1.The effect of liquid ammonia pretreatment on the accessibility and carboxymethylation reactivity of cotton linter cellulose;液氨预处理对纤维素可及度和反应性的影响
2.The accessibility acquired through dynam.由动态粘弹谱内耗曲线积分求得的可及度与上染率之间具有良好的对应关系,可及度高时上染率也高;达到85%上染率时,可及度要求达到3。
3.As a heterogeneous reaction,some activating treatments are necessary to improve the accessibility and reactivity of cell.为了提高纤维素对试剂的可及度及反应性能 ,在进行多相反应之前 ,纤维素材料通常要经历溶胀或活化处理。
2)accuracy and reliability精度及可靠度
3)acceptability and selectivity合意性及可选度
1.This paper focuses on a comparative study of “zhineng” and “zhihao”, which covers the following aspects: their lexical and grammartical meanings, subjectivity/objectivity and implications of those sentences with “zhineng/zhihao”, acceptability and selectivity of VP modified by “zhineng/zhihao”, and pragmatic functions and conditions.本文主要分析“只能、只好”在词汇/语法意义、所在句“只能VP、只好VP”句的主客观 性及蕴涵义、所修饰的VP的合意性及可选度、语用功能及语用环境等方面的区别。

1.you may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those of the enemy.退而不可追者,速而不可及也。
2.To know it's no use, but keep on doing it -- there can be no greater folly than this.知其不可而为之, 愚不可及也。
3.And unity is miles away.而这种团结现在却是可望而不可及
4.Barrier of Availability and Accessibility to Essential Drugs;论基本药物的可获得性和可及性障碍
5.When we see in advance dangers ahead of us, we'll make preparations to avoid them.预见其患则可及早防范。
6.Compatibility and crystal morphology of cocoa butter substitutes and cocoa butter代可可脂与可可脂相容性及晶体形态研究
7.I might pass, and I might fail.我有可能及格,也有可能不及格。
8.Sieve icing sugar, ground almond and cocoa powder.用筛过滤糖粉、仁粉及可可粉中的粗粒。
9.Exports: crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cacao, aluminum.出口:重油及原油产品,木材,可可,铝.
10.Improved Reachability Tree and Reachability Decision of Petri Nets;Petri网的改良可达树及可达性判定
11.The Impossibility and Possibility of Dialogues Between Eastern and Western Translatology;中西译论对话的不可能、可能及其他
12.Trustworthy and Controllable Network Architecture and Protocol Framework一种可信可控的网络体系及协议结构
13.Can you show me the form and your products, please?可否出示表格及货品呢?
14.livaBle trials and triBulations.可忍受的考验及磨难
15.Capable of igniting and burning.可燃的能够点火及燃烧
16.Sustainable growth and external viability可持续增长及外部活力
17.Windows let in light and air.窗户可透光及通风.
18.survey and feasibility studies概况调查及可行性研究

accuracy and reliability精度及可靠度
3)acceptability and selectivity合意性及可选度
1.This paper focuses on a comparative study of “zhineng” and “zhihao”, which covers the following aspects: their lexical and grammartical meanings, subjectivity/objectivity and implications of those sentences with “zhineng/zhihao”, acceptability and selectivity of VP modified by “zhineng/zhihao”, and pragmatic functions and conditions.本文主要分析“只能、只好”在词汇/语法意义、所在句“只能VP、只好VP”句的主客观 性及蕴涵义、所修饰的VP的合意性及可选度、语用功能及语用环境等方面的区别。
5)mechanical strength and reliability机械强度及可靠性
6)CaVU=Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited无云及可见度极好

[車*度]轹钻【[車*度]轹钻】 (譬喻)回柄穿穴之锥也。传灯录十二睦州章曰:“秦时[車*度]轹钻。”秦代古锥,腐蚀而不为穿穴之用,以喻钝汉无入头之处。