1.On the Categories of Well-rounded Philology Works Published in the Last Century;试论百年来文字学通论性著作的类型
2.Achievements of Yu Yue in philology should be affirmed because of his works Er Shan Lu.以俞樾所著《儿笘录》中所论文字为依据,肯定了俞樾在文字学方面的成绩:一是对《说文》中误训字本义的纠正;二是指出了《说文》中本为一字而分列为二的一些字。
3.Huang(章黄) on phonology and exegetics are obvious to all,while the study on philology is sort of lagging behind ,not attracting the attention of people .章黄在音韵学和训诂学上的成就有目共睹 ,相对而言 ,文字学方面的研究比较薄弱 ,至今没有引起人们足够的重视。

1.A Philological Inspiration on the Varied Forms of Characters in the Analytical Dictionary of Chinese Characters;《说文解字》所收异体篆文的文字学启示
2.Shuowenjiezi s Contribution to History of Chinese Philology;论《说文解字》对我国文字学史之贡献
3.The Turning of Linguistics and Chinese Graphology with the Change of Its Courses Position;语言学文字学的转向与文字学课程地位的变化
4.The Translation and Study of "Zaishu" Character from Jito of Shirakawa;白川静《字统》“载书”文字学的译介与研究
5.The use of ideograms to express ideas.表意文字学用表意文字表达思想的方法
6.On Mr.Shen s Contribution to the Lexicology in China;论沈兼士的文字起源说对中国文字学的贡献
7.On Objects and Methods of Classification in General Graphics;普通文字学的文字分类对象和分类方法
8.Since1954, he started to work in History Department, Society Science Institute of China.研究领域为中国古代历史文化、文字学和文献学。
9.Analysis of Ancient and Present Chinese Characters,Characters Representing Homophones,Phonetic Loan Characters and Variant Forms of Chinese Characters in Classical Style of Writing Texts in High School Course Books Based on Origin of Chinesse Characters;借助《说文解字》辨识中学文言文中的古今字、通假字、假借字和异体字
10.A body of writings in prose or verse.文学用散文体或韵文体所写的文字
11.The Research of the Teaching of Chinese Character to the International Students Who Have no Background of Chinese Character;非汉字文化圈留学生的汉字教学研究
12.The Cultural Connotations of Chinese Characters Should Be Discussed in Order to Improve the Teaching of Chinese Characters of Middle School;探讨汉字文化蕴涵 改进中学汉字教学
13.Comments on Chinese Character and the Chinese Character Explanation within the Chinese Culture Research;试论汉字学与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
14.Literary and formal in tone.Used of words.咬文嚼字的文学而正式的口气。用于文字
15.Typewriting [Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination]英文打字〔香港中学会考〕
16.Is it difficult to learn written Chinese ?学习中国文字很难吗?
17.post-literacy campaign识字后的学文化运动
18.Design The Digital Instructional System of Shuowen Jiezi;数字化《说文解字》教学系统的设计

1.On Derrida s literature criticism——Based on Derridas Grammatology;浅论德里达文学批评思想——以德里达《论文字学》一书为例
2.The term selection, denomination, definition and English term determination are not only important, but also very difficult in the grammatology term standardization.文章联系具体实例,对文字学名词审定中针对这四个方面所采取的原则和具体方法进行简要的介绍说明。
3.Now this article looks on “hautology” as the social-political dimension of his “grammatology”.德里达在《马克思的幽灵》当中通过对“幽灵”的解读来阐述他的解构主义的政治 ,本文把“幽灵学”看作他的“文字学”的社会政治表达 ,首先分析“幽灵学”对本体论或存在问题的思考 ,进而阐述幽灵学所指示的政治意义 :对终结论或目的论的批判以及呼唤“没有弥塞亚的弥塞亚政治” ;最后说明德里达一再呼吁继承的“马克思主义的精神”到底是什么 ,以及他的解构主义和马克思主义的关
3)history of philology文字学史
1.Shuowenjiez,constructed the stylistic rules and layout arranged in character component and character form order,was a forerunner of looking up a word in radicals of history of philology and provided the ancient and modern scholars with facilities for using reference books.《说文解字》由于构建了依据字形偏旁编排汉字的体例,开启了文字学史上部首查字的先河,因而为古今学人使用工具书提供了极大便利。
4)Chu Nom literature喃字文学
1.Chu Nom literature, a genre that once existed in Vietnamese history, occupies a relatively influential position in the history of Vietnamese literature.喃字文学是越南历史上曾经出现的一种文学形式 ,在越南文学史上具有一定的地位。
5)the Chinese ancient words study古文字学
1.About 50 attendees discussed the issues such as the Chinese pre-Qin dynasty history,the Chinese ancient words study and the national history etc."徐中舒先生诞辰110周年国际学术研讨会"于2009年4月17日至20日在四川大学举行,与会者50余人,收到论文60余篇,主要议题包括先秦史、古文字学、民族史等。
6)Recognition Teaching of ZiZu Characters字族文识字教学
