1.Relative Viscosity and Absolute Viscosity of Size;浆液的相对粘度与绝对粘度
2.On the Relatively "Absolute"——From Kant s Noumenon;论相对的“绝对”——从康德的“本体”谈起
3.Objective: To study the absolute bioavailability and drug concentration in local tissue of a long released diclofenac sodium patch.目的 :研究兔经皮给予双氯芬酸钠贴剂的绝对生物利用度和局部组织药物浓度 ,为临床合理用药提供参考。

1.method of absolute judgment绝对判断法 绝对判断法
2.absolute photometry绝对测光;绝对测光;绝对光度测量;绝对光度测量
3.solute permeability绝对磁导率;绝对磁导率;绝对渗透率;绝对渗透率
4.absolute increment绝对增长量;绝对增长量;绝对增量;绝对增量
5.absolute advantage theory绝对成本说;绝对成本说;绝对利益论;绝对利益论
6.solute liability绝对赔偿责任;绝对赔偿责任;绝对责任;绝对责任
7.absolute load address绝对写入地址;绝对写入地址;绝对装入地址;绝对装入地址
8.Yes, I'm positive about it.当然,绝对没问题。
9.dress in the absolute loader绝对装入程序的绝对地址;绝对装入程序的绝对地址
10.by the great Sachem, no!好家伙! 绝对不行!
11.Oh, no, that will never do .哦,不,这绝对不行。
12.absolute luminance threshold绝对发光率阈;绝对发光率阈;绝对亮度阈;绝对亮度阈
13."Absolutely, old sport."“绝对如此,老兄。”
14.absolute assembler绝对地址汇编程序;绝对地址汇编程序;绝对汇编程序;绝对汇编程序
15.absolute elevation绝对高程;绝对高程;绝对高度;绝对高度;海拔; 海拔高程
16.Nonsense! Of course I didn't.废话!我绝对没有。
17.Absolutely, @ I said.“绝对错不了,”我说,
18.absolute par of exchange绝对汇兑平价;绝对汇兑平价;绝对外汇平价;绝对外汇平价

the absolute绝对
1.The connotations of the Absolute and the Relative and their relationship;绝对与相对的内涵及其关系
2.Examples of the absoluteness include the principle of invariance for velocity of light, the principle of special relativity, the principle of general relativity, eigenlength, eigentime, Minkowski four dimensional space-time.在教学中常常强调其中的"相对",而忽视了相对论中还有"绝对"的一面,如光速不变原理、狭义相对性原理、广义相对性原理、本征长度、本征时间、闵可夫斯基四维时空等都具有绝对性。
3)absolute consideration绝对对价
4)Absolute range alignment绝对对齐
5)absolute symmetry绝对对称
6)absolute amount绝对数,绝对金额
