1.Metaphoric Vse of Moon in Classical Poems;古典诗词中“”的比兴用法
2.A round,show-white moon shone on water——trying to discuss reasons for art charm of Liyu s postwords;明照水——试论李煜后期词的艺术魅力之因
3.A Research into Cultural Causes of "Valuing Moon Above Sun" in Poetic Images;诗词意象中“重轻日”现象的文化成因探析

1.August, September, October,八、九、十
2.July August and September.七,八和九
3.January, March, May,一,三,五
4.February, March, April,二、三、四
5.January February and March,一,二,和三
6.Ju-ly and Au- gust, Sep-tem-ber and Oc- to- ber,七和八,九和十
7.April, May, June, July, August, September,四,五,六,七,八,九
8.October November and December.十,十一和十二
9.August, October and December.八、十和十二
10.(of the moon) after full moon comes the waning moon.(亮的)满之后是亏。
11.A luminous spot on a lunar halo.幻,假晕上的光斑
12.Either point of a crescent moon.角新的任一
13.June is between May and July.六在五与七之间。
14.and the month? What month is this?份呢?这是几?
15."The beginning or the end?"“初还是底?”
16.Menstruation.Used with the.经。与the连用
17.We eat moon cakes and watch the moon.吃饼,观赏亮。
18.weekly [ monthly, bi - monthly ] magazine周刊[刊, 双刊]

the moon月
1.When in low spirits, they can feel sad in autumn; when thinking of their hometown and missing their relatives, they can express their feelings looking at the moon."秋、"成为游子抒发思念亲人、思念家乡、思念故土浓浓情思的意象,承载游子浓郁的愁思,失意时伤秋,思乡、怀人时望倾吐。
2.Rescuing the moon of the Dong s myth,as well as Houyi Shooting the Ten Suns,Chang e Flying to the Moon and Wugang Cutting Laurels,which are the Han people s myth,belongs to Chinese myths of the sun and the moon.侗族《救亮》及汉族《后羿射日》、《嫦娥奔》、《吴刚伐桂》同为日神话。
3.In classical Chinese prose and poetry,the moon is an aesthetic image that appears quite frequently.在中国古典诗词中,“”是一个出现频率极高的审美意象。
3)month in and month out月月
1.Comparative Study on Fingerprints of Traditional Herbs Decoction and Compatible Granules of Yueyueshu by HPLC;舒饮片汤剂与其免煎配方颗粒的指纹图谱比较
6)Itea ilicifolia月月青
1.Study on asexual reproduction ecology of Itea ilicifolia in Karst Stone Mountain I Root morphology and biomass allocation;喀斯特石质山地青无性生殖生态研究Ⅰ根系形态、生物量分配特征
