1.This paper describes the phonology of Hakka dialect in Shijiao, Lianjiang, including phonological system and its features, and lists the syllabary.本文主要介绍廉江石角客家方言音系,包括声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇三个部分。
2.On the basis of field work, the author describes the phonology of Qidouhua, which is used in Sumitang village, Dalupu town, Jianghua county, puts forward her own ideas by comparing Qidouhua with other neighboring Tuhua, and hopes.第二部分:江华粟米塘七都话的语音系统 这一部分全面分析了粟米塘七都话的声韵调及其语音特点、文白异读规律和老壮差异的例子,记录并整理了同音字表 第三部分:江华粟米塘七都话与周边土话的比较 这一部分首先将粟米塘七都话与江永松柏土话、城关土话进行了声韵调的全面比较,揭示了粟米塘七都话和松柏土话的密切联系,并推论这三种土话尽管存在各类差异,但应该有着相同的来源;然后再将这三种土话与周边土话进行比较,论证了上述观点。
3.This thesis tries to analyze the tune of phonology and phonetic features of Jiangcun dialect, compare it with other dialets, and the author put forward his own opinions hoping to provide some materials for the study of the dialect in these areas.笔者在实地调查的基础之上,以江村土话为考察对象,分析了江村土话的声韵调以及语音特点,同时与周边方言进行了比较,提出了自己的一些见解,希望能为湘南土话的深入研究提供资料。

1.The Sound Systems and Table of Ming Dynasty Manuscript Rhyme Tune in North Min明闽北韵书手抄本《六音字典》音系性质及其声韵调配合表
2.Error Analysis of Tones and Correlations between Variables: Initials, Vowels and Tones-A Study Based on Corpus of Shanghai Dialect and Putonghua;基于语料库的上海话—普通话中介音声调特征及声韵调关系研究
3.A Chinese Dialect Having Only Two Tones with Individual Characters──The Initials and Finals with Tones of Characters of the Speech of Honggu,Lanzhou;一种只有两个声调的汉语方言──兰州红古话的声韵调
4.Features of Phonetic System and Syllable Structure of the Changle Dialect in Miluo County;汨罗长乐方言的声韵调结构及其拼合特点
5.On the Wrong and Deficiency in Test of Common Spoken Chinese;普通话水平测试中声韵调错误和缺陷的分析
6.Firstly a phoneme system of the standard Chinese-putonghua was determined based on the results of cluster analysis of perceptual confusion of speech sounds of putonghua.本文首先根据汉语普通话语音知觉混淆的群集分析结果,确定汉语的声韵调音位系统。
7.On Development of Syllables and Tunes of Ru Sheng;论入声韵音节声调的演变——《入声论》之十三
8.The fright in the voice stunned him.她声音里惊恐的韵调,使他大为诧异。
9.Classical Chinese poetries, which strive to have harmonious tonal patterns, cadences/ intonations and neat antithesis, has endrhyme, double-tone, vowel-rhyme etc.中国的诗词力求平仄协调、扬顿挫、仗工整,有尾韵、声、韵等。
10.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
11.A Study on the Tone System of Yuan Yun Pu--Even Tone Feature and the Existence of Entering Tone;论《元韵谱》声调系统的两个问题——平分阴阳和保留入声调
12.Features of Vowels and Tones in Nanchang Dialect in the Mid-19th Century;19世纪中叶南昌话韵母与声调系统的特点
13.The Changes of Tone Reflected by the Rhyme of Pomes and Ci(词) of Song Dynasty;宋代河南地区诗词用韵反映的声调变化
14.The Final and Tone Traits of Chenzhou(郴州)Dialects in the Last Years of Ming(明)Dynasty in Zixue Yuanyuan(字学元元);从《字学元元》俗音看明末郴州方音韵母声调特点
15.Rhyme Infiltrating the Life: A Study on the Influence of Tone on the Culture of the Han People;“韵”染人生——声调对汉民族文化生活影响管窥
16.Correspondence Principle of Compound Vowels and Initial Consonants between Baoji Dialect and of Standard Chinese;宝鸡方音与普通话韵母、声调的对应规律
17.Is It Scientific to Give the Same Importance to the "Tone", the "Initial Consonant(s)" and the "Vowel (Part)" in PTH Test--Errors in PTH Test声调、声母、韵母各打五十大板科学吗——普通话水平测试中的误区
18.Incomplete Pinyin codes refer to the Chinese character Pinyin input codes with omissions in syllable initials,finals or tones.“不完全拼音码”指在声、韵、调等方面有所省略的拼音输入码。

phonological system声韵调
1.This paper introduces the phonological system of Zhaoping dialect in Guangxi Automous Region and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary.本文描写了昭平方言音系,内容主要包括昭平方言的声韵调和语音特点、同音字汇两个部分。
1.By making comparison between old-style dialect and new-style dialect spoken in Yueyang city,this article describes the phonetic system of the new-style Yueyang dialect,covering mainly its tones and phonetic characteristics.本文针对岳阳市方言老派与新派差异较大的现状,对新派岳阳方言的语音特点进行了描写,主要内容包括新派岳阳方言的声韵调及其语音特点。
2.The present paper describes the phonetic system of Hejie dialect, mainly including its tones,phonetic characteristics and syllabary list.描写广西贺州市贺街本地话的音系,内容主要包括本地话的声韵调和语音特点、同音字汇两个部分。
4)intonation rhythm声调韵律
1.Highly expresses feelings by the sublimate language, the poetry was song, read and chanted with its own intonation rhythm, which reveals the cadenced esthetic sense.诗歌以高度升华的语言文字言志抒怀,歌之诵之咏之,凭藉其自身的声调韵律,显露出抑扬有致、顿挫有度的艺术美感。
1.This paper discusses the phonology and lists the homophony syllabary of Maihua, an unclassified dialect with some features similar to Yue group and Hakka, in Sanya city, Hainan province.本文描写了迈话的声韵调系统,并列出了同音字汇。
6)initials,finals and tones reconstruction声韵调拟测

韵调1.气韵格调。 2.亦作"韵调"。音调。 3.引申为腔调。