, a goat, or a sheep, that no longer has its horns.截去角的动物不再有角的动物,如牛、山羊或绵羊
4.A goat had strayed from the herd.一只山羊离开了羊群。
5.tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats.作为牧羊人照顾绵羊群或山羊群。
6.Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of the Kashmir goat.山羊绒:构成喀什米尔山羊绒毛层的动物纤维,属于特种动物毛纤维。
7.woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat.产羊毛的通常有角的反刍动物,有山羊有关。
8.Research on Arthropod Community in Tall Fescue Artificial Grassland苇状羊茅人工草地节肢动物群落研究
9.Analysis of the Stability of the Plant Community of Epimedium brevicornu Maxim.of Jincheng Mountain in Jialing River Basin金城山草本层淫羊藿植物群落的稳定性分析
10.Study on Herd Structure and Daytime Activity Rhythm of Argali( Ovis ammon karelini ) in Autumn of Tianshan天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察
11.bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats; gorals; serows; chamois; gnu goats.与山羊有关的牛科动物,外形象羚羊;石山羊;喜马拉雅斑羚;鬣羚;岩羚羊;扭角羚。
12.narrow snaky roads through the hills穿过群山的羊肠小道.
13.Study on Dynamic of Arthropod Community of Tall Fescue Turf in Spring春季高羊茅草坪节肢动物群落动态研究
14.Preliminary study on the Carya dabieshanensis community of Tiantangzhai mountains in Anhui Province安徽天堂寨大别山山核桃群落的初步研究
15.The shepherds had driven all their flocks to hills.牧羊人把他们的所有羊群都赶上山去。
16.As a tradition of the local Miao ethnic group, the festival attracts myriads of people from the nearby villages.当地群众踊跃参加芦笙节活动,展现出一幅独具风情的苗寨山乡画卷。
17.Smaller quantities come from the milk of other animals goats, sheep, camels and even reindeer.少量奶酪来自其他动物的奶,如山羊、羊、驼,甚至驯鹿。
18.Buck is also a noun that means a male of certain animal species such as deer, rabbits, sheep, or goats.也可以当名词,意指雄鹿、雄兔、公羊或公山羊等特定的雄性动物。

Shanyangzhai mammalian fauna山羊寨哺乳动物群
1.Shanyangzhai mammalian fauna located in Liujiang Basin, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province are mainly in the cave sediments.山羊寨哺乳动物群位于河北秦皇岛柳江盆地,化石主要存于一残破的洞穴堆积物中,该动物群主要以小型哺乳动物化石为主,大型哺乳动物化石数量相对有限。
3)Guanshan fauna关山动物群
1.New advances in the study of the Early Cambrian Guanshan fauna in the Kunming area, Yunnan, China. Geological Bulletin of China,;昆明地区早寒武世关山动物群研究新进展
4)goat population山羊群体
5)return of Xiushan Fauna秀山动物群回归
6)mountain fastness山寨
