1.On tense, aspect and subjunctive of English verbs:Comments on LGSWE;论英语动词的时态、体貌和虚拟语气——评《朗文英语口语和笔语语法》
2.There exist many differences in aspect of verbs between it and the modern Chinese.邵东方言属于老湘语,其体貌表达与普通话有同有异。
3.It is better to understand :″才A就B″anterior sentence pattern whose tense and aspect are researched respectively.将体貌与时态分开研究只是为了更好的认识“才A就B”句式,而不是说体貌可以脱离时态而单独存在。

1.On the Aspectual Theories and the Four-Level Chinese Aspectual System;当代体貌理论与汉语四层级的体貌系统
2.Politeness and Appropriateness;礼貌与得体——从礼貌及礼貌原则的文化特性谈起
3.a feminine voice, figure, appearance女性的嗓声、 体形、 容貌.
4.In person he was handsome, strong and healthy.他面貌清秀,体格健壮。
5.Analysis system and mark for tectonic geomorphology构造地貌分析体系及相关的构造地貌标志
6.Study on the Experimentation of Synchrotron Radiation Topography and the Defects in Diamond Crystals;同步辐射貌相术及金刚石晶体缺陷的貌相研究
7.Physique and general appearance.形体,外貌体格或总体上的外表
8.THE FEATURES AND EVOLUTION OF THE LANDFORMS PATTERN IN SICHUAN-Some Knowledge in Compiling the 1:1000000 Gcomorphological Map of Sichuan Province四川地貌格局的形成及其特征——研制四川省1:1000000地貌图的体会
9.Acts of courtesy, consideration, or gallantry, especially by a suitor.殷勤尤指求婚者礼貌,体谅,英武的行为
10.Having or exhibiting no sense of propriety or decency.不懂礼貌,不得体的,或表现得如此的
11.I am sweep off my feet by her wit and charm.她才貌双全, 我佩服得五体投地。
12.I be sweep off my feet by her wit and charm她才貌双全, 我佩服得五体投地
13.I was swept off my feet by her wit and charm.她才貌双全, 我佩服得五体投地.
14.I sweep off my feet by her wit and charm她才貌双全,我佩服得五体投地
15.Injuries resulting in loss of the use of a person's limbs or disfigurement;使人肢体残废或者毁人容貌的;
16.There is no change in the visual appearance of a superconductor.超导体表观面貌并无变化。
17.His manner and his look quite terrified them all.他的面貌和神色惊骇了他们全体。
18.a good-looking lad with a fine physique一个体格健壮的美貌少年

crystal morphology晶体形貌
1.Characteristics of crystal morphology for Alite and belite in Portland Cement Clinker;硅酸盐水泥熟料中A矿和B矿的晶体形貌特征
2.Effect of critic acid on crystalline habit and crystal morphology of dihydrate;柠檬酸对二水石膏晶体生长习性与晶体形貌的影响
3.Effects of vacuum micro-evaporation Ti coating on crystal morphology and properties of diamond;真空微蒸发镀钛对金刚石晶体形貌及性能的影响
1.The influences of the processing temperature and pressure on the morphology of ZnO are investigated.考察了不同的温度和压力处理条件对ZnO晶体形貌和微粒尺寸的影响。
2.XRD and SEM analysis showed that the reaction temperature had great effect on the morphology of precipitate.MgSO4的初始浓度和Na2CO3滴加速率对三水碳酸镁晶体形貌有明显的影响。
4)crystalline morphology晶体形貌
5)crystal shape晶体形貌
1.in the process for producing ammonium molybdate on particle size, bulk density, crystal shape and structureal components of ammonium molybdate.研究了钼酸铵生产中的原始溶液密度、搅拌转数、反应温度、终点 p H值等因素对钼酸铵产品的粒径、松装密度、晶体形貌和结构成分的影响 ,选择了最佳工艺条件 ,介绍了实践情况。
2.In this paper, The preparation techniques and partial performances of different crystal shapes' ultra fine RDX was studied.本文针对不同晶体形貌的超细RDX的制备技术及其部分性能进行了研究。
3.Different crystal shape micron size RDX was prepared by solvent/anti-solvent, spraying- evap-orating and micro-emulsion techniques and condition control.通过控制工艺条件,制得了微米级黑索今(RDX),采用扫描电镜(SEM)对产品进行了晶体形貌观测,结果表明:可以通过不同的制备方法和工艺条件控制,在细化RDXD的同时,改变其晶体形貌。
6)stereoscopic pattern立体形貌

体貌1.亦作"体皃"。 2.体态容貌;模样。 3.形容;描绘。 4.体制;规矩。 5.礼貌。体,通"礼"。 6.谓以礼相待;敬重。体,通"礼"。