世说新语,Shi Shuo Xin Yu
1)Shi Shuo Xin Yu世说新语
1.The Influence of The Analects of Confucius on Shi Shuo Xin Yu;《论语》对《世说新语》的影响
2.To Further Study Some Obscure Words and Expressions in Shi Shuo Xin Yu(Ⅱ);《世说新语》疑难词语考索(二)
3.To Explore Obscure Words in Shi Shuo Xin Yu;《世说新语》疑难词语考索

1.Guo Zi and Yu Lin,New Anecdotes of Social Talk;《郭子》与《语林》、《世说新语
2.Aesthetic to Stylistic Regulations Rharacteriscs of Shi Shuo Xin Yu and the Same Novel;《世说新语》及世说体小说体例特征审美
3.On the world of emotion in the book "The New Account of Tales of the World" and the doctrine of aspiration;《世说新语》的情理世界与“情志”说
4.Comparison of Double-object Sentence between the Analects and Shi Shuo Xin Yu《论语》与《世说新语》双宾语句式比较
5.Nouns as Adverbials: a Study of the Linguistic Features of New Sayings of the World;《世说新语》的语言特色——《世说新语》与《史记》名词作状语比较
6.On the Human Emotion in the Tales of the World;论《世说新语》与魏晋士人的在世情怀
7.Study of the Secular Details of Xuanyan Poetry From the Visual Angle of Shishuoxinyu;从《世说新语》看玄言诗的世俗底蕴
8.A Study of the Honorific Phrases in San Guo Zhi and Shi Shuo Xin Yu in Wei and Jin Dynasty;《三国志》和《世说新语》谦敬语探索
9.Study the Characteristics and Development of the Tone Adverb in Shi Shuo Xin Yu Shallowly;浅谈《世说新语》语气副词的特点和发展
10.The Text-structural Pragmatic Study of Shi Shuo Xin Yu;《世说新语》篇章结构语用分析研究
11.A Research on Chinese Education during the Wei and Jin Dynasties on the Basis of New Anecdotes of Social Talk;《世说新语》与魏晋时期语文教育初探
12.Discussion about Explanation of Some Words in Shi Shuo Xin Yu(世说新语) and Liu Xiaobiao s(刘孝标) note of Shi Shuo Xin Yu(世说新语);《世说新语》及刘《注》词语释义商榷三则
13.Differentiate and analysis of homonymic modality adverbs in ShiShuoXinYu;《世说新语》同形异类语气副词辨析
14.New Couection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages Depicting the Scholar s Spirits by the Vivid Descriptions of Their Speeches;《世说新语》“以言语传神明”的美的追求
15.A Criticism on the Term “Zhuo-dao”Seen in Woods of Wordsand New Terms in the Worldly Talks;《语林》与《世说新语》“捉刀”条考论
16.Shi Shuo Xin Yu Altered And Applied The Analects;试论《世说新语》对《论语》的改造运用
17.Textual Research on the 23~(rd) Chapter of Words,New Anecdotes of the Time《世说新语·言语》第二十三条试考
18.On "Ma Rong Pursued and Murdered Zheng Xuan" in Shi Shuo Xin Yu《世说新语》中“马融追杀郑玄”说议

1.An Incisive Research on the Reason of Compilation "Shishuoxinyu";《世说新语》的编撰原因考辨
2.On the Special Rhetoric of ShiShuoXinYu;《世说新语》中的特殊辞格
3.How Xie’an Educates the Yong of the House in Shishuoxinyu?;试论《世说新语》中谢安对家族子弟的教育
3)A new Account of Tales of the World世说新语
1.Unique Personalities of Scholars Lived in the Wei and Jin Dynasty in Ancient China Represented in the Book "A new Account of Tales of the World";从《世说新语》看魏晋士人的独特个性
2.The Perception of Wei & Jin Style and the Culturel Connotation from A New Account of Tales of the World;从《世说新语》看魏晋风度及文化意蕴
4)"Shi Shuo Xin Yu"世说新语
1.Jin Dynasty’ Personal Deep Affection and Heartless Feeling from “Shi Shuo Xin Yu”;从《世说新语》看晋人的深情与无情
2.On Dowling’s Image in “Shi Shuo Xin Yu”;论《世说新语》中的支道林形象
5)New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages世说新语
1.On the Category of "Qing" in New Collection of Anecdotes of Famous Personages;《世说新语》中的“清”范畴
6)Shishuo Xinyu世说新语
1.A Comparative Study of the Different Notes Published in Annotated Versions of Shishuo Xinyu and the Causes of the Difference几种《世说新语》注译版本注译不同原因探析
2.On Theoretical Talks in Wei and Jin Dynasties Based on Shishuo Xinyu于《世说新语》中看魏晋清谈
