1.Comprehensive research on relationship between productivity and pore structure characteristics of volcanic reservoir in Shengping developing area;升平开发区火山岩储层孔隙结构特征与产能关系综合研究
2.The influence of retrograde condensate on productivity of condensate gas well;反凝析对凝析气井产能的影响研究
3.Confirming the rational productivity of gas-condensate wells in the East China Sea;东海凝析气井合理产能的确定

1.to produce what we can sell at a profit.生产能获利的适销产品。
2.planned throughput计划生产量(生产能力)
3.cased and perforated productivity下套管射孔井的产能
4.become productive or fruitful.变得能产的或多产的。
5.nonreproducible tangible assets不能再生产的有形资产
6.integrated productio综合性生产,全能性生产,一体化生产
7.-- low-end products and high-end models.低功能产品和高功能产品。
8.ALRDY STRTD MNFCTG CANT ALTER-already started manufacturing, cannot chang.已开始生产,不能改变。
9.propellant gas producing cartridge能产生推进气体的枪弹
10.These products can stand wear and tear.这些产品能经久耐用。
11.Bar codes in neighbour last to track events as they happen.能和其它的产品做比较。
12.Serious consequences may arise from this. fl] lit由此可能产生严重后果。
13.shock wave induced by energy deposition能量沉积产生冲击波
14.Capable of causing tumors.致瘤的能够产生肿瘤的
15.sun-lamp(lamp producing ultra-violet light)太阳灯(能产生紫外线的).
16.spark production power tool能产生火花的动力工具
17.a bomb that is designed to start fires.能够产生火焰的炸弹。
18.potential peak periods可能的峰值产生期间

1.Consumer market and capacity of γ-butyrolactone;γ-丁内酯的产能和消费市场
2.The phenol demand-capacity and technical advance;苯酚产能需求和技术进展
3.The Acrylonitrile Capacity-demand and Technical Advance;丙烯腈产能需求和生产技术进展
3)production capacity产能
1.Discussion on production capacity layout and developing of Chambishi mine;谦比西矿产能规划及发展探讨
2.The design of calculations of production capacity and speed for fourdrinier machine based on VB;基于VB的长网纸机产能及车速计算的程序设计
3.Analysis of increasing production capacity at No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Baosteel;提高宝钢第二炼钢厂产能分析
1.Research on deliverability of horizontal well with separated injection and production scheme;水平井分段注采产能模型研究
2.Study on deliverability calculation and parameter optimization for horizontal well in bottom water reservoir;水平井底水油藏产能计算及参数优化研究
3.New method to determine the deliverability equation factor of tri-item equation for low permeability fracturing gas wells;确定三项式产能方程系数的新方法
1.Numerical Simulation on Production Forecast of Well by Tip Screen Out Fracturing;端部脱砂压裂井产能预测数值模拟
2.This paper describes the fracture porosity,permeability obliquity,density,and length using the static data and experience formula and analyses the fracture development degree using the dynamic data such as production,well connectivity,etc.裂缝物性的好坏直接影响着储层的好坏,文章利用静态资料结合一定的经验公式对裂缝的孔隙度、渗透率、倾角、密度、延伸度等的计算方法进行了总结,利用动态资料(如产能大小、井间连通等的资料)对裂缝的发育情况进行了分析,这些方法在今后的科研与生产过程中还有待进一步的完善与提高。
3.Based on the problem for the starting pressure gradient and strong stress sensitivity for the low permeability reservoirs,the paper has established the production formula for horizontal wells with hydraulic fractures in different circumstances.针对低渗透油藏存在启动压力梯度和压敏效应的问题,在前人研究的基础上,根据水电相似原理,应用等值渗流阻力法,建立了压裂水平井补孔和不补孔两种情况下的产能公式,并且与其他压裂水平井产能公式与数值模拟结果进行了对比。
6)off-take potential产能
1.This paper firstly apply ground stress to off-take potential estimate and discuss the relation between ground stress and off-take potential in detail, taking JiaEr gas reservoir in moxi field as an example.本文以磨溪嘉二气藏为例,首次系统地将地应力用于碳酸盐岩气藏的产能评价,详细的讨论了地应力和产能的关系。

产能利用率  能利用率(CapacityUtilization),也叫设备利用率,是工业总产出对生产设备的比率,简单的理解,就是实际生产能力到底有多少在运转发挥生产作用。当产能利用率超过95%以上,代表设备使用率接近全部,通货膨胀的压力将随产能无法应付而急速升高,在市场预期利率可能升高情况下,对一国货币是利多。反之如果产能利用率在90%以下,且持续下降,表示设备闲置过多,经济有衰退的现象,在市场预期利率可能降低情况下,对该国货币是利空。