1.Contrast on Chaoyu Shiwu Yin and Guangyun s Pronunciation System;《潮语十五音》音系与《广韵》音系比较研究
2.Critique of Bernhard Karlgren s Reconstruction of Guangyun Using Second-Hand Materials;高本汉“二手材料”构拟《广韵》之检讨
3.A Statistical Analysis of the Different Initials of Characters in Guangyun;《广韵》各声类字的一个统计分析

1.On Phonology Transformation in"Guang Yun"and Phonology at Second and Third Grade in"Yun Jin;论《广韵》变韵与《韵镜》二、三等韵之关系
2.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
3.The Character of Ji Yun's Phonological System-from the Contrast of Ji Yun and Guang Yun从《集韵》与《广韵》小韵的比较看《集韵》音系的特点
4.A Study on Surname's Discriminatation in Guang Yun(广韵):the Second Titbits in Guang Yun(广韵) Emendation《广韵》姓氏辩证例——《广韵》校勘拾零之二
5.Investigation on the Characteristics of the Sound on Ji Yun by means of Comparison with xiao yun of Guang Yun;从与《广韵》的小韵对比看《集韵》反映语音的特点
6.The Research of Comparing the Dialectal Terms in Guangyun and Jiyun;《广韵》和《集韵》方言词比较研究
7.A Comparative Study on Wuyinjiyun and Guangyun Pronunciation System;《五音集韵》与《广韵》音系比较研究
8.The Study on Interpretive Difference between Tangyun and Guangyun;《唐韵》与《广韵》词义训释比较研究
9.An Analysis to the Cognates from Yang-Rhyme of Tong-Group and Jiang-Group in Guang-Yun;《广韵》通、江两摄阳声韵同源词探析
10.Comparison of the Vowels in Wangsan and Guangyun《王三》《广韵》小韵切语异同比较
11.Great significance of Guang Yun and Ji Yun in Chinese Phonetics History;浅析《广韵》与《集韵》在汉语语音史上的重要地位
12.A Comparative Study on the Disposition of the Chongniu(重纽)Doublets in GuangYun by Means of the Three Main Rhyme Tables in Song and Yuan Dynasty宋元三种等韵图对《广韵》重纽字的处理比较研究
13.The Study on Labial Fan-qie Comparison between Jingdianshiwen and Guangyun;《经典释文》与《广韵》唇音反切对比研究
14.The Comparison of FanQie between Li Shan s Annotation to WenXuan·Fu and GuangYun;《文选·赋》李善注与《广韵》反切比较
15.The Study on Yin-qie Comparison between Longkanshoujing and Guangyun;《龙龛手镜》与《广韵》音切比较研究
16.Entering Tone Character of Broad Rhyme Reflected in Liaocheng Dialect;《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中的变化
17.Contrast on Chaoyu Shiwu Yin and Guangyun s Pronunciation System;《潮语十五音》音系与《广韵》音系比较研究
18.Critique of Bernhard Karlgren s Reconstruction of Guangyun Using Second-Hand Materials;高本汉“二手材料”构拟《广韵》之检讨

Guang Yun《广韵》
1.Great significance of Guang Yun and Ji Yun in Chinese Phonetics History;浅析《广韵》与《集韵》在汉语语音史上的重要地位
2.A Comparative Study on Fan Qie of Guang Yun and Ji Yun;《广韵》、《集韵》反切比较研究
1.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
1.Comparison of the Vowels in Wangsan and Guangyun《王三》《广韵》小韵切语异同比较
5)Guang Yun广韵
1.A Re-analysis of Fanqie Spelling in Wang Yi,Wang San and Guang Yun;也谈“王一”、“王三”和《广韵》之反切
2.The New Words in the explanation in Guang Yun during Song Dynasty;《广韵》语词训诂所反映的宋代新语词
3.Based on the comparison between Phonetic Notation of Nanhua Zhenjing and Guang Yun, Jia Shangxiang s phonetic notation displays the change of phonology in the Song Dynasty and the characteristics of Sichan dialect at that time.《南华真经直音》与《广韵》声类相比,贾善翔音切反映了宋代通语语音的演变和当时四川方言的一些特点。
6)Various Rhymes广韵
1.Various Rhymes is a representative work on phonetics in the middle ancient times,having a lot of chinese characters with other pronunciation.《广韵》是中古音的代表作 ,有着丰富的又音字。
