1.Grammaticalization Issue of Neg at the End of the Sentences of "Mo(莫)VP-neg?"and"Mo Bu(莫不)VP-neg?"“莫(不)VP-neg?”句末neg的虚化问题
2.This paper describes the distribution and use of the ancient Chinese structure "Shi Zai",and discusses its grammaticalization.在详细描写古代汉语中跨层结构"实在"的分布类型与用法的基础之上,探讨现代汉语中副词"实在"的由来及其虚化机制。
3.If we define total grammaticalization of lexical meanings as main standard to assert affix,most of BB belong to root while fewness to affix.如果把词汇意义的完全虚化作为确定词缀的主要标准,那么ABB式形容词中的BB大多数是词根,少部分是词缀。

1.On the Empty Words "shè" and "shū" in Classical Chinese and Explaining the Reason for Becoming Empty Words;古汉语虚词“舍”、“舒”及其虚化
2.Analysis on the Changing Tendency from Individual "Character" into the Affix in the Complex Functional Words;汉语复音虚词中单“字”虚化为词缀的趋势分析
3.“Host of News Program” Fictitious in Theory and Unreal in Practice;新闻节目主持人:理论上的虚化 实践中的虚无
4.The Vagueness of Preposition and the Tendency of Verb-object in "V+Prep.+Np";介词虚化与“V+介+Np”的述宾化趋势
5.A Research on the Lexicalization,Grmmaticalization and Subjective Notion of Quantity of"Duoshao(多少)"“多少”的词汇化、虚化及其主观量
6.Chinese language has been changing and it has the tendency of“ meaning eclipses” in some compound words.古今词义发展呈现虚化趋势,“义蚀”现象是意义虚化的“一斑”。
7.Nothing,something and globalization:on the globalization of nothing虚无、实在与全球化——读《虚无的全球化》
8.Research on Virtual Enterprises Derived from Virtual Industry Cluster and Implementation of Enterprise Virtualization;基于虚拟产业群的虚拟企业与企业虚拟化研究
9.To soften the edges of(a picture) in vignette style.把…虚光照把照片的边用虚光照柔化
10.On the Entire Enterprise, the Invented Enterprise and the Invented Operation of Enterprises;论实体企业、虚拟企业、企业虚拟化经营
11.Some comments on virtual machines and virtualization of computer developments有关虚拟机及虚拟化技术的几点诠注
12.virtual disk initialization program虚拟磁盘初始化程序
13.VRML:Virtual Reality Makeup Language虚拟现实结构化语言
14.Virtualization Technology in Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008中的虚拟化技术
15.A Study on Xu-Shi Pathogenesis and Calculated Diagnostics for Qixu Syndrome of Stroke Disease;中风病虚实病机及其气虚证辨证量化研究
16.Research of Virtual Experiment and Virtual Equipment;基础虚拟实验及专业虚拟化数字装备的研究
17.From Empty to Exist--A discussion of empty space arts in book cover design;化虚为有——论书籍版式设计中的虚空间艺术
18.Building the Police Station on Networks and Strengthening the Management of Virtual Community构建虚拟社区警务 强化网络虚拟社区管理

1.The bleaching of personal pronoun “You” and “He” can classify to three types according to their bleaching degree: 1.人称代词“你”、“他”的虚化可按其虚化程度分为三类:“你”、“他”的活用;“你”、“他”的虚指和“他”成为指称标记。
2.This selected works taking modern Chinese language especially a familiar pair the sound form "Suanle" in the vernacular speech is especiallya research object, to it of the lexicalization and move because of and bleaching and to make an overall meticulous of study.本文选取现代汉语特别是口语中常见的一个双音形式“算了”作为研究对象,对它的词汇化过程、动因及虚化等相关问题作一个全面细致的探讨。
3.The first three chapters describes the lexicalization of“keshi”“danshi”and“zhishi”, including the forming time, the bleaching process and the re.第二节对“但是”的演化过程做了相关考察,认为“但是”大致在北宋时期结合为一个词,作为副词表达“只”“只有”的意思,成词后“但是”的意义又进一步虚化,形成连词用法,并在此基础上产生转折连词的用法。
1.The article examines the forming process of the auxiliary word "kan",pointing out that "kan" comes into being from the original meaning of "shi,shicha" to that of "ceshi",and finally becomes an empty word.从历时角度对语助词“看”的形成过程进行了考察,指出语助词“看”是经由表“视、视察”义动词引申至表“测试”义动词,最后虚化形成。
2.The use of "Ge" in the classifier has desalinated the choice relations between noun and classifier as well as made the classifier "Ge" more empty and grammatical.量词的"个化",淡化了名词和量词之间的选择关系,也使量词"个"的本身更加虚化,更加语法化。
4)delexicalization and generalization虚化泛化
1.The virtualization countermeasure for the environment supervision instruments;环境监测仪器的虚拟化对策
2.Metadata organizing strategy SAN environment-based virtualization system;基于SAN的虚拟化系统元数据组织策略
3.The implementation of SAN virtualization based on iSCSI;一种基于iSCSI的SAN存储虚拟化实现
6)optimization of false alarm rate虚警优化

虚空化【虚空化】 (术语)佛化也。清异录上曰:“玄奘论道释云:道有为宗,舟航化。佛无为宗,虚空化。”