1."Rich in Meaning,Great Taste"——:On Zhuzhici of LIU Yuxi;“语圆意足,无非妙趣”——刘禹锡《竹枝词》论略
2.A Study on Tujia People s Marriage Custom Viewed From Zhuzhici By the Poets in Qing Dynasty;从清朝鄂西土家文人竹枝词看土家族婚俗

1.A Textual Research of Qing s Zhuzhi Ci;清代竹枝词丛考——以《中华竹枝词》为中心
2.On the Creation of Bamboo Branch Ci by Liu Yu-xi;“竹枝无限情”——论刘禹锡《竹枝词》的创作
3.A Comparison Between Zhuzhici by Ba-Yu folks and Zhuzhici by Scholars;巴渝《竹枝歌》与文人拟作的《竹枝词
4.some of the songs, for nstance, The Bamboo Sprig, do have fixed lines of seven characters each,有些词,例如《竹枝词》,虽然也是七言,
5.On Problems of Zhu Zhi Ci Included in Quan Qing Ci Poems: Volume Shun Kang;《全清词·顺康卷》“竹枝词”的几个问题
6.Economy and Social Life of Qing Dynasty in Jiangxi ZhuZhi Poem;论清代江西竹枝词中的社会经济生活
7."Rich in Meaning,Great Taste"--:On Zhuzhici of LIU Yuxi;“语圆意足,无非妙趣”——刘禹锡《竹枝词》论略
8.The Origin of Baren’s Bamboo Song and its Artistic Characteristic;巴人竹枝词源流及其艺术特色(上)
9.The Social History Meanings of Zhuzhi Ci Poems--A Case of the South-eastern China;竹枝词之社会史意义——以江南为例
10.The Origin of BaRen’s Bamboo Song and its Artistic Characteristic [Ⅱ];巴人竹枝词源流及其艺术特色(下)
11.Elegance and Popularity:An investigation of the legal culture in zhuzhi poems in the Qing dynasty;雅俗之间:清代竹枝词的法律文化解读
12.Yeyu,Bozi and Other Things in Zhuzhici;竹枝词中的“叶榆”、“僰子”及其他
13.An Explanation of Uygur Expressions Used in "Hui Jiang Zhu Zhi Ci" by Lin Zexu;林则徐《回疆竹枝词》中的维吾尔语考释
14.Comment on Six Traslations of Liu Yuxi s Poem "To the Bamboo;刘禹锡《竹枝词》(一首)英译探微
15.Discussion on the Tang Dynasty's Zhu Zhi Ci轻盈流动 浓淡相宜——试论唐代的竹枝词
16.A Brief Study on the Solar Terms in Beijing by Viewing Gongci in Yuan and Ming Dynasty and Zhuzhici in Qing;元明《宫词》与清《竹枝词》中北京节令风俗考略
17.Words and Phrases Research of the Zha Kui's 100 Slogans of YanTai查揆竹枝词《燕台口号一百首》的词汇研究
18.O Luxembourg,O Georgics of the Rue Madame, and of the Allee de l'Observatoire!呵,卢森堡,呵,夫人街和天文台路的竹枝词

Zhu Zhi Ci竹枝词
1.Juyong Road Narrated in Zhu Zhi Ci of the Yuan Dynasty;元人竹枝词记述的居庸道路
2.Profound Expression of National Cultural Character:Exploration of Guangxi Zhu Zhi Ci of the Qing Dynasty民族文化性格的深度抒写:清代广西竹枝词研究
3)Zhuzhi Ci竹枝词
1.Twice Transformations of Elegance and Popularity:On Development of Zhuzhi Ci in the Tang Dynasty;雅与俗的二度转变——论唐代文人竹枝词的发展演变
2.On Mazu Culture Reflected in Zhejiang's Zhuzhi Ci论浙江竹枝词中的妈祖文化
4)ZhuZhi poem竹枝词
1.Economy and Social Life of Qing Dynasty in Jiangxi ZhuZhi Poem;论清代江西竹枝词中的社会经济生活
2.In recent years, some scholars have devoted themselves to compiling ZhuZhi poems of Shanghai.近年有学者重视对上海竹枝词的辑录整理,其成果无疑有益于社会史研究和经济史研究,丰富的竹枝词史料,对于研究上海的过去有着不可小觑的价值。
5)ZhuZhi poems竹枝词
1.Elegance and Popularity:An investigation of the legal culture in zhuzhi poems in the Qing dynasty;雅俗之间:清代竹枝词的法律文化解读
2.With the marine cultural texts in Shanghai s ZhuZhi poems as basic data,this paper analyzes marine awareness and sea Mazu worship of ancient Shanghainese.根据上海竹枝词中有关海洋文化的篇章,分析古代上海人对海洋的认识及对海神妈祖的崇拜。
6)Beijing zhuzhi poesy北京竹枝词

竹枝词  唐代乐府曲名。也称竹枝、竹枝子。本巴渝(今四川东部)一带民间歌曲。崔令钦《教坊记·曲名》中已载有"竹枝子",则在唐玄宗朝已采入教坊。中唐前期诗人顾况已有《竹枝词》之作。唐穆宗朝,刘禹锡为夔州刺史时,根据民歌改作新词11首,歌咏巴山蜀水自然风光、人民习俗、男女恋情,也曲折透露了自己被压抑的心情,语言通俗优美。每首七言四句,形同七绝,其《竹枝词九首》前有《引》说:"四方之歌,异音而同乐。岁正月,余来建平(今四川巫山县),里中儿联歌《竹枝》,吹短笛,击鼓以赴节。歌者扬袂睢舞,以曲多为贤。聆其音,中黄钟之羽,卒章激迂如吴声。虽伧佇不可分,而含思宛转,有淇、澳之艳音。昔屈原居沅、湘间,其民迎神,词多鄙陋,乃为作《九歌》,到于今荆楚鼓舞之。故余亦作《竹枝》九篇,俾善歌者飏之,附于末,后之聆巴、知变风之自焉。"当时白居易也有《竹枝》。其后作者颇多,大都用来写人情风土,有民歌色彩。    唐代《竹枝词》歌词不甚拘平仄,可歌唱。后来用为词牌。《词谱》载皇甫松二体,一为两句两平韵,一为两句两仄韵,均单调14字;孙光宪一体,单调28字,四句三平韵,注云:"刘、白《竹枝词》俱拗体七言绝句,此独婉谐。"三体每句于第四字、第七字后分别用"竹枝"、"女儿"为和声,也和刘、白之作不同,故《词谱》录以为式