1.Study on Influence of Greco-Roman Mythology upon British and American Culture from an Angle of Etymology;从语源学的角度看希腊罗马神话对英美文化的影响
2.In nutshell,the paper argues for the probability and necessity of a renewed cooperation between etymology and lexical semantics in the academic context of contemporary Chinese linguistics in particular.义不仅是语源学研究的对象,也是词汇语义学关注的重点,二者在发展上本应有密切的联系。

1.Word Meaning:Place where Etymology & Lexical Semantics Meet;词义:语源学与词汇语义学的关联(英文)
2.The Fallacy In Translating The Term Homosexuality:Etymological And Semantic Review;从语源学和语义学看“Homosexuality”的中译谬误
3.Research on Chinese Intellectual of Etymology and Culturology中国“知识分子”语源学与文化学考察
4.The Linguistic Turn in Philosophy and the Philosophical Origin of Pragmatics;哲学的语言转向和语用学的哲学渊源
5.The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies.词源学有关词源的一门语言学分支
6.The Philosophical Origin of and Viewpoint on Language of Universal Grammar " for Transformational Generative Linguistics;转换生成语言学“普遍语法”的哲学渊源和语言观
7.《The Biography of Genji》in China;《源氏物语》在中国——《源氏物语》国际学术研讨会综述
8.On Exploration and Utilization of Curriculum Resources in College Spoken English;大学英语口语的课程资源开发与利用
9.On the Study of Chinese Etymology to Applied Linguistics;面向应用语言学的汉语词源研究刍议
10.The Korean Words Loaned from Chinese and the Teaching of Chinese to Korean Learners;韩国语中的汉源词汇与对韩汉语教学
11.Linguistics and Philosophy:History and Sources;语言学与哲学:历史发展与学派溯源
12.The Negative Transfer Phenomenon in English Study--the Explore of the Root of Chinglish英语学习的负迁移现象——汉语式英语根源探析
13.The development of the questionnaire of spoken english anxiety sources for Non-English major college student;非英语专业大学生英语口语焦虑源问卷的编制
14.An Analysis on the Role of Etymology Interpretation Act in the Ancient Chinese Language Vocabulary Teaching;浅析语源释义法在古代汉语语汇教学中的作用
15.The Importance of English Proverbs as Teaching Resources from the Pespective of Corpus Linguistics;从语料库语言学看英谚教学资源的重要性
16.A Survey of the Grade Two Students Status Quo in English Reading in Hunyuan Senior Middle School;浑源中学高二学生英语阅读现状调查
17.On the Development of Self-Directed Teaching Resource for College English;大学英语自主式教学资源库开发初探
18.How to Use English Teaching and Learning Resources Through Internet;如何利用Internet英语学习与教学资源

glottogonic linguistics语源语言学
4)Etymology research语源学研究
5)resources of linguistics语言学资源
6)English teaching resources英语教学资源
1.There is a common contradiction between individualized demands and the masses of English teaching resources,In order to find a way out,an individualized search model of English teaching resources(ISMTR) was designed,which employs the individualized information service on the network into teaching.针对目前教学资源服务中普遍存在的海量教学资源与用户个性化需求之间的矛盾,在基于校园网的英语教学资源库系统中建立了一个教学资源个性化检索模型,该模型把基于网络的个性化信息服务引入英语教学资源体系,尊重用户中存在的差异,学习和跟踪用户的个性化兴趣,并根据用户的个性化兴趣特征对英语教学资源进行过滤,实现少而精的教学资源个性化检索。
